HARLINGEN, Texas - In the vernacular of the breakfast cafes, City Commissioner Kori is toast - as in the band has played and the crowd has left the building. Local politics, they say, is cruel and heartless. One day you're in and the next day you're out. For female politicians, it is nothing short of a marriage going sour. Every dress and business suit hanging in the closet looks like ancient rags from a second-hand store. You don't want to go out; you don't want to see anyone.
Is that where Ms. Marra is mentally these days?
That is the question of the day here. That long, long year of controversy never did abate. Marra tried her best to traipse softly through the glass shards of her pathway, trying like crazy to ignore the string of controversy that had consumed her days as commissioner. Guns and booze entered the conversation when citizens here spoke about her. Unexplained absences and weird alliances fueled the fire. It never has been a pretty picture. It never segued from election night celebration into accomplishment. It went south quickly and the reins of the wagon settled somewhere down by the front wheels. Saying nothing, the woman headed for the cliff.
Then came an admission that her company had fudged on payment of payroll taxes to the federal government. That brought additional derision, jokes at the cafes and loud laughter at the bars, only to be followed by a complete abandonment by one of her supporters - the influential Harlingen Blogger Jerry Deal. He dismissed her and called for her resignation, noting that Ms. Marra had lied to him. That drew another rain of jokes, especially on the point made by the commissioner that an office employee of the real estate company she co-owns was to blame for the IRS snafu.
Can Humpty Dumpty be put together again is the essence of a children's book. Is that where Ms. Marra sits these days, atop a fence, looking at the ground below and wondering if the fall is survivable?
The electorate will forgive. Perhaps that is something the commissioner never did understand. If only she'd come out and been contrite, admitted her faults and errors and promised better public service. But, no, that hasn't been to date any part of her style. Indeed, there are those who say she is wont to look down at the residents of Harlingen. And that's the sadness of the entire mess. The Tribune is on record as supporting any and all female politicians in the Rio Grande Valley. We subscribe to the assessement that it is the Macho politician who keeps the region sluggish and not any racism. we have said it and we have written it. Indeed, we have often shined the bright light on Brownsville City Commissioner Melissa Zamora for that very reason. She's let us down, but she's still there.
So what becomes of Commissioner Marra here?
We think it's all up to her. We think she needs to be a bit more human, to make public mention of her foibles, to acknowledge criticism and to speak to those she has long ignored. Anything short of that and she will be toast...
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the lady should resign. she has no credibility anymore. Harlingen needs better examples of leadership. Our children deserve it.
ReplyDeleteAlactraz, you're a shark, dude! Exellent article. right on, bro. Our elected officials don't know how the hell they got there. Elected! so we will un-elected their asses when they blow it.
ReplyDeleteDynomite story! thanks. Marra will resign. if not now, soon. she keeps blowing it and one day it'll be too big to overcome. we all know that.
ReplyDeleteAnother good story. the Tribune is giving us stuff the others can never give us. Enjoy it. never heard of Melissa Zamora, but I live in Harlingen. she looks professional, tho.
ReplyDeleteDon't think she'll resignn. The Old Guard won't let her. Watch.
ReplyDeleteHey, Alcatraz, JERRY Deal is blowing his own horn again. And he doesn't give The Tribuen any credit. Que pasa con Deal? Maybe he fears The Tribune. He should.
ReplyDeleteJerry Deal, is behaving like Toni Chapaneca, I thought she or he were buried in cow pasture full of cow chips.
ReplyDeleteJerry, clean up your act, we don't need another Tony Chapaneco in Harlingen.
Good post, well written, Thanks.
Anon, you are right the old guard won't give the seat of Commissioner, even some woman who were her strongest supporters are asking her to quit.
ReplyDeleteThe Old Guard is in for a surprise in Marra's district. They may think they have it in their pocket, but they don't. People are working ebhind the scenes. And I agree that Jerry deal is acting like Tony chapa. He'll get the same medicine if he keeps blowing his horn so much. Just do the job, Deal, like The Tribune!
ReplyDeleteSorry about the americans killed by those pirates. that's so sad. people can't even enjoy their later years anymore.
ReplyDeleteI think the US should go to Somolia and put a blockade on these ass*&*^les. Shoot the hoodlums on the spot, all they know is violence. Matenlos.
ReplyDeleteOld guard is determined to minimize the exposure they are getting from Joseph Rubio. They have consistantly done pretty much as they wanted. But the clock is swinging now, and they don't like it. I am looking forward when heat begins to post comments on the Blogs and VMS and continue to exposing the rats.
ReplyDeleteYeah, HEAT should do something spectacular right off the bat. Do it!
ReplyDeleteleave it to Big Dawg Rubio.. He'll shake up the town. MAYBE he'll even get rid of Chapa. That would be a good day in town.
ReplyDeleteChapa, is nothing but a low lifing rumor mongering idiot. Es un cobarde, he is afraid to go out. Gallina culeca que brinka la cerca, y deja los pollos comiendo mantequa. (es es Champaneco.)
ReplyDeleteThat is exactly what the supporters of Marra are saying, "they use to lover, but it is all over now," Good song, Mr. Editor, good song, and so was the tax-man.
ReplyDeleteAre you shure Shawwna is not from Harlingen. Because in Harlingen, it is nothing but, KKK, all the way. They hid behind Dockers and suits, but deep inside, they are full of hatred.
ReplyDeleteCheck her papers, I think she lives on Treasure Hills Blvd, no wait, I think I have seen her at the Country club in Harlingen. Yes, that is where I have seen her. Just what is she doing in Arizona??? Shwanna, come home. Chris Boswell, Meade, and company want you back.
ReplyDeleteShawna Forde should die! Vieja racista. Al infierno, puta!
ReplyDeleteHADN'T heardv of shawna Forde, but she would fit in in Harlingen, home of the Redneck. Good for the jury. An eye 4 an eye.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like some of the racist are heading to the new bastion of racism, Arizona, Shawana, he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword. Mendiga, wanna be blond.
ReplyDeleteThe new pac, group kept the public out of the meeting. Wow, only 3 hispanics, the wife of a realtor and a cocoa wanna be white laauya.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like the White PAC with the token Browns is gearing up for a fight. HEAT better gear up!
ReplyDeleteThat White Pac don't scare anyone, most of those guys have baggage. Let's look into one of these members who is a lawyer didn't he defended big time drug dealers, he ran for county commissioner, and the faggot guy, who was supporting the east hangar at via as commissioner, that he was to help finance, and the hippie from the 60's doesn't he own some of the ugliest buildings in Harlingen, and was trying to peddle the old grande theater, and the man with the woman's name a realtor, didn't yolanda S. exposed him at a commission meeting. Just same old, same old, Heat needs to exposed these bastards. And who was the guy that got money from edc, I hear something like $15.000.00.
ReplyDeleteKorry, of course you are not perfect, we all know that, girl, you are looney, like the cartoons.
ReplyDeleteKorry you are kidding, you are so comical, I just saw you on the chickenbuckett web, with a cold bruskie on your hand, and a buckett full of beers. We know darling, your just a sick woman, How about attending a party with us, at Alcoholic Anonymous. I dare you, Mi Amor!!!
ReplyDeleteMarra's words are hollow. she doesn't mean any of it. This woman is no leader.