Monday, January 10, 2011

Of Political Shootings, Political Deceit and A Tough Time In America...Watch Out, Boys...


DALLAS - That shooting in Arizona last Saturday that now has a congresswoman fighting for her life has been described as having resulted from the country's years of hateful rhetoric and outright bigotry. It is a sign of our times. It would be the easiest question to ask if all we had to say was, "What's brought us down this darkened road?"

There is no one answer. We are - and always have been - a nation of mongrels, people out to get for themselves, for their kind and for their feeling of power. You could say everything that happens to us as a country is our own fault.

But why does a 22-year-old young man decide he must kill a politician he hates? Why did Jared L. Loughner load his gun and walk it to a grocery store in Tucson last Saturday and shoot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and shoot and kill a half-dozen others attending the congresswoman's storefront function. Loughner is in federal custody and not talking; Giffords, shot through the head, continues fighting for her life. It's too Banana Republic for me, but there it is.

We have added the photo of South Texas politician to the top of this story to perhaps show how and why some Americans get so pissed-off that they go looking for what the Tea Party calls that "Second Amendment Remedy," which is a not-so-vague reference to making one's way to the gun locker.

Former Democrat Aaron Pena - the gentleman in the photo above - recently angered many of his constituents by switching to the Republican Party. In Edinburg, which is the center of his legislative district, this did not play well, with many residents issuing harsh comments about Pena's political future. His move falls into the "action draws reaction" category, and we suspect that Mssr. Pena is now wearing a gun. In the world of gunplay, Arizona has been vying for Top Gun, but Texas is still the place where the Republican governor could be out on a jog, spot a coyote, and shoot it, as he did not that long ago. Things must be somewhat bad for those who feel they're on the losing side of our excitable politics. And why should it surprise us when someone decides assassination is the answer?

We have no way of knowing how may of our elected officials will be carrying weapons this morning as they head out to do heir jobs. One politician familiar to this web site - Harlingen Commissioner Kori Marra - made it a special point to note that she feared attack in explaining her reasons for carrying a gun (she is shown at right). Another in a city near hers is said to always carry a small gun in his boots, even while presiding over his town's council. Texas Gov. Rick Perry (shown with gun in photo below) openly acknowledges he sports a weapon. Well, so much for trusting law enforcement and so much for calling for peace.

Politicians are to blame for the congresswoman's shooting. It is the hellfire bullshit they throw against each other, against certain sectors of the population, against anyone not agreeing with their views, their, yeah, politics. It is a damning indictment against this, the so-called most civilized country on the planet.

This Loughner kid will be portrayed as a loner, an angry young man, a zealot and everything else that was lapped on Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Bishara Sirhan. But there's more to it, of course. There is a deeper background to the tale, the story of how Loughner targeted Congresswoman Giffords perhaps after reading and hearing political crap aimed at her by the likes of the moron Sarah Palin and the Goddamned Tea Party. Palin included Giffords on her "crosshairs" list of politicians the Tea Party wanted to take out. Palin has backed-off anything to do with that, but that's par for cowards who front lawlessness under the guise of protecting the U.S. Constitution.

We mourn those who died last Saturday, including the 9-year-old girl shot in the attack. What must her mother have felt at seeing her daughter die at such a scene? News reports have it that she had been born on Sept. 11, 2001 and had been inspired by President Obama's election in 2008. We also later learned that she was the granddaughter of former NY Mets and Yankees Manager Dallas Green. For that murder alone, this Loughner guy should be shot in public.

 All we know is that something needs to change. America needs to make a turn toward civility, toward the idea that we remain a united country and not a collection of barbaric animals...

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  1. Good post, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Rush Limbaugh, shawn hannity and the bill o'riely, glen beck crowd mentality, are the people that believe in shooting others who don't agree with their beliefs.

  2. It's real sad. But i would like to see aaron pena beaten. we don't need traitors around here.

  3. The whole world is crazy. One shooting won't stop the crazies. Good article.

  4. Aaron Pena is on the way out. Voters in Hidalgo County will send this pig packing. Is he ugly or what? Too bad he's chicano.

  5. Guns are not to blame. people are to blame. I would carry a gun if I was a politician. Everybody's crazy, man.

  6. Excellent story. If only people wuld think before they speak. In our town, no one thinks. That's our problem.

  7. ANONYMOUSES:...It's a reality - guns are now part of our politics. Aaron Pena blew it, but his medicine should come at the polls. Voting him out would be the best justice... - Editor

  8. Aaaron pena ought to get his fat ass kicked. He pulled a fast one on the voters. Es un menso ese buey!

  9. The fact is that people need to go and vote. Aron Pena enjoy your stay, because your day is coming, and you will be voted as the dog catcher of Hidalgo county.
    Guns have no place in society, they just cause heartaches.
    Oh well, the debate will continue.

  10. Things should be debated in public forums, with words not with guns. Suddenly the Palin crowd are saying, she is not at fault. Sara, Todd, and the morbidly obese Brystol Palin are nothing but Hill billies from the Alaskan Hills, John MaCain is a hillbillie from the outhouse of Az.

  11. Politics here are like politics in Mexico. no difference if we go around killing everybody.

  12. Ese gordito conocide como aron pena, come mucha carne guisada, es mejor que coma ensaladas, porque esta medio, heavy duty.

  13. Patrick, how about,another song from Paul Revere and raiders, "him or me, who's is going to be" ,another good old song from the mid 60's.

  14. The USA is like Mexico, here we call them bribes, in Mexico they call them Mordidas.
    Here loonies are permitted to have guns. Mexico allows people to have guns, with a bond. Here we pay for permits.
    There is no difference. Here in the USA we just hide our sins better.

  15. Aaron pena is just a Mexican hoping the white man will help him. Poor dumb bastard. What a fool.

  16. praying for the lady that was shot. Hopefully, she will recover from the shooting. It's getting crazy out there. i agree.

  17. Aron Pena is an American, he just doesn't know that what he did is going to cost him his elected seat.
    The Valley is 75% Hispanic, how can white people help him??? Aron, you poor deluded man.


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