A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: It is the unspoken statistic, but it is as real as anything to do with the lingering U.S. war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. According to the military, 1,800 American servicemen have killed themselves since the initial invasion of Baghdad. That is in addition to the more than 4,000 who died in battle. This week, families of the soldiers who committed suicide asked President Barack Obama to change the government policy of not forwarding letters of appreciation to mothers and fathers of these servicemen. By week's end, the White House had reversed the policy and agreed that such letters are needed, as well... - Eduardo Paz-Martinez, Editor of The Tribune

Thursday, June 23, 2011

In Brownsville, A Search For The Town's Top Gay Man...Clue: Everybody's A Suspect...

Editor of The Tribune

BROWNSVILLE, Texas - We were done talking about bad minor league baseball in the Rio Grande Valey when Jerry McHale lifted his emptied beer mug and fired the damned thing into the nearby resaca as if to show how a fastball ought to be thrown. "I hate those lousy Rio Grande Valley WhiteWings," he roared after craning his head back like a javeline thrower. "If you've seen one pendejo strike out around here, you've seen them all. My maid can run the bases better than those stiffs!"

He's not interested in discussing the low-level of play in the Valley's contributions to the North American Baseball League; McHale, once a promising third baseman in his hometown of Modesto, California, said he went to a WhiteWings game in Harlingen up the road last year and was so disgusted with the awful level of play that he went to the men's room, did his business by way of a creative squat and flushed the commode 20 times just to tax the city sewer system enough to cover the game's price of admission.

McHale's out to offer a new kind of Journalism in his goofy, gossip-fueled community of some 140,000 legals and illegals who will sing a corrido to some brazen drug dealer for you inside a cheap cantina at the drop if a few pesos on the aging bar. He thinks the time has come to take the pulse of the town as it has never been taken before.

"I'm going to work-up lists that will put our luckless denizens in some sort of fuckin' category, so that we're not all lumped as bordertown idiots unable to dream a damned thing," he said as a fattened waitress walked by and he lifted his hand to show her two fingers.

"Peace to you, brother," she said, and he began screaming, "Two goddamned beers!"

The waitress loped off toward the bar, swatting at something or another on her butt as she walked. New Journalism has no time for the stupid, McHale went on, lipping a Bugler he'd rolled minutes earlier when the jukebox had exploded with a song by Jose Alfredo Jimenez and two skinny, high-throated guys had bopped-up from a nearby table to dance together as if popsicle-addicted pachucos.

The scene was telling, because McHale, in his new & improved blog, plans to draft a list of the Top Gay Men in Brownsville. He's of the opinion that such a compilation will not only allow Gays and Lesbians a new status in the Extreme-Macho town, but also allow non-Gays to know where things stand sexually in Brownsville. "You could say it's about damned time, but, then, how long has that sentence been in play?" he asks as a seagull swoops in a steals the last of his tasty basket snack.

"Mas chips!" he hollers at the hefty waitress, whose name is Isidra and who earlier had said she understands Gay, but still needs her "number one Juan."

So, where will he begin, we ask.

"City Hall, where else?"


"Oh, hell yes! I know we have Gay cops. All you have to do is look at how they walk!"


"They love each other, so there's no mystery there. Is Mayor Tony Martinez Gay? I don't know yet, but I plan to find out. Is Sheriff Omar Lucio gay? Quien sabe, vato. Pero veremos, no? Is new commissioner Estela Chavez-Vasquez Gay? If she is, it's a waste."

He won't say anything about the local press, bloggers included, although he has in the past often criticized one blogger who is admittedly Gay. We ask: Is he on your list?

"Absolutely! Him and a few others who think they're in the closet. The closet in Brownsville is a huge sonofabitch, but Gays will talk. They're as shifty and gossipy as women. My advice to non-Gays is that you never piss-off a Gay. They're vicious as all Hell. Worse than Al-Qaeda!"

It's an interesting time along the lawless Texas-Mexico border. Crime is rampant. Jobs are few and unemployment is okay with the region's ever-slouching masses. Dreams travel here and, as with minor league baseball, die a warning-track death.

"Is State Rep. Rene Oliveira gay?" we ask as the sun begins to set and an outbound freight train blows its goodbye horn. McHale makes a clownish face, clears his sun-baked throat and says, without laughing,"The Plump Partridge? Maybe. He has the Gay walk, that's for sure."

It's a hot, humid day. We leave it at that after telling McHale we'll look for his story in the coming days. The revelations likely will not shock a town already used to being shocked. But it's a story, and stories are pretty much free around here. Comedy, on the other hand, and that is how the many Machos here chose to see the Gay lifestyle, comes along only every now and then...

- 30 -


Mr. Brownsville said...

McHale is Gay? is that what this is about? Agree that Brownsville has more Gays than it thinks it has. All over the place, in fact.

Anonymous said...

Wow, is McHale a real journalist?? Or is he a wannabe?? His stories are kind of blend, in reality not very good.
I hear he is a teacher, is that true?? I think the BLR is dead.

Styling man said...

Mr. Editor; the Valley is full of lazy, goverment dependent, homosexuals, prostitutes, mouthy, worthless, underachievers, child molesters, big fat overweight women and MEN, fools that attack women because they lack intestinal fortitude to deal with a woman on the one to one, like the dummy from McAllen.
Many of this low lifes will never know what it is to stay in a 5 star hotel at the Bahamas, or drive a BMW and sport a tagheuer swiss watch, around $6.000 gs.
Just about everyone in the Valley have never been past Kinsville.

I think this McHale character could do better than exposing homos and lesbians. You are correct, stories are plentiful in South Texas.
Right now, I am heading to Arruba.
The last time I was down there, I met this Dutch female, and I promised I would see her again. (an airline stewardess) Yesserriiee, when styling man makes a promise, he keeps it.

Styling man said...

Mr. Editor: I promise I will not aget arrested by Arruban police for doing Nature's will. For my friends at South Padre, I will be back on Sunday. I will see all of you at the usual place. Enjoy!!

Anonymous said...

There are more Gay guys in Brownsvile than in any other bordertown. Bet on it.

Anonymous said...

Nice story, but I know it's just a story. Brownsville has aton of transvestites. Downtown at night. They get their ass kicked daily, too.

Anonymous said...

The whole Valley is gay! Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Anonymous said...

People in the valey won't deal with the Gayness issue. they'll stick their heads in the hand as they do with other issues. Good story. I think our mailman is gay. Walks funny.

Anonymous said...

Some blogger is reporting that a Harlingen blog is run by fruities. Wow, nothing surprises me anymore. Gay, Lesbians, overweight cholonas, who eat a bucket of Menudo and three tackos in one seating. This cholona doesn't know the meaning the word Waist, she is round, all around.

Liza Montemayor said...

Mr. Editor; I think I know this styling character, he is always buying drinks for everyone at the local bars. I know he hangs out with a group of 9 or 10 people, I have seen this guy driving a dark blue bmw,with one of those wannbe blondes, I think she is from Mexico because I heard her speak with an accent, kind of tall and thin.
Arruba...uuhhh...someone said, he is with merchant marines, or something like that. He sounds kind of arrogant, brags about working out all the time. Probably some spoiled brat, who lives of the parents, the next time I see at the Grand, I will ask him, if he is the styling man.

Anonymous said...

Who is this Dorie Charles and Nora Garcia, and now Elaine F. is getting on the conversation.
One thing is for sure, they despise Chapa and his gang of tutie-fruties.
Dorie, has been quiet today, but Nora is active on Jerry's blog.

kiko said...

Anon, for sometime, Chapa has been picking on Jerry Deal's blog. It started when, Chapa began bad mouthing Simmons who was running for mayor of Donna.
Chapa and Juan Ortega weren't expecting the relentless attacks from these women.
They began by criticizing Ortega's writings, than they started exposing Chapa as a coward, for an incident well known at city hall in Harlingen.
Chapa called Dora, viscious, Juan Ortega called her, Vieja, I call her a lady, who is not intimidated by bullies.