HARLINGEN, Texas - More and more, people here are saying it is now very much like the final note of the last waltz. The opera that has been the Tony Chapa blogging experience is losing endorsements right & left. And, worse yet for him, there are those who say he has singlehandedly made room for the hated Old Guard to become the Right Guard, exhibiting the Midas Touch in reverse with every story and senseless attack he offers on MyHarlingenNews.com.
Now comes this from one of his acknowledged most-trusted allies, City Commissioner Robert Leftwich, shown in photo above: "Believe it or not, I was one of the first persons to give Tony advice about cutting down on his bias and rhetoric."
We had fired-off an Email to the popular commissioner, asking him if he, as a public servant, could stomach Chapa and his vicious, anti-social approach to offering news & information to the community.
Leftwich went on: "Do I approve of his attacks, no. But as you have written yourself, he has his agenda and is entitled to it. I believe I've read where you have also written that he also has his place as a blogger, like him or not."
Yes, The Tribune has supported Chapa's right to publish a blog, just like we support any news & info venue out to help society. But Chapa has gone over the cliff, and his site is no longer credible, no longer relevant. To be sure, it is Chapa who has given up his place on the high road, traded it in for his misguided belief that reader comments - any comment - indicates he is drawing attention. He isn't, and we suspect he knows it.
Leftwich distances himself diplomatically: "I proclaim to be only an advocate of the people. Some have said those are the crazy of this town. Those of us in the good fight have never been accused of being on the same page, unlike the 'establisment,' thus the rag-tag bunch of crazy people will continue to limp along self-destructing, limiting our effectiveness."
That fight we support. There is something to be said for waging honorable battle. But to merely take cheap shots at people opposed to your political point-of-view shows a remarkable lack of class. Who will follow a fool? Only another fool.
We have met Mssr. Leftwich and he strikes us as a public servant out to do good things for Harlingen. The Tribune has written such on several occasions, including our recent story on area public servants we belief have the people in mind. For him to continue supporting Chapa's crude inanities would not reflect kindly on the commissioner many say could be the city's next mayor.
In the world of politics, you can never defend the indefensible. It is the literal mangrove swamp no politician ever wants, or needs. Tony Chapa's MyHarlingenNews has no defense for what it is doing.
Commissioner Leftwich seems to know that...
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I was at the commission's meeting last week. The hissing and personal attacks against Mr. Leftwich, by the Bonner's faction was truly a bad expierence.
ReplyDeleteThe same nasty people who defended Craig Lonnon were at the meeting.
Commissioner Leftwich stood his ground and we applaud him for that.
I saw old man, who wears a pony tailed accompanied by some skinny woman, leaving the meeting mumbling. After the meeting I went for dinner and some of my cohorts told me he owns a bunch of junkie looking buildings downtown. Weird looking short man.
"Those of us in the good fight have never been accused of being on the same page, unlike the 'establisment,' thus the rag-tag bunch of crazy people will continue to limp along self-destructing, limiting our effectiveness."
ReplyDeleteDid Lefty just call the "people" of Harlingen crazies?
ANONYMOUSES:...We're with you on ridding the community of that Old School mentality. Harlingen needs to move forward, and we endorse Commissioner Robert Leftwich's way. But we are against whole-hog assaults on the opposition that comes with inanities and juvenile attacks. Go after them with some intelligence and hold on to honor... - Editor
ReplyDeleteDid anyone read, Korry (Crazy)Marra comments on today's Valley Morning Star, she actually wants Curtis Bonner to well in her law-suit against elected officials in Harlingen.
ReplyDeleteThe woman is crazy. I am beginning to think, someone needs to speak to the derange commissioner about, her role as an elected official.
Maybe, Roxanne Cotroneo needs to write up some rules on behavior for elected officials.
I sincerely believe, this woman has gone bonkers. Just read the article and you will agree with me, she is one step from being committed, to the Mental institution, right next to Tony Chopo and his only blogger Jake the Snake.
Helpppp!!!! Harlingen, needs help!!!!! This is worse than the TITANIC.
I see, on the side bar, New Yorkers are getting hooked on Mexican food. Nothing wrong with that, Guevos Rancheros with "super" hot picante sauce are the Breakfast of Champions.
ReplyDeleteThrow in some home made well done flour or corn tortillas, and real hot coffee and you are set for the day.
"I like the statistics." 37% mex food.
Marachal, take it easy, go to Las Cazuelas and forget about that dumb, crazy lady. I hear she is at a state conference. Or maybe she is having herself checked at a Mental Hospital in Corpus Christi.
Joe Rubio, get some answers quick.
So Patrick, was there a dedication on the "Short People" song? Is the circus in town? Well kinda sorta, if you count the MHN blog. You've got just about everything covered, including Jake the Snake doing double duty as a clown. Unless Chapa can pull some sort of rising from the dead on Halloween, I think he's pretty much old news and time to move on to something more relevant. It's easy to get caught up in all the hate emotion (kind of like what they try to stir up at election time) but there comes a time when we need to consciously put that all away and get some positive work done. But now I'm going to be humming that song all day. M
ReplyDeleteyes we have some juicy footage sound and video from the Corpus Christi Conference. A lot of drunken debauchery by two harlingen commissioners. and BTW the city taxpayers are footing the bill for their drunken love nest/golf outing to the tune of $3000 plus.
ReplyDeleteANONYMOUS:...Really? And what are the names of these misbehaving city commissioners? We'd say the community would like to know... - Editor
ReplyDeleteI agree with your comments, Robert Leftwich, or Guz Ruiz for Mayor. We need to get the city back to normal.
ReplyDeleteTony Chopo para yardero, ooppss, I mean, we need a new commissioner for Korry, (the looney) Marra. She is an embarrassment to the citizenry of Harlingen.
Who do you think? Add two Harlingen commissioners, golf and booze, a TML Conference, tje new city manager attending and shaking his head in disbelief, the city attorney fully aware of the situation, and Harlingen city taxpayers paying the party bill. One of them is getting a divorce, and the other one specializes in breaking up marriages, making stupid comments and drinking too much. Who could it be?
ReplyDeleteSociopath Qualities of the Little Brown Hitler ( LBH ):
ReplyDelete1) Contemptuous of those who seek to understand him
2) Does not perceive that anything is wrong with him
3) Authoritarian
4) Secretive
5) Paranoid
6) Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations where his tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired
7) Conventional appearance
Goal of enslavement of his bloggers
9) Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the blogger’s life
10) Has an emotional need to justify his blog site and therefore needs their blogger’s affirmation (respect, gratitude and love)
11) Ultimate goal is the creation of a willing blogger
12) Incapable of real human attachment to another
13) Unable to feel remorse or guilt
14) Extreme narcissism and grandiose
15) May state readily that his goal is to rule Harlingen
"Those of us in the good fight have never been accused of being on the same page, unlike the 'establisment,' thus the rag-tag bunch of crazy people will continue to limp along self-destructing, limiting our effectiveness."
ReplyDeletePs this a cut from Leftwich stating we are losers who will self destruct and not be effective? Does he include himself or just those that follow him?