Thursday, September 16, 2010

In Sorta-Healthy Harlingen, Something Ails City Commissioner Kori Marra...


HARLINGEN, Texas - Just when you thought it was safe to head-on into the cooler months of Fall along comes another front-burner Kori Marra crisis - this one, we're told, personal & medical. The Harlingen city commissioner reportedly is in California getting treatment for something or another. That's a personal matter, we know, but she is a public servant, an elected official whose constituents would like to know what's going on.

According to Tony Chapa of, the city's Number 1 Blog, Marra is being treated for arthritis. Editor Jerry Deal of the city's Number 2 Blog,, posted this about the travelling commissioner: "Marra, who has a serious medical problem had made arrangements for medical treatment in California sometime back...It is my understanding this is an ailment that had gone into remission, but now has appeared again."

So, yeah, quien sabe que pasa.

Marra, however, has quickly garnered a reputation as a commissioner not opposed to leaving town when important meetings surface for the city commission. Our info is that she missed three crucial meetings on the city's budget, failed to show for a few votes, and now missed last night's meeting, which was the first for the city body under the stewardship of new City Manager Carlos Yerena - a hiring Marra is said to have opposed.

It sort of reminds us of a schoolboard president we used to know in Fort Worth who one day moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico and would only fly-in for the "most important meetings." We ask: Is that representation?

Is Kori Marra's district getting what its residents voted for? What, if anything, has she done for her constituents? We'd like to know, as we're sure many of the people who backed her would also like to know. She lives in town, but conducts her public service like some here-today/not-here-tomorrow carpetbagger. Not good, Gladys. Not good at all.

Still, we sincerely hope she regains her health. Most mortals have a hard time worrying about others when their health goes crazy. The only question left here is: What is her ailment? Perhaps will tell us. Jerry Deal, Public Relations Man extraordinaire, seems to know her well, enough anyway that he's the only Blogger she seeks when mired in controversy. And, you know, Deal is a "Newsman," so we expect he'll deliver the goods sometime today, although we won't hold our breadth.

Hmmmmm. Why California, commissioner? Not one doctor in town, in the Rio Grande Valley, in Texas knowledgable about such things? Not that one can't shop for one's doctor, but California, eh? Interesting...

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  1. Good post, some of us are wondering, about Wonder Woman. She walks into the commission meetings as if she owned the world. Later she is seen, hugging Jerry at a local watering hole. And of course Jerry puts s spin, and braggs that he huggs and kisses many women. Wow, a real playboy, trying to be like P.Alcatraz, Jerry??
    At any rate,we to hope she gets well and returns to carry out her responsibilities as an elected Commissioner. Seriously,we doub it.

  2. That picture on the left, the
    " Tattoed Woman "... Man, I really, really love that PostModern, Actual and Contemporary Art work ~~Excellente Job by the tatto artist from Matamoros - Joaquin Garcia Quintana !!!

  3. MARY LOU:..Commissioner Kori Marra plays by her own rules. That is now clear. Yes, she may need the medical care, but she sure gets a lot of free passes in Harlingen - and that is no way to cover a politician. Harlingen will learn its lesson sooner or later... - Editor

  4. I still say Jr. Bonner is a truck driver from Tennessee. That goofy looking hat makes him look like a cowhand.
    He is scary looking, don't let him hang around kids, they will run like crazy towards there moms.
    Just where does the Tribune, gets this out of left field characters??? Ranna now she can shine my boots any day of the week.


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