Wednesday, July 14, 2010

FIRE & RAIN: In The Rio Grande Valley, A Killer Scorch Always Follows A Thunderstorm...

Special to The Tribune

PORT ISABEL, Texas - They say there isn't much life left in the freakin' sunball overhead. They say it'll soon run out of whatever fuels it. They say we're in for another Ice Age real soon. They say it's getting hotter and hotter with each passing day. They say Global Warming is here, and it's here to stay. And, man, do I feel it.

Today, it has to be 110-in-the-shade.

At a store the other day, I saw a heavyset woman stocking up on bottled water. She must've had three cases in the shopping cart and I heard her ask a wandering employee about the next shipment. She'd taken the last three 24-packers. At the taco cafe later in the day, I overheard a portly, mustachioed guy tell a waitress his lemonade was too lemony, and that it was too hot for too-lemony lemonade. On my way out, I saw a dog with its tongue sweeping the steaming asphalt. Across the street, a mailman wore a handkerchief under his company hat as if to not wear it would bring instant death.

As Bruce Springsteen might say, "Oh, oh, oh, I'm on fire..."

But it's that time of the year. We're in the middle of the freakin' annual Summer Scorch - a time when many in the tropical Rio Grande Valley look like walking tamales, their furrowed brows carrying enough sweat to soak eyebrows so they look like fattened worms. I don't know about you, but I'm staying inside. I'm having my girlfriend over and we're hitting the shower from 1 p.m. til sunset. It's the only way we'll survive this heat. I know it.

Stay cool, my friends...
- 30 -  

1 comment:

  1. In The Rancho Grande Valley
    " Summer" - Hellish and demonic a year round sorry thing.


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