Wednesday, January 12, 2011

In National Debate About Arizona Shooting, Palin Falls Flat...She Feeds The Rhetoric Of Hate, Then Wants To Bail...

"It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions..." - Sarah Palin, yesterday


AUSTIN, Texas - The past three have been good for Sarah Palin's bank account. She has milked her selection as vice-presidential candidate by Arizona Republican John McCain to its maximum. It is said she has earned millions since those days, when she found a national stage and a following that both perplexes and energizes. She has her fans.

Yesterday, Palin tried to distance herself from criticism aimed her way by a wide range of Americans that included political pundits and editorial writers. They collectively blamed her for the shooting of U.S. Rep.Gabrielle Giffords last Saturday in Tucson, Arizona. What brought the wolves to her door in Alaska was the young man (skin head, shown below) who fired the gun into Congresswoman Giffords' head and into a half-dozen others who died in the shooting. He seemed to be the sort of fellow who followed Palin's anti-government rhetoric, said the pundits and newspaper writers. Jared Lee Loughner, the shooter now in federal custody shown in photo below, could easily be the poster child for the Palin following - Americans angry at the government, the world and anyone not of their color or bent. That's your Tea Party, America. Deal with it.

Palin never has been a person to weigh-in on anything with any sort of sentient intelligence. She is smalltown as all Hell, a wannabe hillbilly who chased her college degree by attending 5 colleges and winning a mayoral race in a tiny town of 6,000 residents before ascending to the Alaska governorship. Heady, she is not. Indeed, she has been cartoonized by journalists and TV comedians to the point of laughter. At best, she is in the same league as the character of Ellie May Clampett in The Beverly Hillbillies TV sitcom. The difference, however, is that the actress who played Ellie May (Donna Douglas) was, well, acting the part of a dumbass. Palin is living it.

In her camp of haters, bigots and racists, she is seen as presidential material. That does not in any way shape or form speak to America; it speaks to a collection of losers, under-achievers and, yeah again, racists. Most know she has no chance of winning a race for the White House. But she is a tool for those who wish the best only for a certain segment of our society. The cold part of the Arizona story is that Palin has been a vocal supporter of the immigration hatred moving across that state. Without question, she has fueled the fire of bigotry and fanned its flames.

That she now wants to flee from the criticism she is getting in connection with the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords is the mark of a true coward. Palin has no leadership skills; she is a dumb broad who will say stupidities and laugh like some trailer trash moron. The map you see above is a map prepared by Palin's camp, a map that has politicians she disagreed with in the crosshairs of a rifle scope. Congresswoman Giffords was on that list. At last report, Giffords continues to fight for her life, doctors saying they are cautiously optimistic that she will recover from the horrible head wound. But there she is in a hospital's Intensive Care Unit bed.

Sarah Palin is to blame for the Arizona shooting. Maybe not entirely, but she is to blame...

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  1. Agree with your editorial, these bastards went wild after Obama won the presidential election.
    If Sara Palin is going to run in 2012 Barrack, will waltz into the whitehouse.
    That woman is just dumb, she has dumbed down the country down, and you are correct, she is the queen of the hillbillies from the outhouse of Alaska.

  2. Palin is bad news. all talk. She's going nowhere.

  3. Interesting article. Have you considered the Libertarian Party?

  4. Palin and limbaugh and Glenn Beck are terrorists. Domestic terrorists. should be in jail somewhere.

  5. True on the terrorist angle. Palin likes to play with fire. it will burn her one of these days. poor, loser woman.

  6. Palin is toast, she is one dumb woman who speaks with a yodaa voice that makes normal people want to run away from her. The amazing part is how people from Colorado, South Carolina, South Carolina and even some dumb asses from Arizona, think she is a real person.
    The Governor of Az. needs some platic surgery, damn she is one ugly woman.
    Sara, pleae put some cloths on. You are doing an injutice to that bikini.

  7. The whole country is messed up. we need some downtime. stop the fighting and the bad politics. Palin is a troublemaker.

  8. ANONYMOUSES:...This country's political history is full of clowns and jokers. Sarah Palin is only the latest jackass. It'll be interesting to see her get whipped by her party. They're going after her in 2012. As they say in the RGVofTexas, "Que lastima..." - Editor

  9. Good article. You hit the nail on the head, altho Palin was not a big deal in the Valley. Don't think she'd ever come mix with Mexicans. But she's an idiot.

  10. Agree with the editorial. Palin is a story only in alaska. She's useless as a leader. who would follow her anywhere other than the bedroom, or the barn. Yes, I'm laughing.

  11. She left college in Hawaii, because, she said there weren't too many Anglos. Her limited abilities, makes look like a dumb blond.
    I agree with Anon, put clothing, you look pretty bad in swim suits, uuuugggghhhhh!!!! Alaskan, hillbillie.

  12. I just her taped comments in response to the commentaries on her pathetic message to citizens. That woman has some screws missing.

  13. I can't believe she is playing the victim, I was glad to read that the reality program featruing the Palins was cancelled. Who wants to see a dysfunctional family's way of life.
    I equate her show to the Kardesians, Khloe, Courtney and Kim, some crazy women, throwbacks of the 1980. They are ugly as hell, and behave like idiots. Nothing but trailer park trash, coming from parts unkown.


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