Monday, December 27, 2010

Mama Chapa Journal: In The Rio Grande Valley, Beans A La Charra Rule The Family Dinner Table...Pintos Fuel Valleyites...

"The right time to eat is: for a rich man when he is hungry, for a poor man when he has something to eat..." - Mexican Proverb

Tribune Food Writer

BROWNSVILLE, Texas - It is said of Mexican women that when they gather their thoughts to fix a meal, that they get their best recipes from God. Mama Chapa believes it 100 percent.

My sons, especially my shortest, the one not so smart, always would ask for their favorite: Frijoles a la Charra. I would buy a few sacks of pinto beans and a bushel basket of vegetables, bacon when we had the extra pennies, which was rare in my country of Guatemala. But my physically-eccentric son ate well. He scarfed plates of my Charra beans, with a dozen corn tortillas he'd butter-up. Perhaps that is why he is so short and stocky now. Too many tortillas will keep you close to the ground, is what my father, Antonio, Sr., would say between shots of mescal.

The strange and long-hidden history of Charra beans is not well-known. It all dates back to the days of the 1910 Mexican Revolution, when sex-starved women groupies would ride the revolutionary trains with Villa's forces across the Sonoran Desert of Mexico. One thing would lead to another and beans would be delivered to the women by the hungry soldiers. A campfire would rise from the harsh geography and then a dozen clay pots and then someone would bring gallons of water for the bean-cooking. The women would throw whatever greens they could find into the pot for flavoring. In no time, the overland beans would be steaming and the starving soldiers angling in for a plate of the thoroughly-Mexican delicacy.

So, when my chubby son would cry, I would place a bowl of Charra Beans in front of him, and his eyes would go crazy and then he would stop crying. He would eat and eat and eat and then fart for hours, which was Little Tony's first stab at speaking. His equally short & fat father was the same - beans and beans and beans and then clouds of methane gas. But what's a mother to do? Today, they have Bean-O to stem the passing of gas. My boy tried it, but it doesn't work with him. He farts like a heavyweight champ, in church and at political gatherings even.

I thought of a way to help The Tribune's readers get an inkling of what I am talking about. So I worked up my own recipe for Frijoles a la Charra.

Recipe: For 12 servings.

1 1/2 lbs. Pinto Beans, uncooked
1 gallon cold water
3/4 lb. Bacon pieces, chopped into 1 inch squares
1/2 C. plus 1 Tbsp. fresh Garlic, chopped fine
4 Tbsp. Cilantro plus 1/8 C. Cilantro, chopped fine
1 C. White onions, chopped
1 Tbsp. cumin
1 Tbsp. chili powder
1/2 gallon cold water
1 1/2 Tbsp. Salt
2 C. Roma Tomatoes, chopped

Soak beans in 1 gallon cold water for 8 hours. Drain when ready to use. In a 2 gallon heavy pot, cook the bacon pieces until well done. Do not undercook the bacon. Add 1/2 C. chopped garlic, 3 Tbsp. cilantro, and chopped onions to hot bacon. Cook until onions are transparent. When onions are ready add beans, cumin, and chili powder. Stir and add 1/2 gallon cold water. Turn heat to medium low. Add salt and stir. Cook beans slowly until fork tender (approximately 1 hour). Stir constantly to avoid burning the bottom. Add tomatoes, the 1 tablespoon of garlic, and cilantro, and serve.

Hopefully, your boy will not stop growing. I often think my boy blames me for being short, and for being picked-on by everyone in town. But that chaparro gordiflon still eats his beans...

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[Editor's Note:...Any connection read into this story related to names is strictly unintended and coincidental. It should also be noted that Editor Patrick Alcatraz loves his Tex-Mex food...]


  1. I love Mama Chapa! great addition to your writers. Charra Beans are great too. but Mama Chapa was a prostitute? no way.

  2. you have created an overnight sensation! Mama Chapa will be bigger than nachos around here. congratulations. I want to read more from her. Mama Chapa. bring it.

  3. T/C has filed a complaint against your friend Blogger M. It's on his boring blog.

  4. ANONYMOUS:...In our free society, anyone - even those who are not citizens - can file complaints with a variety of agencies. Tony Chapa's blog is open to everyone, and he accepts & rejects comments at will. The comments he refers to are part and parcel of the aggregation of submissions. He deletes them, which is his right. Spam applies to sending unsolicited material to a variety of sites. Our understanding is that the comments were sent only to Chapa's dying blog, which, as we noted, he deleted. Our feeling is that he should take it like a man, not like some little pig looking for the other two...- Editor

  5. chapete is a crybaby. he asks for comments, so he should take it like a man. Good ones and bad ones. LLoron. No es Macho ese menso

  6. Mama Chapa, looks to be like an old pro, when it comes to cooking. Maybe Toni Chapete, el lloron could learn something from the old lady.
    But then ese peladito no es hombre, se me ace que es flor de Mayo.

  7. I want to let all your readers know that those of us who live in Harlingen are embarrassed by Tony chapa. He is not playing with a full deck. Es un sonso. He shows his bad education every day. We would be happy if he moved to Mexico.

  8. If chapa's mother knew what he was doing in harlingen she would spank the hell out of him. does she know? We need to let her know. Where in Mexico does she live? I'll send her a letter. Sonso.

  9. Hey, Mr. editor, have Mama Chapa make a personal appearance at Las Cazuelas or El Rancho in Harlingen. The crowds will be there! She's too cute!

  10. Concha Chapa is ranting and raving on jerry deal's blog. esta loco ese enano. Back to Mexico chapa!

  11. Anon, I have noticed he is putting comments on Jerry's blog. No one knows why, but he is.
    Many bloggers want to totally ignore his rants, hopefully, he will go back into his failed blog.
    He won't he thinks that people like him, he is like a parasite, he just won't go away.

  12. Kermit, tell Mama chapis those frijolitos look pretty darn good. Tomorrow, I will go to el taquito and get me some beans a la Charra. I am getting hungry right now. And it is late.
    Mama chapis, looks very happy cooking beans. And selling them at the Mercado.

  13. Mama Chapa thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge in the food world. My sympathies in your poverty of a worthwhile son. Hopefully you have other children to bring you comfort from the shame of the one whose bulb is rather dim. Speaking of the short one, he has threatened me with dire consequences for something I didn't do. I have put my French poodle and my terrier/chihuahua mix on notice to be extra vigilant in case he shows up. They aren't very big but then neither is he and I'm pretty confident that either one could probably handle him solo if need be (especially the terrer mix, he tends to get emotionally invested in his ankle biting). Do you know any recipes that would include something to calm people down? I'm sure you've already tried everything you know to increase brain power, to no avail. You sound like a good, caring mother. Once again, my condolences on your most obvious failure in life. Sometimes, just like in cooking, you just get a bad batch that you might as well just toss in the trash. M

  14. "M", suit the bastard, he doesn't have any money. He is worthless, he speaks trash. About 8 bloggers are still blogging at his website, including some loser that blogs under J.J.o. and by the sounds some very questionable characters. Who talk about him, than write on his blog about other people. Puros locos, rejects, low lifes, is what idiot attracts.


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