Wednesday, July 21, 2010

THE DOWN LOW: In Harlingen, It's Silence of The Lambs at City Hall...

Staff Writer

HARLINGEN, Texas - Someone said they heard it from someone who heard it from someone else that these guys just weren't up to the task of governing, that a sensational case involving local children possibly being molested by a  grown man wasn't about to roust them from their Summer slumber.

We bring you the photos of Mayor Chris Boswell, in red tie, Commissioner Robert Leftwich, in goldish tie, and Commissioner Kori Marra, in Thanksgiving-brown businesswear, so that you get the picture. They said nothing during the saga of Carlos Levon Anderson, husband of Harlingen Police Department Lt. Myriam Anderson. As acknowledged leaders, they all did the Ol' Down Low when push came to shove, when the community sought answers as to why Mssr. Anderson would not turn himself into law enforcement authorities, when word surfaced that he'd been indicted days earlier and nothing had come of it.

Where was Anderson? Where was his city employee spouse? And why was nothing done until the word hit the streets and all Hell broke loose, when things just got too hot for HPD Chief Danny Castillo. He'd handed the ball to the Texas Rangers, believing the mess was too close to home. When the Cameron County District Attorney's office indicted Anderson and he then failed to show-up for his scheduled arraignment, the chief apparently did nothing to help capture him. When Anderson, a karate instructor, finally walked into the county court yesterday to face the music, Chief Castillo issued a namby-pamby press release saying the case had not been his and that his lieutenant - the alleged child molester's wife - was not involved.

Some news reports said the Andersons are estranged and have not lived together for some time. That part of the story should come out out during the trial, as will other info related to the alleged assaults and how Chief Castillo decided the investigation could not be conducted by his department. Lt. Anderson was said to be head of the HPD's Sex Crimes Division. Why Chief Castillo did not merely shift the investigation to another high-ranking officer has not been explained. Proof of criminal wrongdoing is proof, and it would not have been swayed by Lt. Anderson's role in the department.

Still, it is the silence at City Hall that has many in town outraged. Why didn't the mayor, or any city commissioner, speak to the community about the explosive case? Children being sexually abused, as is being alleged here, is never a laughing matter. Yes, it was quirky. And, yes, Mssr. Anderson still has his upcoming day in court, a day that may in the end find him not guilty of some or all of the charges. But you don't simply go home and hide under the blankets, either. Mayor Boswell, or any city commissioner, should summon the chief before the council and ask him to explain his actions in an open forum. Enough is known about this case to lead any citizen into thinking something went horribly wrong.

And just how much is not known? Inquiring minds want to know.

Breakdowns at City Hall are not an option...

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  1. No one is saying anything, well the police chief made a statement, but that was it. In Harlingen, they try very hard to cover up things,the word is "to save the image of the city." Huh, what image??

  2. Maria Luisa:...A few years ago, the New Mexico city of Hot Springs needed a change, as does Harlingen, so they looked around for ideas. A television show was interested in a town re-naming itself after the show. And that is how you came to have Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. Harlingen needs to change its name. It clashes with everything else in the Rio Grande Valley... - Editor


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