Friday, November 19, 2010

The Proud Highway:...When Poor Families Get Good Publicity...Yeah, Let's Find the Worst Of Poverty...


HARLINGEN, Texas - That ruffling sound you hear coming from the innards of all area newsrooms is as familiar at this time of the year as is the jingling of Christmas bells at the local shopping malls - reporters are fast-rifling through their roll-o-dexes in search of old numbers.

Their targets?

Poor families, the poorer the better. Yes, it's the annual Hunt for Maria & Her rag-attired Kids. Yeah, over at some dirt-poor colonia on the outs of town. They are there, of course. They are there all year-round.

But comes the Holiday Season and the air-conditioned boys in the press stroll out to collar some poor family for a Front Page sob story (with color photographs) or the lead tale on the evening television news. Perhaps it's a good gesture; it just plays out so cheaply, lame. It is a damned shame, is what it is.

We recall one photo in The McAllen Monitor published ahead of last Christmas that showed a group of blue-haired Winter Texans unloading a chrome-plated BBQ grill in front of a battered mobile home. Also in the photo were the residents of the rusting abode, a husband, a wife and three kiddoes. They appeared to be grateful, but what exactly that would bring the family, other than perhaps a rare clean fajita burning, was never told. The holidays faded and the family likely went about its business. And we suspect that sparkling grill does not look that shiny anymore.

Still, we know the area's crackerjack corps of reporters will be out in force in the next few weeks, each doing their damndest to bring the worst of the worst to their readers and viewers. Say something gut-wrenching, Pedro. Yeah, into the microphone.

Nevermind that those families are poor the entire year. There must be something about why the press ignores these people, say, on Easter Sunday, or on Labor Day. Christmas it will be, and that must have something to do with either guilt or the strength of the Catholic Church around here.

Really, it would be much better if we could, at least just once, see robe-attired priests handing out BBQ grills up and down the Valley. Maybe then we could better understand the damnable idea of fake, seasonal benevolence...

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  1. There are churches and different organizations that care for the poor on a regular basis. Some visit the colonias throughout the year. Most people aren't aware of it because they don't pay any attention to the poor unless they are uncomfortably in the way, like at Christmas when they are forced to read the stories in the paper. Regretably some of the most closed hearts belong to people who clawed their way out of the colonias and now refuse to lend a helping hand to those left behind. We are never going to be a great society as long as we leave a trail of poor, hungry, uneducated children in the dust.

    On an unrelated note of poverty, why do you offer up pictures of well-endowed (with a noted lack of attire) women and then, after the gender inequity is brought to your attention, your parsimonious response is some poor dessicated example of what sun-dried human jerky would look like? You're not playing fair here. M

  2. M:...On your point about the heartless soul that moves around here in times other than Christmas, well, we concur. As for your note on the sun-splashed photograph of Junior Bonner, well, as you recall, he remains a veritable stud in the minds of the women of Combes, Texas... - Editor

  3. What these people need are jobs. Keep in mind, many who live in these colonias come from other countries. In addition, they have limited skills, if any. They lack training, knowledge, in today's job market.
    With the current political atmosphere, I doubt things will change.
    I believe, the churches need to get more involved, and step to the plate and help the less fortunate. Just my opinion and observation.
    As for myleadernews, I think Jerry is 78 years of age. I think Tony Chapo is around 58 or 60. Chapo might have a hight school diploma. Maybe a GED, I don't know.
    Many of the blogs locally, are operated by people who have no background in Journalism.
    Not to patronize your blog, but it is one of the best around South Texas.

  4. Good post, I agree, the Valley Morning Star and everyone else, set up food drives for the needy once a year. They hi-lite the poor around the holidays. After that, it is back to normal.
    Sofie, is right the churches, and I mean all denomintions need to get more involved and help the people that live in this conditions.

  5. The problem with relying on the church (of whatever faith) to take care of the poor is that most churches are first and foremost, businesses and as with any business, the first priority is maintenance and upkeep of that business. Then there is the added factor that churches aren't the most transparent entities as far as reporting where the money went. Finally, when someone delegates the poor to be the responsibility of the church, I tend to wonder how much, if any, that person is giving to the church for that designated purpose. If we really want to make a difference and do the right thing, we have to ensure that our money goes to the people who need it and doesn't get siphoned off by the go-betweens who are really just professional money-handlers.

    Patrick, remember that you were the one decrying the lack of the beautiful body in art form, missing from the RGV. Adding another dried up sun worshiper to your collection might get you a pair of kitschy book-ends but does nothing towards uplifting the culture of the area. Try harder. M

  6. Alcatraz, what a good article, your blog is as anon/sofy says, above the rest of the blogs.
    Good interesting factual articles.
    What??? "Jr. Bonner, moving back to Combes!!!". I thought he was hanging around cheap bordellos in Austria.
    He does look like dried up beef jerky.LOL

  7. Mr. Editor, have you ever consider starting a local newspaper edition. I have always said it, or thought about it, what South Tx needs is a good unbiased fair and balanced newspaper in English and Spanish.
    I am tired of reading editorials from the Dallas, or California newspapers.
    I tell you, the Herald, the Valley Morning star, and the Monitor, are nothing but carbon copies of each other.

  8. Wow, Mr. Editor,easy... on the local newspapers, and Channel four and five.
    Didn't one of your former editors, Eliot Elcomedor, called them low end journalism, or something like that.
    Bro, you just tell like it is, nothing wrong with that.

  9. Mr. Editor, some of those pictures look like pictures from Mexico. I remember, Jesse Jackson coming to the Valley, and calling the area, little Utopia.
    By the way, Jesse Jackson ran for President sometime back.

  10. ALL:..I am glad to see everyone's in a jousting mood on this good Friday. Thank you for the kind words related to our work, and know that your comments mean something here. We do not allow anyone to "flame" any commenter and only publish those comments that speak to the issue we write about. As for you, M, well we can appreciate your criticism up to a certain point. Our feeling is that the human body is a reflection of our personal desires, speaking to how we choose to walk this Earth. The skinny march alongside the fat from what we have seen. But, sure, we'll get around to exhibiting every body type sooner or later... - Editor

  11. Little Utopia, what's wrong wiss choo, Willis? okay, maybe, but coming from Jesse Jackson.
    I will admit the LRGV is about 25 years behind the 8-ball. Okay, maybe 30 years.

  12. Pleaseeeee, mr. editor, how can you show Jr. Bonner in a bathing suit, accompanied by another dried up prune.
    I would think that living in the Valley he could have gained some weight.
    I mean, people down here are poor but a little overweight. Well, let me rephrase myself, quiet a bit overweight.
    Jr. gave up a pretty woman, for that woman from a nursing home in Australia.
    I have a funny feeling Jr. Might be showing up, as a homeless somewhere in the Valley. If he does, i will pay for him to eat at Americas rest. in Harlingen. They will fatten him up in no time.

  13. Mr. Editor, why are you titillating us men with sexy pictures? Like the one on the side bar. Anotomy and Phys.
    That is gone good looking body, well they are all good looking bodies, some are just better looking than others.

  14. I can't help but agree with your post. This is a great read by the way.


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