Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Needy Candidates:...Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos and Opponent John Wood Bend-Over For The Racist Tea Party Crowd...


HARLINGEN, Texas - The photo shown above is that of a woman who arrived at a recent rally for President Barack Obama. She is old and she is white, so absolutely she identified herself as a member of the group calling itself the Tea Party. "Liar!" she would yell from the bottom of her ancient lungs with every word the president uttered. "Liar! Liar!" It went on and on and on, until, we hope, she keeled over and died, passing onto the country's racist past. Oh, well.

Tonight, this town's version of the Tea Party, a smaller, yet equally divisive group of far-right wingers, will host a debate at the city library here pitting Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos, a Republican, against his electoral opponent, County Commissioner John Wood - a Democrat.

Why these two candidates agreed to the Tea Party gathering is the $64,000 question.

The Tea Party stands for thing no self-respecting politician would endorse. Is Carlos Cascos anti-Gay? Is John Wood? Do they support the silliness espoused by the national Tea Party? It is a party out to move the country farther to the right than even Ronald Reagan ever dreamed of doing. This is the party that is fronting candidates elsewhere such as the idiot Carl Paladino in New York, the moron Sharron Angle in Nevada and the admitted-witch Christine O'Donnell in Delaware.

Yeah, what are Cascos, shown above, and Wood, shown below, doing here?

Have they lost their minds? In race-whipped Harlingen, this splinter version of the national Tea Party may as well be the Ku Klux Klan. Anyone studying the Tea Party agenda would readily see that it is not a party for anyone residing in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. Yes, there is a need for something else in our national political arena. But it is not these hate-filled people. Teabaggers stand for things no Valleyite would ever side by, endorse, or wish to know about.

So, we wonder what went through these candidates' minds when they agreed to this debate. Perhaps they just wish to tussle against each other ahead of the November 2nd election. It's been a quiet race with little media fanfare. Maybe that's why these two agreed to meet this evening at the city library here. We can't imagine either of them seeing things as do the racist Teabaggers.

But it should be an interesting night, especially if Cascos arrives in a Nazi uniform and Wood in a black face. We cannot imagine anything good coming out of this mess. The Tea Party in the Valley? The Tea Party in a land largely inhabited by Hispanics who have seen firsthand the bigotry and racism Teabaggers roundly favor? Naaaah. Not here.

This Tea Party is so anti-government that we wonder why these local Teabaggers would use a community library for their silliness. But that's par for these losers - they'll rant against Medicaid and Medicare, but they'll apply for it; they'll rage against unemployment, but they'll take it; they'll scream against the government bailouts, but they'll avail of it.

What the Hell are Carlos Cascos and John Wood doing with these ten-percenters?...

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  1. John Woods looks old and tired. He is bringing baggage, with too many things on the bag.
    Carlos Cascos, is being supported by Fred Rendon Jr. who someone wrote on a post, he turns on you on dime like Tony Chopo, el chapparro. Seriously, don't none of those two chumps.

  2. Patrick, they need the publicity. Harlingen, usually votes republican. (Specially) The Korri Marra District, and the Palm Valley Estate area , mostly retired anglos. And like everywhere, a few oreos.
    Winning Brownsville, is the charm. Fred Rendon is a hindrance, he wrote on Myharlingennews very racist comments and I don't think, that's going to help Cascos.
    If I was either of these two candidates. I would run away from Tony Chopo and Fred Rendon.

  3. That is one angry looking woman. I have noticed that the majority of female and anglos males, are forever mad at something.
    Is it in their genes?? Some have money and are arrogant, but still unhappy, some are trailer park trash, like brother Jonesy and are still pissed of at the world.
    America is a sick nation full of lunatics. With the brain of a feather.
    I agree with your assessment, the valley if full of sickos and dummies , and now hispanics are picking up their horrible habits.

  4. ANONYMOUS:...Sadly, these are strange times for many Americans - white or otherwise. Too many are facing the loss of their jobs, their homes, their women. I say Life is forcing many, many people to assess their situation. They say nothing is forever except death & taxes, so cheer up... - Editor

  5. Also there is a seriuos Suicide epidemic going on With our Young Teens all across the U.S.A. !!!

  6. The debate was a real bummer, if you know what I mean. John Wood was kind of arrogant, he isn't very approachable.
    Frankly, I can't stand neither of those two jokers. Both, of them are kind of creepy. But on the 18th. I will go vote. I am going to cover my eyes and where ever my pencil falls thats where I will vote.
    I do think Cascos won the debate.

  7. John Wood looks old, I bet he must be around 70 years old. He looked wrinkley as hell.
    A few questions, taxes went up this last year, we were imposed with a tax on license plates.
    John wood never address that stuff, the word on a local blog is that he is promising all kinds of jobs. How is he going to pay for that? I think there were more than 130 people, it looked more like 150 or 160.


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