Friday, December 31, 2010

In Brownsville, A Swearing-In Of The Old County Judge...Even As His Opponent Blows It Off...

Special to The Tribune

BROWNSVILLE, Texas - Flinty John Wood never did concede defeat, but Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos is expected to enjoy his swearing-in ceremony here late Monday afternoon, Jan. 3rd. The Republican Cascos will take the oath of office recalling a certain congratulatory telephone call he received from Democrat Wood shortly after the Nov. 2nd election, a telephone call Wood soon labeled premature and later took back.

It seemingly will be the end of a contentious race that began early in the year, went through the long, hot summer of campaigning and then waited on the goofiest vote count in local history. That's when the race turned into a would-be Manos Arriba! political heist, with both men claiming victory and with discombobulated County Elections Administrator Roger Ortiz (shown in photo below) first handing the post to incumbent Cascos, then to Wood, and finally back to Cascos. In there roiled hours during which both political camps charged someone was messing with the vote count, Cascos parked his vehicle in front of the Ortiz home for who knows what reasons, and Wood (shown in photo above right) began making calls to people he thought might fit-in nicely in his administration.

It'll be Cascos loyalists at the courthouse tomorrow, all signing-on once more for another term.

Wood never did say why he would not concede, even after he vaguely said he wouldn't be challenging the final count in court. His critics charged, perhaps facetiously, that Wood's last hope was the immediate, untimely death of Cascos - a hope that also died with each passing day.

Cascos arrives with much to do. Cameron County lags behind its neighbor to the west in jobs, growth and promise. Faith, say many here, has brought them this far; now they need Cascos, or someone in his capacity, to do something, anything. A drive around the county, spanning this town, the county seat, and Harlingen up the highway, yields photographs more suited to Mexico than the U.S.

"There are abandoned buildings and cars everywhere up and down the highway," said one resident. "People over in Hidalgo County to the west think we live like hicks. Cascos may be in, but he won't do squat. Come back in two-three years and ask me again. Cameron County is just North Matamoros, man - a friggin' cesspool. All these unemployed people. Sheeeeeee-it, you kidding me about feeling good, or what?"

Wood, meanwhile, leaves his county commission seat on the same day, perhaps believing he is the Valley's Al Gore and insisting that something happened and he lost an election that would have made him county judge - the eternal aspiration of every commissioner.

Will he surface at some point down the road?

Most around here say they hope not. Cameron County, like Hollywood, does not easily overcome a bad taste in the mouth. In this town and county, sequels work only in adultery, goes the line in the streets...

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  1. John wood should show a little class. congratulate Cascos, john! Hijole! no tien nada de gracia ese pelado.

  2. John Wood is finished as a politico, first he associated himself with nothing but failures in Harlingen, Toney Chapaneco, some minister no one takes serious. This guy ran for Mayor in Harlingen, plus Wood was promising jobs, like if they were hot cakes at a girls scout fundraiser at McDonalds.
    Things won't change this county, esta salado. Cascos, Eddie Trevino, John wood, whoever, the county won't change. It is soiled, way too much.

  3. One of the poorest county in the country. Hate to say this, 11.9% unemployment,canals over 100 years old. The railway right through the center of cities, in Harlingen you better leave 20 minutes early if you are going accross town. You never know when the Miserable train is going to ruin the route you are taking. Ugghhhh, horrible county.

  4. Pro bass is coming to Harlingen in October of 2011. Or so the story goes, around Harlingen, you never know, yes, no, maybe, okay. It is town lost in the woods without a compass.

  5. wasn't JOhn Wood getting a job at the outlet mall if he lost. Yeah, right.

  6. I thought I saw a man who looks like J.Woods selling phones in one of the stores at Sunrise Mall.
    But then, a friend told me he sells real estate.
    Well, he might be running again for some other political office. These guys, get a taste of politics and can't let it go.

  7. Why haven't they dismiss this Ortiz guy, because his wife works with the District Clerk??? Just curious, he was the one that caused all the problems. Get rid of the bum, he has stained the elections at the county level.

  8. Roger ortiz is a puppet of the city's ruling party. He was doing what he was told to do. Es un sonso.

  9. Edna Tamayo, made some comments on the Valley Morning Star, about her accomplishments, what a joke that woman was during her time as Precinct four commissioner.
    That pathetic squeaky voice, worst roads in Cameron County, called subdividsions colonias, refused to meet with the people at the subs, and whe speaks about accomplishments. Poor deluded woman.

  10. Carlos Ortiz es un mandilon de Gilberto Hinojosa. I hope the new commission sends him packing, right into the unemployment line.

  11. Roger is not the problem. Brownsville needs better politicians. Rene Olivera, eddie lucio, eddie lucio junior, those guys have to go. Son puros vendidos. they do nothing for the people.

  12. "Brownsville need better politicians", I agree, we need to get people to vote out Eddie Lucio, his clone, Rene Oliveira, have become carrer politicians, everyone knows Eddi Lucio uses his position and serves as consultant on many project.
    We need to get him out of office, during the next election.
    Thank God Salomon Ortiz is gone.

  13. Brownsville lives in the gutter. It demands very litle from its politicians. we elect losers and they act like losers. nothing will change.

  14. We just need a good letter campaign to get these clowns out of office. I mean, Eddie Lucio, his son are plain annoying. I can't see why anyone takes them serious.

  15. Kermit, have you received any pictures of Toni Chapa's funeral. I understand she was going to be buried in Boot hill somewhere near the port of Brownsville, or did they send her back to Honduras.

  16. Jerry Deal, put a nail in Toni's mhns, by completely deleting the owners name from his blog. No more comments from Chapaneco, on more comments allowed about chapaneco and his rag line blog.
    And now, he has posted a comment about some blogger name jake the snake.
    He was blogging under a fake e-mail address. What a loser chapaneco attracts. Losers, Losers.

  17. When is Juan Montoya getting out of the county farm?? We hear it will be sometime this month. I hope the people at the county barn, have a happy new year. I know it is hard being locked up. But guys, son ratitos, portense bien, y no les pasa nada.

  18. This crazy politicos, are right in the hub of corruption, el ejido conocido como el Valley del Rio Grande.
    Eddie Lucio has been in office, since my kid was in Jr. Hi. He has now graduated from college and got a job, and Fast Eddie Lucio is still in office. Que Verguenza, oh I forgot this guys have no shame.

  19. ANONYMOUS:...We agree, politicians such as Eddie Lucio and Rene Oliveira have been in office long enough. Removing them from office ASAP should be a priority.

  20. Thanks Patrick, we agree, this jokers have been in office way past their bed time, time for them to leave the scene.
    We need term limits, not carrer politicians who only fatten their pockets.


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