Wednesday, August 11, 2010

In The New Brownsville, It's No Outlaw Massage Parlors, No Plastic Bags and No Lazy-Assed Men...

Brownsville Bureau

BROWNSVILLE, Texas - A few weeks back, we got a note from a city commissioner here seeking shoes for the town's poor people. Then came a torrent of resident pleas asking for help in rounding-up a herd of animals no one wanted, but everybody abused. Kicked and knifed them, even - terrible cruelties that reached Mayor Pat Ahumada. He made it his charge to say enough is enough.

This morning, the town at the Edge of the American Universe wakes up with a new, toothy ordinance aimed at rubbing-out operators of illicit massage parlors.

Later this sun-scorched month, it wants its citizens to disdain plastic bags when shopping, shopping anywhere, whether at the grocery store they've known for all these years, or at the panaderia, at the Tex-Mex joint, at the corner convenience store.

As someone named Kelly Tipton, interim director of something called Healthy Communities of Brownsville puts it in the morning edition of the local newspaper: “When you’re walking out with a taco you don’t need a plastic bag.”

Slowly, inch-by-inch, breadth-by-breadth, dream-by-dream, wish-by-wish, itch-by-itch, this bordertown is moving forward, doing its Life Impulse, trying like crazy to escape its recent past - a history so stained that to throw buckets of white paint on it would only render a muddy canvas equally as ugly.

"We got rid of (the pseudo-Porno Blog) El Rocinante, too," said one woman waiting on a hair dye specialist at a downtown hair salon. "That's big progress. Brownsville is on the Comeback Trail. We're the new Miami, a town wanting more and more and more. Watch us fly, watch us take-off on a flight to someplace better."

That new mood in town is moving like one of those California wildfires, burning ground not used to seeing any sort of action, already rolling over do-nothing citizens used to another era of endless siestas, birongas and let-the-vieja-work. "The days of Brownsville men beating their wives, not paying child support and hanging out at the city library using free computers are over," said a longtime resident. "We want everybody to do their share, to do something. We're damned tired of Brownsville men being mantenidos. Fuera con ellos!"

At a gas station, we ask an attractive woman in an orange sundress about the town's trend and she says: "Our men have been the problem around here, the obstacles to progress. That's why I always date guys from McAllen. They have their own money and they pay for meals. Yes, I want change, and I want it now..."

Indeed, it is a strange time in Brownsville. Many here want new shoes for the Kiddoes and errant dogs off the streets, yes. But they also want to do away with plastic bags and men they openly and with some gusto characterize as "huevones, pendejos y perdidos."

Welcome to the New Brownsville...

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  1. (we got a note from a city commissioner here seeking shoes for the town's poor people.)

    Say, that Chano Marakas would be interested in something like that. Yeah, I'll bet he would. Huh, Marakas? LOL.


  2. No mames Ralphy, I have Ph D. in sociology. If everyone just stop for a moment and take a closer look at all the Big corporations, Tv. stations, Shopping malls, Banks, Airports, Universities or any private owned infraestructure.... Do you know who owns them?
    besides the little and insignificants Taco and tortilla Pop -and- mom stands, We Mexican - Americans Own Basically Nothing... and We had been here for over 500 years, Look at the Cubans - Republicans They Own UNIVISION, TELEMUNDO and so many more Music and entertainment Industries.
    Hay los Wacho y Hasta la vista Baby !!!

  3. (I have Ph D. in sociology.)

    It's so obvious, Marakas. Especially in the exclusive fashion you use to spell self esteem. Self-Steeem? Super! Plus I'll bet, being a PHD and what not, you have a lot of money, huh? And it's just a fantasy of yours to keep complaining about your disgust in being an extremely poor Mexican. Uh, huh? I got you pegged brotha. LOL!


  4. ("huevones, pendejos y perdidos."

    Welcome to the New Brownsville...)

    Geez, Juan. The trouble with you is you've just been to the evil sides of the town. I mean, the barrios in Browntown are ok if you actually grew up in them. But a well experienced black, such as yourself, and from Galveston, no less, should go on over to the better side of the citay. If you get my drift there, my man?


  5. Ralphy:...Juan Jones comes from a section of Galveston known as The Jungle. It is where most of the Black people in town live. He does not know Brownsville as well as, say, Ron Mexico knew it, but Juan Jones knows his stuff. He'll be fine. In fact, he's angling in on a story about how some people in Browntown live their entire lives on government aid - from unemployment to use of library computers to run a business... - Editor

  6. (from unemployment to use of library computers to run a business... - Editor)

    Since I live so close to the library, gonna be keeping an eye out for a black man. If I see him, gonna go offer him some tequila. Case he's thirsty. The hunt for those evil doers you mentioned about could make a "journalist" pretty darn thirsty, yes sir.


  7. Ralphy:...We have been told of a well-known Brownsville reporter who works out of the city library. We would be willing to pay for a photo of this "journalist" doing his deed on taxpayer computers... - Editor

  8. ("journalist" doing his deed on taxpayer computers...)

    F__king Alcatraz. If you are talking about old Jer you are out of your mind. But if I happen to see him there, you can bet all you want I'm gonna tell him about this. If I see him at the Palm lounge, I'll tell him. LOL!


  9. Ralphy:...You rat. I should've known it would be you chiming in with something wimpy like this. Tell him and tell everybody. Perhaps Maria Luisa is right - you're a rotten egg, Ralphy. But, uh, no, we didn't mean Mac. He has his home computer. You're on probation, thisclose to being banned. Why, there are days I think you're that sap Ren, or Renolds or Jude - those losers... - Editor

  10. (Why, there are days I think you're that sap Ren, or Renolds or Jude - those losers... - Editor)

    As a matter of fact, I've been a fan of that numbskull for the longest time. Hell, he even put me down several times. To the point that I just started to ignore him. But I still have a "manly" admiration for him. Who ever he may be. Ain't me, though.


  11. (You're on probation, thisclose to being banned.)

    Flying out to Miami for about a week. Gotta go take care of some business. Taking my notebook and kricket modem, but I'm gonna put myself on "probation". Sort of allow Mary Lou to take over in my absense. I'll keep up on the action, but I won't respond until my return. So long, MaLu. LOL!


  12. Mamon Ralphy, do you really owna sucessful business or You 're also on Food stamps ? You seem to have just too much time for yourself !!!

  13. Ralphy, you are beneath human dignity, you coward, you can't take anymore, because you have been exposed as a phony, a looser, a former cop, you probably gave tickest to poor defenseless women, to get there information. Hello, admit it, you fink on people on a dime, and incite problems between people if I was Eliot, I would beat you up to a pulp.
    I hope you go swimming in Miami, and soak on oil, or maybe, a shark will deal with you once and for all, duhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Mr. Marakas, Ralphy is flying on the baggage compartment, probably figured out how to take a bottle of cheap beer, or who know he might be asking for rides on U S 77North, I just a fat unshaven man with an old beat up bag, with a sign that reads Luisiana.
    "Helloo" He is former cop, a real bummer, he is trying to impress, he doesn't know how a airplane looks like.

  15. (shark will deal with you once and for all, duhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!)

    Baaaaaaack. And Mary Lou, you were saying?



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