Special to The Tribune
HARLINGEN, Texas - The rampant rumor here is that the morning is coming when the sun will skip Harlingen and thus confirm the fact that this is a town adrift in the darkest of times. Who knows about that, but this much is true: Thousands of local brains are working overtime trying like crazy to come up with some magical tourist-draw, some place where outsiders would bring wheelbarrows of cash, have a grand time and then go home and spread the news that there is a place in South Texas worth a visit.
So far, the ideas being offered are, well, underwhelming.
There is the suggestion that Harlingen steal a piece of uppity Dallas, one that has the city birthing its own bar-driven entertainment district, one settling for a fishing & hunting retail store, one for the funding and construction of the first domed football stadium south of San Antonio. Dreams die hard here, goes the line. Still, people are doing just that, letting their sun-baked brains explore the outer ranges of intelligence. Will it come? Will that best, great new capital venture ever come to town?
The next few months and years will settle that. For now, Harlingen endures life-on-a-stick, heavy breathing that comes not from doing, but from expecting. It is the worst of times for a Rio Grande Valley city unable to shake its doldrums, its rep as a destination for elderly northerners looking for nothing more than trailer park space and an eatery soft-banking on senior citizen discounts.
In Brownsville, some 25 miles to the east, the only game in town is dumping on city officials dreaming, yes, but dreamers more likely to get things done than the ones in this waltzing community of ragged chinos and Izods doing their best to look alive. If Brownsville is Laurel, Harlingen is Hardy. If Brownsville is Sonny, Harlingen is Cher. If Brownsville is the Captain, Harlingen is Tennille. You could go on for days. If Brownsville is Tarzan, Harlingen is Jane. That stuff.
McAllen, meanwhile, is getting things done. They're not even looking eastward anymore. That's the poor side of the Valley, the wrong side of the tracks, the home of the Bad Eggs. Life is funny that way. If McAllen is cool & smooth Frank Sinatra, Brownsville is Chicano-funny Cheech and Harlingen is stone-goofy Chong...
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Beign a Mexican - American, Chicano is a Double - Wham job for all of us; As outcasts of both civilized societies, we have to prove to The American- Anglos that we really try to fit in, Same goes for our Mexican - Primos. unfortunally none is willing to accept us, That's why as Hispanics seem to suffer from a Bipolar disorder.
ReplyDeleteSpeak for yourself, I don't have to prove myself to no one, and I am not bi-polar.
ReplyDeleteI don't know who you are, but you need professional help.(Mental help.)
You are forever cuttining down the hispanic community. You must be from Harlingen, the anglo's outhere are so racist, they don't even conceal their idiotic behavior.
The next time you want to write about someone, write about someone else. Better still, maybe you could move to Idaho, Alabama, Missippi, are more sooted for you my fellow friend.
Also living in the border, We live in our own little world and we are very Hermetic in expanding our horizons. It is so Willingnes hard to see life beyond Matamoros, out of the R.G.V. and pass the ocean water, beyond S.P.I.
ReplyDeleteMr. Editor, thanks for the music selection, it is great, many, many, thanks.
ReplyDeleteRosario ( Chayo), I Have some cousins overthere in Chula Vista, California. The new Law is That; If have some relatives that came to this Great nation, and are only U.S.A. residents, Their son and daugthers are beign deported back to Tijuana, Mex. eventhough They were born in The U.S. of America !!
ReplyDeleteANON:...As the law stands, you're American if you're born in the country. Could anyone simply say, "Okay, I'm Brazilian, even though I was born in Arizona." Brazil would say, "Uh, no. You're American." No American court would ship you off to another nation. Not going to happen. Birth has been the one and only measure used to assign nationality... - Editor
ReplyDeleteLook what does California has to do with people here in South Texas??
ReplyDeleteIf the law are all screwed up is because lazy people don't go out and vote.
I know a lot of people down here who swim, jump, drive through the bridge, that come to the Valley and have kids. Do you think that is right??
Untill the lazy idiotic politicians get off their lazy rear ends, things are "not" going to change, but don't blame hispanics because of the nations ills. And don't be stereotyping people as bi-polars either.
And Mr. Joe Uresti, how can you make such an asinine comment?
(Their son and daugthers are beign deported back to Tijuana, Mex. eventhough They were born in The U.S. of America !!)
ReplyDeleteIf the children are minors, they go where their parents go. Unless, maybe you were willing to take them in to your house?
as Ms. Rosario saids, We are just lazy and We have a misconseption of aclomplishment. We as Hispanics have still a long way to catch up on society from political power, social status equality, educational goals, tv / media/ entertainment roles , entrepenuarship and business ownership, sporting events representation ( from state and national profesional leagues all the way to the Olympic games and World soccer championships ). Look at our conationlas from other Latin American countries and our very own African - American fellows, They have come a long way in such a short time. We as Hispanics, [ Besides the Cuban - Americans, they been here in the U.S.A. for like 59 years and They also have accomplished so much in such little time frame] Mexican - Americans , Chicanos, etc.. Been in this Country way , way before there was even a border (500 - 5000 years ago } and take a sincere look at what have with Have, and / or had accomplished. and who's really at fault ? ! ? !
ReplyDeleteLook lets call a spade a spade, if you are here illegally, well you are breaking the law. IF you get caught you pay the piper, and if you had children here while you were here without the necessary documents then it is your fault.
ReplyDeleteDon't blame anyone, life is about choices, and you don't shield your wrong doings by using your children. Furthermore, if you want to change laws go change the govertment in Mexico.
And no I am not a bigot or a racist, I just see things as they are.
Anony, look Hispanics need to get on the ball and do things to improve themselves.
ReplyDeleteYou can't go around feeling sorry for yourself. Get a job, save your money, fix your house, paint your car. Quit complaining about things. You have to make changes and think positive.
The hispanic community is lazy and always looking for excuses, you have to change get out of the Jaiba syndrome, no more excuses, si se pued. (Glad to see The Tribune back.)
Yes, please Make a billboard somewhere by the expressway , also in Spanish, people need to know about this excellent e - editorial.
ReplyDeleteANON:...The Tribune is back. What a nice gift, eh? And it isn't even Christmas.... - Editor
ReplyDeleteThanks, Keep on the Excellent Writing and articles... We need to let know the rest od the R.G. valley That The Tribune exists, I always wonder why the Spanish speaking Hispancs, Mexican - americans, Chicanos , Latinos or whatever They are.... They never give their opinions in this country, They are like
ReplyDelete" Satisfied Invisibles ".
Anony, you are so right complacency brings meidocricy, lets quit eating goverment cheese, get to work, get the wife on a diet, and feel good about yourself.
ReplyDeleteI know we are in the middle of no where, but we don't have to act like it.