Friday, January 21, 2011

News: The Battle Between Offering A Useful Product And Pleasing Local Politicians, Business...Readers Always Lose...


AUSTIN, Texas - So, where do you get your daily dose of news? It is a question voiced from coast-to-coast these days, from discussions in the bowels of our more illustrious news companies, to the offices of any aspiring politician, to the living room of every Tom, Dick and Harry wishing to know the goings-on of the nation and the world. With the advent and growth of the Internet, the choices are now not only many, but also expanding by the day.

Blogs have risen and found a place on the national news platform. They now number in the millions, according to surveys. Blogs - usually small operations, at times one person at the family keyboard - vary in scope and value. You can find a Blog for practically every topic under or behind the sun. Somehow, they have slowly merged into the country's psyche as veritable places of news & information - not always credible or reliable, but in the ballpark.

You can look around your own community and find Blogs right and left, and we do not say that solely in a political vein. Most of them are elementary in approach; that is, they offer little research and exist largely on opinion-writing. For straight-news junkies, that is a red flag. What they do, however, is draw a crowd of readers who think as they think, who rant as they rant, who bitch as they bitch. Those Blogs do little for any community.

Conversely, there are Blogs that try to stay with the facts, the truth and the useful. To many critics, the fact that Blogs take the unethical road is what demeans their effort and value. Porno on a community-oriented Blog is a credibility killer, they say. Rumor and innuendo also cripple a Blog's desire to be meaningful. What readers want is to be either educated - on news matters - or entertained. That is why mainstream newspapers still carry a Comics page in these, their most trying economic times.

So, should readers depend simply on Blogs?

They could on certain issues, always local, always of the neighborhood variety. A Big City newspaper will not bother with your local debate on, say, the firing of your police chief. A local Blog can go to town on that story and do its community a great service, but only if it stays away from the emotional tuggings of those for or against the firing. Report the news. An "Opinion" piece is acceptable, but only when labeled as such. A Blog without self-policing is a lame amateur effort, and readers will soon see it.

Bloggers should also get out and do their own reporting. Many scold the mainstream media as being behind the times, yet they are quick to steal material from their stories. In the case of the fired police chief, a good Blogger would try for an interview with the main players and then offer his/her readers that interview as a story. It is the words of those in the fight that are important. Do that and find readers who not only seek your Blog for good info, but who respect you. Don't do it and be labeled a wannabe, a puppet or a waste of time.

It happens. Critics are everywhere. As Blogging has evolved, so have commenters. It is a sport for the idle-hands cyber-punks. Know that and know that they can only soil your product, the Blog.

Still, it is worthwhile undertaking when Bloggers set parameters, when they decide on being something with a seriousness of purpose, or something just throwing out juvenile bullshit...

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[EDITOR'S NOTE: We have included two silly photographs with the above story to make our point. We can add a ton of silly, stupid features to this Blog, but what exactly does it add? Nothing. It just makes us look stupid...]


  1. amen, brother. Agree 100 percent. Some Valley blogs suck big time. We do need a good one in Harlingen. I know that.

  2. Hey, as Johnny Canales use to say, "You got it". We have two in Harlingen that get quiet a bit of comments. One is run by the former news editor of the local paper.
    The other one is operated by some guy, that thinks he is a source of news.
    Than, there is another blog, who post mostly picture with very few comments. Prior to that blog, there were two more blogs that went under for whatever, reasons.
    But you are right, some of these people, write about topics they have no knowledge about.

  3. Well as the Beatles use to say, money can't buy me love. Obviously, the cartels believe differently, money buys good attractive looking women.
    I don't know if money can't buy love, but it can buy good attractive looking ladies, nothing wrong with that.

  4. I hate to say this, but the Jets are going to loose to the Steelers.
    Rapelisberger, opps, I meant Rothlisberger, is on a winning streak.

  5. hey, most Valley bloggers are not sophisticated enough to do what you suggest. It would take a smart person to do what's right all the time. Harlingen doesn't have such a fella. Deal is too old and Chapa is too dumb. Just saying.

  6. ANONYMOUSES:...Pittsburgh Steelers QB Ben Roethlisberger is lucky he's not in jail. The NFL is wrong to protect these guys. (2.) As for Valley Bloggers, well, we don't think Jerry Deal of is too old. He brings a certain experience one cannot buy. His arch-rival Chapa of MyHarlingenNews is not necessarily dumb; he's just stubborn and unaware of Journalism practices. It doesn't excuse him, but it does explain why he flies so low. Lawbreakers lose standing in a community, hence their blogging is - and always will be - in question. Porno-addicted bloggers contribute to the diseased side of life... - Editor

  7. the NFL will protect its players. Too much money involved. TV pays the league millions to broadcast games and so it needs name players on the field, not in jail. But Ben R. needs to be punished. Two rape accusations? Something's up.

  8. Brett Farvre of the Vikings is just as bad. He texted porno to that woman who worked for the NY Jets. The NFL did nothing about it. Bad news, man.

  9. BRETT FAVRE has done this before. And he got no punishment. The NFL may find it has made a big mistake in not punishing these guys.

  10. write something about Roethlisberger!

  11. Heck, I guess we could call those people, the NFL cartel. They behave just like them.
    I don't know about that Chapa character, I met him once, and that was all I could stomach, he use to go drink coffee at Mi Rancho Rest. I hear he doesn't go out anymore. I guess he is afraid of big Joe Rubio.
    And Jerry Deal, is okay, but he drives around with a small dog.
    I know the Uncles of Ernest Peres Jr. who use to operate, anewharlingen. blogspot. But he went silent.
    I agree with the editor, a good blog down here, with good publicity and good editorials would be very nice.

  12. The Tribune shuld move to Harlingen and kick tail. Good reporting and good writing. These smalltime politicians would run for the hills!!!

  13. Picking the Bears to beat green Bay tomorrow and the Jets to stomp the Steelers on sunday. Any takers?

  14. I like the Bears myself, but those Packers are peaking at the right time.
    The jets need to play flawless ball, to beat the rape man himself big fat Ben R..
    I agree with Anony, we need a good blog in Harlingen. Do some ass kicking.


  16. ANONYMOUSES:...Playing these Bears in Chicago on a frozen field will be the task. Green Bay is used to it, so that may help them. Still think Soldier Field will help Bears, so we're going with Chicago. (2.) Ralph, it's good to see another Blog in Harlingen. Here's hoping it makes a difference... - Editor

  17. Yeah, our Blogs could be better. Too much ego, tho. I'd like to see a Blog that would be good and objective. May never happen I know.

  18. bears will win if Packers get off to a bad start. But I think Green Bay will win. Too much offense.

  19. Bears and Green Bay, lets get ready to rumble....

  20. Bears 27 packers 20. Bank it!

  21. the Blogs just don't do the job as news sources. they get too emotional, always defemding the people they like and trashing those they don't like. They're pretty cheap efforts, tho. just saying.

  22. Yea, you mean like Myharlingennews, operated by Chapaneco. The briefs posted, are written like the scribel of a 5 year old. The bad mouthing of the former police, was more of a lynching on T/c blog than reporting. I agree with you.


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