Sunday, June 27, 2010

Out In The Bronx, Thoughts Go To The Bombers and A Bar...


NEW YORK, N.Y. - The Bronx Bombers were in Los Angeles last night, losing 9-4 to the Dodgers. Here, the trains rolled past the lot where Old Yankee Stadium once stood in all its glory, there not far from New Yankee Stadium. I remember the old joint, the rightfield bleachers especially, 'cause that's where I went to cheer-on the pinstriped boys during my days with the NY Post here in the early 1990s. It is a piece of ground so hallowed that millions raised Hell when the hated Boston Red Sox once tried to soil it by burying a David Ortiz jersey in the foundation of the new ballpark.

That's recent lore.

We always began our treks to the stadium by catching an early train and spending some good time at Bauer's, a noisy bar along a drag across from the rightfield entrance gates. Bauer's was named after former Yank Hank Bauer, shown in photo above at right, with storied manager Casey Stengel. Bauer, number 25 on the roster in the late-40s to the 1950s, was never a superstar. He was the proverbial hard-as-nails rightfielder, right, hence the location of the bar. His fame came in the 1958 World Series, when he hit four homers against the Milwaukee Braves. Other than that, his effort was defined by hustle of the likes you don't see in the today's game. Bauer arrived at the ballpark with his uniform already dirtied. Legend has it he did his own laundry, or, as his teammates said, rarely did it.

Anyway, we liked to drink beer at Bauer's and then and go raise hell from the seats in the bleachers, there along with workabouts who knew every name on the team and just about every opposing rightfielder who came to town. The home club's Reggie Jackson, of course, was the favorite.

Well, we sorta wished last night that the Dodgers, once from nearby Brooklyn, would have been in town. They weren't, but that's life. We also wished that Bauer's Bar still did business in the shadow of the outfield stands. It doesn't, but that, too, is life.

We'll rest on the words of Mickey Mantle. Number 7 said this about Hank Bauer: "He taught me how to dress, how to talk and how to drink.” And, yes, the Mick did drink...

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  1. George Doble "U" BushyJune 28, 2010 at 2:13 AM

    When free individuals speak their minds, is like trying to make people realize taht we live in a Uthopian Society. we only like to present in the U.S.A. the positive , nice little news, but in the Rancho Grande Valley; We really do not belong / feel to American and neither to Northern Mexico. We are more like a remote and isolated Islamic / Muslim little piece of toxic farm.

  2. George:...Perhaps you are right. But "belonging" is about participating and doing and innovating and accomplishing, not merely being... - Editor

  3. Sylvia Handy is getting her sentenced today in Federal Court, Tara Rios, is denying any wrong doing in a fraud scam, (I think Sylvia Handy and Tara are related, maybe they can share a cell in Federal prison) people are getting killed because they are turned loose at 2:00 am from Ruckers Carrizalez, Pat Auhmada has a dui pending,the police chief from up the Valley is in suspension drug trafficking, illegals are crossing around Penitas like crazy, and assistant Police chief from San Benito was suspended for not finishing a drug test.
    I would say thing are normal in South Texas.

  4. Mr. Doble U, your message is kind of conveluted, you can speak, but it is up to the people to respond to your comments and state their own position and hopefully make some changes as the editor suggested.
    What exactly do you wish to change?? Most of the Valley is Broken morally, financially and otherwise.

  5. Really to tell You the truth, I just want to be a good and positive role model and maybe one day, a Great Leader.
    I know it's going to be so hard, specially here, but God has put me in th rigth place and for a reason, just like You all and everybody else, Thanks for this info.

  6. ANON & U:...The world spins thanks to the gushes of air all of us emit, when happy & when mad. Sylvia Handy will get her justice and that will be that in that sordid tale of woe and begone... - Editor


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