Saturday, July 31, 2010

THE LOVE CHRONICLES: How I Found The Rio Grande Valley's Horrible, Hidden Problem...

Was she told when she was young
that pain would lead to pleasure
Did she understand it when they said
That a man must break his back
to earn his day of leisure?
Will she still believe it when he's dead
  - Girl, The Beatles

Staff Writer

HARLINGEN, Texas - In the best novels, those that delve deeply into the soul of their characters, women are best portrayed as either the essence of beauty or the victims of terrible love. Something strains the emotional ties, elongating and testing the string that is romance. Invariably, it is either women availing the sexual in unchained melodies or failing at the test most men assign to the bedroom.

In the Rio Grande Valley, love is so devalued as to be unrecognizable. And much of the blame must be assigned to the inability to render love, by these local women, we mean. Undressing does not equal sex. Feigning pleasure is as easily distinguishable as is the the woman arriving for a simplistic poking. So, we ask today: Why are Valley women so unskilled in the sexual act? And why are they not as creative as women elsewhere? What is it about the local geography that has them taking it with so much left unsaid and undone?

Literature is full of great couplings. Indeed, it is said that without sex there is no literature.

What we get in the RGV in the way of romance more often than not is bad romance. The newspapers are full of outrageous stories telling of love-gone-wrong, of cheating, of knifing-the-wife, of catching him/her with another partner, of murder, of families torn apart viciously, utterly without mercy.

The other day, I made love to a Valley woman. It was as unsatisfying an adventure as likely is the majority of local love-making. How can it be, I asked myself, solely slipping it in & withdrawing it? How can this woman only wish to pleasure me? Why won't she verbalize her desires, her needs? She rolled over when asked and popped-up when told. I waited. I waited for her to say it, to say it cooly like that woman I knew in Dallas: "Go down on me...Do both..."

But she never did. This one allowed me no thrill beyond seeing her undress. There is a difference. There is a difference in making love to a woman who knows how and a woman who doesn't. In the RGV, women have no idea there is so much more to fucking. They don't know! They make love like women made love in the 1800s, as if with their clothing on, as if believing nakedness left them so vulnerable that to seek the best would somehow bother her male partner.

And so it went. Me & my female torso on an up & down ride for a few minutes, followed by my string of usual requests, chased by my heightened blood flow, my ultimate jetting into her however-pleased or stunned vagina. I had no idea whether she'd gotten what I'd gotten, whether she had climbed the clouds, whether she had roared her lioness best, internally maybe, far, far from where I worked it.

Yeah, perhaps I'll have to go upstate for my next round.

Lord knows I need gorgeous companionship, not some ditzy, utilitarian doll...

- 30 -


  1. Is this another Scorpion Son passages story, come, come, MR. Editor, South Texas women can't be all that bad. Or maybe is the culture, who knows.

  2. Anon:...No, not from "Scorpion's Son," although there is a lot, lot of great sex in that /DP-M novel. This is strictly one Nazi's observations, Mr. Ricardo Klement's at that... - Editor

  3. WEll, I was over seas for 36 months in Wertheim Germany, and the women weren't all that hot, all of them wanted to come to the states.
    Loved Jim Beam and Winston cigarettes, not to mention folgiers coffee.
    Most of them drank as if beer was going out of style. Some of them got so drunk, they weren't worth taking them any place. Just about any woman that went out with you, wanted to get married.

  4. If you want to know what she wants, wait until she initiates and then follow her lead and be patient and slow. If she doesn't like slow, she is much more apt to tell you so than if she doesn't like fast and you've already finished the race. If you want someone who can act, with an audio play-by-play then pay more. If you want an open, emotional response, ask yourself how much emotion have you invested. If you want to be loved, give love.

  5. Just about any woman that went out with you, wanted to get married.

    That is anywhere overseas, Asia and Europe, the girls want to marry and move to America.

  6. Anony, (tha is anywhere in Europe) you are right, many soldiers mary European women and as soon as they arrive in the states they want a divorce.
    I will say this, some of the hillbillies from South Carolina and Oklahoma woman were kind of wild.

  7. ANON:...Valley women, with few, few exceptions suffer from a sort of cultural fatalism. They have been abused so much, made to feel small, that they can't do anything but breathe. Not much in the area's history about any great accomplishment by a woman - unless you count the occasional murder of a cheating, drug-dealing, drunken husband... - Editor

  8. The crazy Macho culture here is all screwed up. This Valley has an idnentity crisis, it is way behind the rest of the world. When you move down here, it's like going back to Dodge city in the 1890's.
    Overweight men and women is abundant down here.

  9. I meant they are abundant down here.

  10. Some idiot from Harlingen wrote a letter to the editor about the blogs.
    Some very interesting things are being written at myharlingennew about the author of the letter. Typical old guard, same screwed up people who deep inside want harlingen to have signs up which read: No hispanics/mexicans allowed.

  11. Everybody Down here in the Border suffer from " THE LITTLE / SMALL PERSON SYNDROME "... an inferiority complex taht They want to hide by a "appearing Big - shots in what They do and say " , kind of a Gettho Black Rappers.
    Bigger - is - better ; Bling - bling , big houses and flashing Cars, but Getting Food Stamps !!!




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