BROWNSVILLE - A swirling ill wind moved in from the southeast, turning the day's afternoon into a dusty vista of the sort that said winter was fast-fading toward Nova Scotia. In the corner of the small cafe, there at an old wooden table adorned with salt and pepper shakers, a plastic flower rising from an ancient, dirty vase and along a wall plastered with economic art splashing scenes of the Mexican Revolution, sat the hopscotching politician Ernie Hernandez.
He was waiting for a newfound friend, someone who had climbed aboard his campaign wagon, someone who would rile the masses into voting him into yet another office - this one Precinct 2 commissioner for the county. The opponent was that dastardly Ruben Pena, the Harlingen attorney he thought was not fit for the job. Antsy, Hernandez fiddled with a copy of the day's newspaper. He would read a bit and then glance over the top of the page, to peek toward the door, to look for his friend's arrival. The campaign was unfolding like a new magazine, pages seemingly glossy and pretty, nice on the eyes. In his mind, Hernandez believed he was already way ahead of his opponent.
"Jesus, I can hardly wait for Election day," he told himself, as he read a story about people losing weight.
Across the dining room, an elderly Mexican couple sipped coffee and played with hefty plates of carne guisada. Occasionally, they would look his way. "They know me, of course," Hernandez said to no one. "I am that famous in town. Pretty sure they've seen my face and name in the newspaper, on TV." He nodded in their direction and again looked to the door. Outside, cars moved up and down the street, north and south, drivers off to do who knows what. A big truck rumbled by and Hernandez said that's it, that's my campaign right there - a powerhouse on the move.
For minutes that seemed to stretch to no end, he leafed the pages of the newspaper, waiting on his ally. Need that guy. He knows the ropes. He can get me where I want to go in politics. No one else cares. That fuckin' Jerry McHale is killing me, stomping me, sucking the shit outta me, on El Rocinante. Bastard! Wouldn't take an Ad from me. I'm paying big bucks. My guy is doing it. What eva. Hernandez lifted his coffee cup to his mouth just as he heard the screen door open. There, there was his only friend. The day would end nicely. I'll be able to sleep tonight. My pal will rag and drag my opponent into quitting the race. I have a firecracker in my backpocket with this guy. Ha ha ha.
And then Juan Montoya walked up and sat down...
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The picture on your article looks like Humphrey Bogart, or a picture from the untouchables.
ReplyDeleteIt's just an artist's rendering of a neat scene. No one in particular, no. But it could be if you want it to be. Life is a mystery, isn't it?...- Editor
ReplyDeleteIs DP-M a wealthy man?? the picture with food, is very common down here in the Valley,
ReplyDeleteWow, DP-M is truly involved in the blog rumor mill.
Don Pancho, needs to stop and get sober, and double read the blogs correctly.
I heard Don pancho ordered your book, from Amazon, don patricio.
And could be ordering dp-m's books.
Look out, he might be quoting you.
DP-m does alright. One dead-certain thing about him: you'll never see him take a free meal or drink from anyone. That we know, as do a few others in Brownsville...- Editor
ReplyDeleteAlcatraz, why do you have a picture posted, hugging what appears to be a women, and somehow, are hiding your face.
ReplyDeleteNow, your fearless leader was in a picture, with Hitlers folks, what makes you any different, your leader exposed himself?? unless you are hiding from someone, "could women be the reason????"
We understand, we to sit in the dark corners at the bars, and try to avoid looking into faces, specially when we are, where we are not suppose. Just a thought of course.
I just read an article about Ernie H. comments about Ruben Penas his opponent on a run-of election on another blog.
ReplyDeleteWow, wee, MR. Pena, sure has one weird history of wrong doing as does mr. Hernandez when he did all kinds of crazy business with the city.
The County deserves better than that, I wonder if there is something in the goverment code, that would prohibit this two jackals from getting into this position.
Cascos, do your job, look into the matter, Juan Montoya can't do it all.
We completely agree that the two candidates for County Commission Precinct 2 leave much to be desired. It's too bad one of them - Mssr. Hernandez - is getting the backing of our old friend Juan Montoya. That campaign expenditure report for Mssr. Hernandez ought to be interesting...- Editor
ReplyDeletePatrick, I like the survey in your blog, but come, come, my friend, give us another option, "like": None of the above.
ReplyDeleteI think Cascos is a phony, Wood is old and tired out, and Eddie Trevino, well what can we say about him. El Roci is calling this guy a ferry.
And we certainly don't want someone like that in the judges chambers.
God, please forvie me, because I am a hard core Democrat, but in November, for one instant, I will be a Liberaterian.
"None Of The Above" will not be on the ballot in November, otherwise we would use it as a choice. Sadly, the race at the moment has Trevino battling Wood in the Democratic Party, with the winner slugging it out against Republican Cascos later this year....- Editor
ReplyDeleteHey, some guy from Brownsville is attacking everybody's main man, the Man himself, "Eddie Tevino."
ReplyDeleteAn ad appeard on the VMS, about Eddie trying to get insurance for his family at the expense brownsville tax-payers. Wow, South Tex, politics, get the dirt out and start throwing darts.
Woo, weee, come on Eddie, start hitting back, you don't win fights when you are counter punching, no you don't.
Our feeling is that Eddie Trevino had his chance as mayor of Brownsville. To support him in his current bid is lunacy. And we feel the same way about Ernie Hernandez and Ruben Pena - the two posers seeking the County Commission Precinct 2 post. Trevino may get the votes to whip fellow Democrat John Wood silly, but we expect a tougher race between him and County Judge Carlos Cascos in November. By then, we would hope that God has come to intervene, for both Trevino and Cascos offer no novel vision... - Editor
ReplyDeleteI agree with your assessments, Cameron County is electing people from the bottom of the barrel, no from the bottom's crevices of the barrel.
ReplyDeleteThe insanity also surfaces in the way of endorsement of these people, which is happening in other Blogs. That tells us there is absolutely no thought being given to the candidacies or to the silly act of endorsing. We do not endorse any politician. Their case has to be made to the voters, not to us... - Editor
ReplyDeleteI just read, el roci is endorsing Ruben Pena, what is the matter with those people?? Look they should be hammering both of these jokers right into Timbuk-tu. ugggg!!!!
ReplyDeleteAs we have said often, endorsing candidates only enables them. They can't help but start believing that they have something to offer simply because someone used the word "endorses" alongside their name. Very, very few around here bring the history, qualifications, or desire to at least care about the voters... - Editor
ReplyDeleteI just read on the RRunrrun blog that Mr. Monotay reports and people decide.
ReplyDeleteYour blog has been kind of critical on el rrunrrun, he has a big article on Mr. Pena transgrassesions.
HHHuuummmm, he might have a point, any comments mr. editor.
Once more, we have no quarrel with Juan Montoya's reporting. It is his relationship - arrangement - with County Commission candidate Ernie Hernandez that we have questioned. Mr. Montoya has not addressed our concerns... - Editor