Thursday, February 10, 2011

Why We Like The Things We Like: For Me, It's Always A-1 With My Steak Or Burger...Apple Turnover In The Morn...


AUSTIN, Texas - A quarter of a century ago, it was curly fries that grabbed my attention, although I can't remember what fast food joint sold them. A warm pumpkin empanada always served as trusted companion to my black coffee. Dinner came with a catfish basket, or a box of KFC, or a plate of beef enchiladas. But those were my college days and, well, those days are gone.

These days, I'm like a child when I sit down for my still-black coffee and that apple or cherry turnover I get in a plastic container at HEB that brings us four of them, always crispy and well-filled. Crumbs cover the laptop by the second bite, but who cares - it's my morning palate joy. I'm sure you have your own. My running buddy in college, Paul Infante of Brownsville, would scarf down his Jack-in-the-Box tacos at 2 Ayem, soon after the nightclubs shutdown in Big D, those there on Northwest Highway along the take-off and landing route of the jets coming into or leaving Love Field. The last time I talked with him, he said something about still being addicted to the joint's drive-thru, only these days he is hooked on the breakfast egg sandwiches.

Anyway, I know there are serious issues flying about that must be addressed, stories with more social import than my culinary treats. I know that. But what Man doesn't stop and get off the main road every now and then? Must every Charro hat be black? No. You can lead a man to water, but he'll horse around. And it's not just men; women have their own quirkiness too when it comes to food. My ex-wife loved cheese; I can't stand cheese, any of it. She loved mayonaisse; I can't understand that crap. My daughter in NYC loves food from India; I reel at the sight of it. I could go on. And, for chrissakes, do not throw a freakin' flour tortilla my way; I find them wildly awful. Chips? I go for Cape Cod originals when siding them with a burger, corn when out for killer salsa.

As I've grown older, I've not seen great change in what I scarf down.

I'm still good for a well-done (nuked!) T-bone with a bottle of fine red wine, warm, buttered dinner rolls and a helping of barbeque beans, my own bottle of A-1 steak sauce. Pork ribs do nothing for me. I'm no prehistoric dog able to mash some pig's bones while reaching for spare essence of meat. You can have pork ribs; they're sorta the poor man's answer to beef, which, truth be told, are hard to find.

Has anyone had Navy beans? Whoever came up with that crap should have died at a young age. What a bizarre food. Navy beans? Ridiculous. And why no Army beans?

Chinese food baffles me. It's too tissue-looking for me. I look at a plate and wonder if I am not being served a pile of nerve endings or lymph nodes. Plus the stuff on the Chinese menus floor me. Everything sounds like Chicken Chung Poo or Pao Tao Wao. Those Chinese people never really tell you what the words mean, and so I conclude that it's their inside joke when unfolding the menus as you sit there like some lost moron while the carts bearing the Chinese delicacies come around and around pushed along by a woman who looks like she died last week who nods at you, never smiling.

I don't know.

Maybe the Helote eater has something. I smile when I see a woman lifting the footlong helote to her mouth sideways (see photo above) and then cross-sawing it with her teeth as if playing the harmonica, bits and pieces of the grilled, yellow-brown kernel skin raining on her chest and blouse. And then you notice she is carrying a few more in a plastic bag held tightly under her arm. Ah, the smell of helote on a wife just home from the fleamarket. Must be a kin of Viagra. Quien sobby.

So, it's almost 9:30 and I'm looking out my window. It looks like it'll be a sunny day. Little wind unlike yesterday's frigid killer. A pair of hawks circling the sky downrange, looking as if this is the day they'll luck into something tasty. Didn't mention oysters. Do they taste like mucous? I'll never know.

I'm reaching for my cup of coffee...

- 30 -


  1. What a nice story. Yes, there is a time for stepping back from the BS. thanks. I'm going for a bag of pan dulce. See ya.

  2. Oysters ain't bad. I never thought I'd go for it, but i did. But you have to want to get that taste. Good story.

  3. Just had some ham and eggs. Crunchy flour tortilla. Not bad either, for lunch around 3pm a 5 oz steak and bake potato small salad, and I am good for the day.
    Life is good!!!

  4. Looks to me like Congressman Lee, needs to ask his wife to forgive him.
    As a man, I realize we all stray, well some do. But for heavens sake at least be discreet. On the internet posting pictures for dates is like asking for a divorce. So much for family values.

  5. Like the song you posted. El Lechero is a famous tune. Thanx. Made my day. llego el lechero!

  6. Hey, doesn't A-1 take the flavor out of the steak. I usually pour some of it on half of my steak and eat the other half without it. Have you had Bistec tampiqueno? It's not bad.

  7. What? - you didn't mention your beloved tacos! Oh, wait, is there a story coming about that? Hope so. Great article.

  8. Look guys, tacos are just tacos, they are so common now a days.
    Mr. Editor, if you like steak, try some steak ranchero. Speaking about spicy and hot, your scalp sweats, had some the other day at Blanquitas in Harlingen, damn, that thing was hot. Hotter than the burning of Atlanta.

  9. Okay, enough about food, did anyone read todays VMS. Looks to me like the complaint against Korri Marrana is moving. It is now at the District Attorney's office.
    Activist Yolanda Shoefi filed the complaint, knowing Yolanda she will go to Brownsville to make sure this thing goes through the process. Good Deal, we are hoping the District Attorney's office is looking into Larry Galbreath's complaint as well.
    Okay, time for me to go and get me some tacos al carbon, or pollo al carbon. Ummm, Finger licking good.

  10. Man those Congress people are idiots, how can you propose to someone on the inter-net??? And post a naked picture of yourself. He might be loosing his wife. And on top of that, the woman he was courting turned him down. What a a cut down. Hide in shame Lee, oh, I forgot, Republicans have no shame.

  11. Oonly wish the Valley had good barbeque. Can't find it. Anyone know of one i may not have heard of? Help!

  12. i'm at lunch with my laptop. sandwich and chips, tall coke. it will do for now. Fajitas later tonight with my beautiful girlfriend. Probably drive to Mcallen for that. i know you wanna go too. Do it!

  13. Kori Marra is s timebomb. She is on the city commission for who knows what reason. Hope they get her on whatever she did wrong. Harlingen needs better leaders. She's no leader just a noisemaker for the Old Guard. My favorite breakfast is a chorizo and egg taco!

  14. Friend of mine had some chorizo and egg plate at las casuelas this morning with sausce ranchera.
    You aren't whistling Dixie, Korry, might just get convicted. A class A misdomeanor is more serious than a dwi which is a class B.
    Poor deluded woman.
    Check out the comments on Jerry's blog from Minnerva, a member of the rotarians.
    Otra, galleta de coco.

  15. Kri marra has gone underground. Not hearing her usual BS. Heard she was at the Old Guard meeting, tho. Is she now in hiding? Some politician.More like an amateur. Pobre vieja.

  16. man, has anyone been over to Tony Chapa's blog? It is dead. No comments and the same press releases and bible verses. Looks like the boycott Jerry Deal started against Chapaneco worked. Pobre Tony. He took his ball and went home, el sonso.

  17. There are some comments floating around about financial problems, but now she has legal problems. Attorney's aren't cheap here in the Valley. $120.00 and hour, just ask Ken Sweezy, who is now in prison.
    Oh well, Korri will find out, sometimes it is better to stay out of the kitchen, specially when the soup is burning. Vieja pendeja, some people got fed up with her bullshit.

  18. Okay, but why isn't the dwarf Tony chapa gloating? he's made a life out of hounding Kori Marra and it's not a sex fixation cause little Tony couldn't fill her, if you know what I mean. Harlinegn would be beter without Marra and Tony. Just saying.

  19. Tony Champaneco got what he deserved. He picked a fight with everyone. Even the chicken blog post more pictures than mynews.
    The people that are posting editorials aren't taken serious. and generating 1 to maybe 8 comments. The truth is, he is finished. Jerry's blog and the Tribune are eating his lunch, supper and dinner all at one time.
    And even Jerry's blog could use an infussion of Vitamin B complex. But is better than Champaneco's.

  20. Anon, the dwarf needs 100mgs of viagra, and he can't articulate a good story about anyone. Besides, he alienated so many bloggers, even if he hired a journalist, his blog wouldn't survive.
    Not only that but, I hear most of the insiders that he had, have dropped him, like the case of the measles.

  21. Anon: (the dwarf gloating), if K/M was to start talking to Champaneco, or writing on his blog. He would turn on everyone and defend her, like Jerry was doing it at one time.
    His fixation came to an end, when people started noticing he was infatuated with her.
    Now even when he writes about her, he gets more than 6 responses.

  22. I agree. Marra never paid Chapa any mind. She ignored him like he was the dog of the house. Tony just wanted her to look his way and she never did. When you meet Tony you'll know why. He's a short guy! Women need a little more from a man than what he can offer, which is probably 2 inches. Just saying.

  23. So, no one here knows of a good BBQ place in the Valley? Have looked and found none. Once I've bene too were mediocre and almost bad.

  24. the new police chief hire is our next scandal. Don't think the two's two blogs can handle the story. Need an investigative reporter to look at all the applicants. Some state trooper is on the top of the list, but we need someone from up north. Don't need someone who has amigos all over the place.

  25. In Harlingen, "Big Johns" Bar-b-Que, it is located on West Old 83, around the 3700 block. The chicken fried steak sandwiches and the bar-b-que is darn finger licking good.

  26. Well T/C is about 5ft. 2 inches tall, can't drive, can't speak, can't write, so why would k/m waste her time.
    Besides, his flagging blog, is history.

  27. Jerry Deal killed Chapa's blog. No question about it. Tony never saw it coming. He ain't right. Just saying.


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