Herald-Tribune Political Writer
BROWNSVILLE, TX - He is reviled in many, many quarters of his homeland, but Ernie Hernandez, the latest in a long line of giddy hopscotching politicians, is off to a predictable start in his race for Cameron County Pct. 2 Commissioner against attorney Ruben Pena. He has fired the first "put-down" salvo with relish, quickly branding his opponent as a tax scofflaw not to be trusted, which, coming from Hernandez, is really weird.
The former city commissioner and oft-candidate for danged-near everything is these days breathlessly relaying news that Pena owes county entities in excess of $10,000 in back taxes. Say some: Does that alone erase Hernandez's dubious public service record? In his latest political advertisement, Hernandez notes that he is "current" on his taxes. Okay, one for Hernandez. But the man's entire ledger also must be up for review.
Hernandez has enlisted the for-hire advocacy services of Blogger Juan Montoya, who dutifully posted an Ad for Hernandez and subsequently wrote a story damning to candidate Pena. It was, as the much-whipped Jews like to say, blatantly obvious that Montoya was serving as Hernandez's gunslinger. There has been nothing about a looksee at Hernandez's record in Montoya's Blog, ElRrunRrun. Perhaps tomorrow, eh Juan?
The contest is really drawing attention, but not in favor of either of these candidates. What the citizenry is asking is this, "Is this the best we can do?" It isn't even sundown and the best-looking women haven't even arrived, yet Hernandez has cavalierly offered himself as the Belle Of The Ball. As our leader, DP-M, likes to say in moments like this one: "Como diablos?!"
Hernandez will ride Montoya and then Montoya will ride Hernandez before the people of the precinct begin hating the entire cheap cartoon and switch channels. This race, say observers, does not move local progress one millimeter forward. "The best step Hernandez could take for this county is one toward that boarding gate on a flight leaving Cameron County for that land of Wannabes - Parts Unknown," said a city employee who requested anonymity. "Hernandez is toast, and has been for years. I know and he knows, and we all know, that he can never again win an election for a city position. He is what they call in breakfast cafes...a bad pancake."
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Juan Mo-time are you accusing Juan El Rey of the blogs Montoya your tocallo, as an accomplice to Hernie Hernandez transgressions. El Rocinante has laid some nasty stuff on Ernie.
ReplyDeleteTell me, what is wrong with this landscape, Atkinson is attacked. My Main Man, let me re-word this: Every bodys Main Mam, Eddie Trevino is rediculed on this blog.
Simply because Juan Montoya gives Ernie a fair shake doesn't mean he is on his pocket.
What the hell, everybody is in someones purse. You and I know that. Ruben Pena is toast, he is damaged goods.
I would like for your blog, to endorse a candidate, or have someone from your blog, maybe como diablos, DP-M run as a candidate.
Come, come now, maybe one of the contestant, Sylvia Montemayor, for Precinct 2, heck I would vote for her, and knowing Alcatraz, he would to, he could even be her campaign manager. How is that???
Como diablos, que Juan Montoya esta comprado??? Es todo lo que necesito oir.
ReplyDeleteQue pasa con esta politica aqui en el condado de Cameron,
Are you sure, such a writer like Johnny Montoya would do such thing??? Lo siento, but I can't belive it.
Who is behind the conspiracy theory, Alcatraz or DP-M??
Patrick the Daily Chisme sucks, that Q gal, needs to change the back ground on the screen, it is horrible.
ReplyDeleteWe believe Juan Montoya means well, that he indeed wishes a better world for Brownsville. But his effort is soiled when he defines the news not by its value, but by who is paying him for it. We can only hope that Hernandez does not win. That would be good news... - Editor
ReplyDeleteIn a real world, things would be funky dory, in brownsville politics. I am going to have to agree with Anon, everybody is on someone elses pocket.
ReplyDeletePolitics spells money, favortism, compadrismo, back stabbing, etc. and just about what everyone sees as corruption.
We're just considering all this in the context of El RrunRrun's ability to provide honest news & information. At present, it is not reliable...- Editor
ReplyDeletePatrick, please what is your dissing of el Rrun Rrun editorials, Is it Juan Montoya's writings that ruffles your feathers.
ReplyDeleteIs there proof, that he was hired by an opposing candidate.
Look,let's be fair, post all the wrong things about Ernie and Ruben Pena and then take a poll. I would say they are evenly match.
Both are has beens. Now that is something we can both agree, what do you say???
We're not dissing Juan Montoya. We actually believe that Juan, like City Commissioner Zamora, has an opportunity to be a positive force in Brownsville. But the finances aspect of that Blog can become a huge problem. His writing is not the issue here. In fact, we're kindred spirits on most Journalism counts... - Editor
ReplyDeletePatrick, explain something to me, since I am not in the Journalism realm.
ReplyDeleteThe stories appearing on Senor Montoyas blog or appearing on El rocinantes blog. Of course they list or admit that the story originated elsewhere.
Is this typical??? or don't this blogs have staff writers??
I know Juanito Montoya writes much of his material.
Whether he is for Hernandez or not, is irrelevant.
Both of those jokers,Juan and Ruben are has beens.
I still say, lets get someone else or draft another candidate for the precicnt #2 position. What do you say???????????????
Don't know the particulars to the relationship enjoyed by Juan Montoya of El Rrun Rrun and El Rocinante. In fact, we don't even know what Rrun Rrun means! We know what El Ccoo Ccoo means, however, but that's a story for another time. We're on record as saying we find both Ernie Hernandez and Ruben Pena lacking in the race for Co. Commissioner Precinct 2. Perhaps it's time the citizenry launched an E-mail blitz in the direction of these two candidates, telling them they're not suited for the job...- Editor
ReplyDeleteEl Rrun,Rrun is slang for the word "rumor" in Spanish, with emphasis on the letter "r". Example: There is rumor, the spanish slang: por ay se oye el rrun, rrun.
ReplyDeleteOkay,I am in agreement that both of those clowns are wannabes, and are not fit to be dog catchers.
But the Brownsville people are so finicky, they will elect anyone. Look they elected Sophia Benavides, and to this date, I don't think that woman can read or write, or what platform she used on her last campaign. I think she is related, to the anchor lady Marta Benavides on Channel four news. I heard she was let go from her anchor position.
Don Francisco, we read that ten times and still don't know what you're trying to say. Rrun Rrun is a rumor? No way! Juan Montoya would never be behind an operation spreading rumors, would he? And who, pray tell, is this Marta Benavides? We are not familiar with that name...- Editor
ReplyDeleteLet me give you an example; In tex-mex,lingo, many people use the short phrase of run run, for rumor or gossip.
ReplyDeleteAnd if you want to emphasize the rumor, you extend the sound of the r. For example someone would say, have you heard el rrun rrun, about so and so at the office.
That is about the best I can explain it. I know Juan Montoya knows this. He just mascaraded the word with the double r, Now please I am not implying that what's on his blog is rumor or innuendo.
Okay, just took a break away from my drinking buddies, and we were discussing the run, run, word, and i am correct, it's a slang for floating rumors, someone else rumor.
ReplyDeleteWell back to the table to drink some more.