Friday, June 11, 2010

It's Hot, The Summer Scorch Begins, And, In Brownsville, The Time To Go Naked Is Now...

Special to The Tribune

BROWNSVILLE, Texas - Oh, boy. Maybe a torrid drug war flaring only blocks away isn't enough to scare the fajitas out of this town. Or, well, perhaps that is the very reason behind a woman's desire to undress, to say "To Hell with everything!" and hit the cool waters of a local fountain for a little R & R. The local fuzz, ever the quick responders to naked women in public, arrested her bare butt early Wednesday night.

Going nude is suddenly in here. Earlier this week, a young streaker cut across Pace High School's graduation, in his own way making a public statement against local ennui.

In the case of the brazen skinny dipper, cops arrested 27-year-old Priscilla Falduto and charged her with indecent exposure for allegedly swimming nude in the Washington Park fountain. No description was given about her - ahem - body style, bosom or hair preference.

Falduto didn't see strict punishment on the flirtation, but outstanding warrants allowed officers to transport her to the popular Carrizalez-Rucker Detention Center, said police spokesman Sgt. Jimmy Manrrique.

The young woman blames the day's hot temperatures and admitted that she regularly hit the resacas in the buff. But, as in all things young & old, several elderly residents spotted her splashings in the drink and called police, saying they were, yes, offended...
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  1. Born on Harrison street.June 11, 2010 at 10:28 AM

    Okay, we had streaker at the Pace graduation night, now we have a naked lady bathing in a public place. Pat Auhmada you are to blame, your reckless behavior has caused Brownsville to go bananas.
    Helpppppp, the city needs a shot of whiskey, "100% proof." Wait, lets change the name to "SIN" city.

  2. BORN:...War tends to make the brain go looking for another side of Life. This woman obviously was protesting the bloody drug wars in Mexico. Now, the town must follow her lead and take to the resacas en masse, al fresco, absolutely... - Editor

  3. The Parks and Wild ( FERAL ) Life DudeJune 11, 2010 at 1:59 PM

    ... and all This Stuff Shows that Even A Remote INDIAN RESERVATION Like Brownsville ( We are still missing all those Multi- Billion Dollar Casinos, well all we got is so Much Food Stamps... To keep us Quiet, Glad and Content )Women, still have more Guts Than Their Wimpy and Shy Men!!!

  4. FERAL DUDE:...I side with you on the women thing. My favorite city commissioner lives in Brownsville and I do my damndest to sing the praises for her. Who knows where it gets me, but I feel good doing it, perhaps because I am one of those observers who says El Macho has often blown his chances at leadership... - Editor

  5. El Rocinante just wrote a scathing article about Harlingen and its politics.
    The Tribune was soft on that ugly little town. El Rocinante came in with two guns ready for a fist fight with Boss Hogg Chris Boswell and one gun toting lady commissioner.
    Harlingen, was compared to Africa's gettos.

  6. ANON:...We're "soft" if that means we don't call elected officals whores. And we're fine with that. We'll leave the gutter lingo to El Rocinante and keep riding our own steed... - Editor


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