Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bottom of the Ninth: The Bases Were Loaded and Robert Leftwich Was Up...

"In closing, we need an open, transparent and community inclusive city hall, one that values the diversity from throughout the community and adheres to the consensus of the voters. The opportunity for participation and the feeling of being taken seriously should foster the growth of community ownership." - The Platform of Robert Leftwich, May, 2007

Staff Writer

HARLINGEN, Texas - They say few certainties come along twice. Opportunity, goes the thinking in the world of politics, is either an opportunity to succeed or to fail. Those who practice this calling often define themselves and their public service by what they choose to tackle, and what they choose to ignore.

Robert Leftwich, shown in photo above, finds himself at one of those crossroads. The Harlingen City Commissioner many say has his sights on the mayorship of this struggling, Mid-Valley community of some 74,000 will have his Kodak moment this afternoon, when the Harlingen City Commission votes on a new city manager.

Which of the three remaining candidates will it be?

Insiders say current Mayor Chris Boswell, a public servant battling low popularity ratings in town, wants Interim City Manager Gabriel Gonzalez to get the job, as apparently does City Commissioner Kori Marra. Leftwich is left to herd the other commissioners toward the crucial, late-afternoon vote, one that has applicant Carlos Yerena at the top of the list. Yerena is city manager for the City of Kingsville at present. Robert T. Herrera, the third candidate and city manager for the City of Hondo, Texas, is said to be a longshot. Can Leftwich do it? Is he interested in shaking the local political tree, a tree many say is rooted deeply in what they call Old Guard politics, i.e. the historical haves vs. have nots, the conservatives vs. the progressives, tomorrow vs. yesterday.

The vote will come sometime after 6 p.m.

Will Leftwich stay true to his platform statement that says it is the community's wishes that should rule actions at City Hall? Will he lead, or will he merely arrive to cast his sole vote and leave things to fate?

Robert Leftwich should be jumping with enthusiasm, should be gloriously antsy at getting the opportunity to lead...

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