Staff Writer
BROWNSVILLE, TX - I never did make it to Mt. Ararat, even after I saved enough cash for the trip. Someone who knew someone who knew someone who knew me said it was the place to start a writing career. That mountain, in Turkey, they said, had special meaning to all who believed in the creator. Noah was supposed to have beached his ark somewhere on Ararat after the world flood. I remember throwing a Bible into my battered suitcase and thinking, "Part of this journey must be made via train..."
Today is Easter Sunday, a meaningful day for my Catholic mates. You know the inspirational story. You know what makes it special (Jesus was resurrected). You know you forget most of the writings to be found in the Bible. I asked a friend the other day if she knew the name of Adam's wife and, as expected, she said, quickly and confidently, "That would be Eve."
No, I informed her. Eve was not the one.
Adam's first wife was a very independent woman named Lilith, and how she and Adam came to split is a story the Book of Genesis does not cover. Lilith, a striking, striking redhead, noted she had been created as an equal to Man. One story has it that she was displeased with Adam's love-making, that she wanted him to explore sexual positions other than the standard, to the times, Missionary lay-down favored by Adam. And so Lilith split. She flew off to Hell, to join the Devil and become something of a serpent herself.
Enter Eve. God created Eve from a sliver of one of Adam's ribs, and so she full-well knew she would be subservient to his wishes, his commands, his whims - as has been the Biblical bane of women ever since. Eve never was the "equal" of Adam. When bored, goes the tale, she fell for the serpent's request that she eat the apple forbidden by God, so that, said the serpent, she could enjoy the essence of Life. The only thing is that apples never have been fruit from that part of the world. Figs were. As were pomegranates. Most believe it was a fig she ate, mainly because it was fig leaf loin cloths they both wore.
The Garden of Eden is said to have existed for a very short period of time in a green valley at the northern end of the Persian Gulf, at a spot where the Tigres and Euphrates rivers met. Yes, those rivers. The Garden of Eden sat in a botanical oasis where dusty southern Iraq now sits, where wars have flared for centuries.
Of course, who really knows? Scientists agree that oceans that existed back then no longer exist, that land mass that existed back then no longer exist. And that, then, is why I always thought a journey to Ararat would be helpful. I'd look long and hard for Noah's Ark, with the eternal hope of finding evidence of what exactly went down in, say, The Garden of Eden.
Hundreds have searched, but no one ever has found the ark...
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Letter to the Editor from Ruben R. Pena
ReplyDeleteCandidate for County Commission, Precinct 2
When I began my race for County Commissioner in Precinct 2, I vowed that I would address the issues facing our community, our citizens, and the county as a whole. On election night, both my opponent and I commended the campaigns for being positive - I will leave it up to the voters to decide who has lived up to that promise.
Recently, my opponent has decided to launch a negative attack campaign against me. It's sad and unfortunate that the dirty politics of yesterday continue to dominate Cameron County politics.
In 1998, I was accused by then-Constable Jose Alfredo Jimenez-who is now serving a 25-year federal prison term along with Conrado Cantu-of bilking a client. That was a lie then, and anyone who repeats the allegations is lying today. The record shows that I was exonerated. The State Bar of Texas never issued me a reprimand or any other form of punishment. In fact, the State Bar has relied on me to teach continuing legal education courses.
I was the target of corrupt government officials. By standing up for my rights in court, I obtained a judgment against Jimenez. The judgment reflects the serious crime that was committed against me.
I know what it's like to have a corrupt officials abuse their power. I vow to never allow County officials to take advantage of their position in government for personal gain or to victimize our citizens. I'm ready to stand with people all over Cameron who are ready for a change in leadership - who are finished with politics of yesterday, the dirty politics and mudslinging and I believe that Pct. 2 is ready to turn a new page for Cameron County.
As we enter this final stage of the election, I will make sure to focus on the issues that are important to the people of precinct 2. I will not engage in a smear campaign or dirty politics. The citizens of Cameron County deserve better and on April 13 they will make their choice.
Ruben Pena
NOTE: The posting of this submitted letter from Candidate Ruben Pena should not be construed as endorsement from us. We merely accept it as commentary, and shall be glad to do the same for his opponent... - Editor
ReplyDeleteI think the discovery channel had a piece on the findings of something similiar to the Arc. I am sure they did.
ReplyDeleteTime alone would say the Ark no longer exists. Occasionally, you do here about this or that Ark hunter finding something or another they insist is connected to the Ark. Absolute proof, however, has yet to come... - Editor
ReplyDeleteIraq is hot dusty, nothing but sand, flies like all over the place, during the winter it is cold, is worst country I had ever scene. Good luck on your trip, if you have ever make it. you will need a guide, people out there don't trust anyone.
ReplyDeleteI tried the radio 840 am. announced on several blogs all I heard was music, is that suppose to be talk radio??? or a combination of both??? I know kurv is just talk radio. hateful talk I will add.
ReplyDeleteANON (1.) Your description of today's Iraq is dead-on. It was once a botanical paradise, is what history wants to tell us. ANON (2.) We have not tuned-in to 840 AM. Someone there sent us - and every other Blogger within 100 miles - a note asking us to listen to its morning show. Radio has one second to either impress or depress us, so... - Editor