Tuesday, July 13, 2010

In Harlingen, Fear of Fear Driving Letter-Writers Toward Insanity...

Special to The Tribune

HARLINGEN, Texas - Okay, we're hip to the concept of  free speech and all that jazz, but, boys, there has to be a limit to the stupidities. And nowhere do these inanities surface more than in Letters-To-The-Editor of the Rio Grande Valley's newspapers. Invariably, even in this lovely shank of tropical lands, one or two silly missives find themselves in the pages of the RGV's three Freedom Newspapers.

One popped-up in today's Valley Morning Star - a long-winded mess of a letter credited to someone named Erol A. Stone, said to be a resident of this breadth-gasping, oft-whipped community of 75,000 abandoned souls.

In ranting against President Obama, Mssr. Stone treated readers - with the help of the newspaper's Opinion Page editor, of course - to a ridiculous assertion that the United States is going full-Muslim. What a crock of unrefined feces this Stone dude lobs at his own community.

He wrote, at the end of a long letter that for sure will bring him much embarrassment unless he is three years old: "We must begin now to push back, forcefully, against those who would bring ruination upon this great land. Contrary to President Obama’s assertion, America is indeed a nation founded on the Judeo-Christian ethic. It is not an Islamic nation. To keep pushing it at us will only strengthen our resolve to resist it, and hasten the day when we bury it."

Oh, boy. Where are the men in white suits when you need them. We laugh heartily at this poor Stone individual, but also wonder what the Hell is wrong with the Valley Morning Star when it publishes such mindless drivel. Is there no standard at the Star? Do they merely "go" with what's submitted, no matter the silliness?

America is as close to becoming a Muslim nation as the Muslim nations are close to becoming full Democracies. Any editor at The Star surely knows that. No, what is left here is the clear image of citizen Erol A. Stone living in freakin' fear of fear itself. Do you - like we - picture him alongside his 1950s refrigerator, cowering naked while believing every little noise is a foreign threat, every passing truck the carrier of well-armed Arabs? Someone drive over to his place and deliver a buttered croissant and cup of Joe to this lonely gent. And drop-off a case of Mexican beer to the boys in the Valley Morning Star's newsroom - they need a jolt of reality over there on Commerce Street...

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  1. This Erol Stone, ran against Salomon Ortiz twice and lost. Nobody, takes his crap serious, I think he is a joke, at a tea party meeting the other day. All they did was talk about the Muslins Alla,or Ala, something like that.
    The yahoos, bunch of old ragady ladies overweight as hell, and a bunch of beer bellis men. Were listening to some crazy guy, talk to the group about religion. After reading the letters to the editor, I think this crazy Yahoo, with the mind of cat was there. WElcome to Harlingen, racist, bigoted, screwed up city, going to nowhere.

  2. Mary Lou:...So you know him? There actually is someone who would write something as retarded as this? On this planet? In Harlingen? Wow! I am amzed at how low our biology can go. This guy's thoughts are better suited for the world home to the one-cell amoeba. Wild... - Editor

  3. Mr. STone, is nothing more than a failed politiquero, he ran as a Republican twice and was rejected by the voters. During a tea- party session sometime back, the tea party morons were walking around with the health care bill on their shoulders, saying Obama hasn't read the bill, I asked one of them have you read it, he said, he had. I told him if the Democrats haven't read the bill neither have the republicans. They and there crazy failed gloom and doom meetings at the (Harlingen) Library. They are anti-everything.
    I think the Constitunilist, and the Birthiers also have meetings at the library, I think, nothing but losers, angry white people.

  4. Yes, Mr. Editor, it would be in Harlingen, nothing but old Klu Klux Klan sympathizers.
    Just for the Record, at one time Harlingen had a chapter of the KKK, and they use to march to.
    No where else buy in the Capitol city of the Valley.
    All the racist letters come from Hgn, Rio Hondo and Laguna Vista and who publishes their bs. The Valley Morning Star of course. Did anyone know the VM Star use to opposed public education?? Yes they did, they are located on 1310 South Commerce in Harlingen of course.

  5. Mry Lou:...we're told the building that once housed a full staff at the Valley Morning Star is now practically empty. Its printing is being done in McAllen, we're told. So who's working there now?...- Editor

  6. The last time that I was there, they had people giving information in ads. They now are more concern selling advertising. They do have an editor, mostly secretaries. I saw one of their reporters buying used tires. Can you believe that??? A man with a degree in communications buying used tires, and A friend of mine told me, they offered her $20.00 for stories. What a bunch of chepos.
    Some bloggers are speaking about boycotting the paper, because they are the mouth of the old guard.

  7. MARIA LUISA:...A few months back, an editor of one of the Valley papers wrote a column about how he was able to find tires at a great discount at a flea market. He said the cost was half of what he'd have had to pay at a retail store. The funny part was that the tires were for his wife's car... - Editor


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