Tuesday, March 15, 2011

For Star-Crossed Harlingen City Commissioner Kori Marra, It's Another Long Round On The Ropes...Politics Has Its Ethics...


HARLINGEN, Texas - In sports, there comes a time when the fight looks so hopeless that a team or a boxer's corner will throw in the towel. In basketball, fans begin to stream out of the arena as soon as they decide time will not allow a comeback. In opera, aficionados know the show is almost over when the fat lady sings.

So, at what time will the fat lady sing for the play we've known as The Kori Marra Chronicles?

Yesterday, she again was walloped by that worst of menace for any politician - a bad publicity day. Cameron County court records released to the news media indicated Ms. Marra was being charged with violation of state ethics rules when she "twice failed to abstain or file an affidavit for a vote in which there was a special economic benefit." That was last September. Those same records further stated that she had a "substantial" interest in city commission action to do with city-funded improvements to the Harlingen downtown district. Commissioner Marra owns a real estate business in the district.

The charge is a misdemeanor that has her facing a possible 1-year jail sentence and/or a $4,000 fine.

In political shenanigans, that is a relatively minor indiscretion. Bigger fish have been nabbed with more serious charges. But for Marra, it comes only weeks after her name hit the streets that said her company had failed to file payroll taxes with the IRS during a 5-year period. Before that, a litany of weirdness swirled around her public service. Her fear of something or another forced her to declare that she would wear a gun for protection. Repeated absences from City Commission meetings led to community backlash. Rumor and innuendo may be the legacy of her public service.

It will be interesting to see how she defends herself against this latest charge. Prosecutors generally need enough goods on someone before they run to file charges. Ms. Marra has denied voting on any issue coming before the city that would enrich her in any way. This fight she will tackle in court.

What may be a tougher opponent may be her constituents in District 3...

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  1. Poor woman. she just can't get a break. She should resign. Toomany personal problems. Big mess. save yourself, woman!

  2. You're so right. Marra has been completely written off. I bet she won't seek re-election next year. District 3 needs a better representative. Time to close her show.

  3. i'm shaking my head. it's always something with this commissioner. Not a waord about Gus or Jerry or joey or Leftwich, but Marra can't stay out of the news. Sorry. Adios, commissioner.

  4. Good points. Other blogs do not analyze. they take stuff from press releases and clain the story. Good honest reporing, Mr. Editor. Thanks.

  5. Nicely said. I agree that she should resign but who wil replace her. Any names of contenders yet?

  6. that molester guy looks like a molester. idiot. He's going to jail now! Good!!!!

  7. she's innocent until they prove her guilty. Let's see what she has to say before we torch her. Politics is a rough world. everybody's out to get you. And where was the city attorney to advise her about the issue. Most commissioners talk with the city attorney if they're worried about how their vote will play out. Did Marra speak with City Attorney Cotroneo? That's what I want to know. Good story. Tribune does the job again.

  8. yes, only The Tribune gives these people a fair shot. Jerry Deal is a closet old Guard guy and Chapaneco is a friend of the brainless. help!!!!! what would we do without The Tribune. A third look at our city is good, especially one from a guy who can write. Deal has grown old and lazy and Chapaneco neve rhad it to begin with. El Viejito y El Sonso. Pobres.

  9. If she survives this mess, she may not survive the next election. But it's all about who her opponent will be. District 3 is weird, tho

  10. I agree 100% with the editorial, Thank you MR. Editor, after watching Korry on two occassions, I am totally convinced she is a fragile woman, who tries to be and act tough. She isn't, she shields herself by being in the media.
    There is also rumors, that the police supevisors that investigated the so call vandalism incident, now believe the incident happen elsewhere. Something more like a hit an run type thing. Or at least that is the lates talk at the coffee shop. Sad indeed.
    Oh boy, lies, more lies, thats all we ever hear from Korri.

  11. (El viejito/el sonso) anon, agree, el sonso had no comments, and when he ran the story, he had 5. Jerry, well he sleeps most of the time.
    Thank God, the Trib, is around, otherwise, we would have to believe the Valley Morning Star, who by the Way, the editor is in the board of the Harlingen Chamber of Commerce. Man we need a local paper.
    In July, I am letting my subscription expire, I won't support these SOB's anymore.

  12. ANONS & MARY LOU:...Neat comments, all going to the stories we post here. Commissioner Marra certainly has some explaining to do. Maybe she'll hold a news conference or float a statement to the press about these charges. I am surprised to find that the Editor of Valley Morning Star is on the board of the Harlingen Chamber of Commerce. That is a big no-no. As editor, that person has to stay away from all conflicts-of-interest, or the appearance of conflicts. Are you sure it's not the VMS publisher? Publishers are the moneymen for publications, the guys out rubbing the backs of local businesse owners so that they will advertise. I'll check on that. By the way, I agree that Harlingen needs a better newspaper. A little competition would spark-up the Morning Star editors and reporters. Until they get it, they won't worry about a damn thing, criticism included... - Editor

  13. Mr. Editor, here is what the VMS list on the opinion page: Douglas Hardie Publisher Emeritus, Tyler Patton publisher,Paul Binz Editor, however, when you write letters to the editorial dept. and call their number, it is Mr. Castillo that is now in charge of that dept. He isn't listed on the opinion page. And we know he is not a journalist.

  14. Mr. Editor: you are correct it is, "the publisher" who is on the board of the Chamber of Commerce.
    My apoligize to the editor.

  15. FYI, the rumors at las Casuelas this morning was, that one of the PAC's is considering publishing a or three page weekly print. Thank God, lets expose, the land grabbers, thiefs who pose as pilars of the community.

  16. Korri, looked worried on television last night. Pobre Vieja sonsa, in Harlingen politics is hardball. And people are watching, the old guard can't steal and get away with it. The blogs, have become a tool and the rats can't hide anymore.

  17. Time for Kori to head back to west texas ....she is not helping her district and its only going to be more crap in the future...do all a favor and resign...

  18. Korri is denying any wrong doing, well so did fat Handy, and now fat Korri is doing the same.
    Korri, a jury of your fellow tax-payers will decide whether you are guilty or not.
    The Consiglios are next.

  19. The Harlingen EDC is going broke. All this b/s about Bill Martin. This town was cursed by the old guard.
    Korri Marra in law problems, damn, I am moving to Rio Hondo.

  20. So the rumor is the edc is now responsible for $4.800.000 dollars one of the contractors backed off the project. What a bunch of A#$%^& Holes. They just keep getting deeper and deeper. Bass Pro Sho, sucked it to the Harlingen Tax-payers. Thank You EDC and specially you Bill Martin.

  21. Bill Martin hAS RAKED in a big salary for doing nothing. He should be investigated. These are public funds.

  22. Bill Martin makes over $155.000 dollars a year. Now he is trying to borrow on another building to of-set a shortage of funds at EDC.

  23. The talk around town, was that money was owed to the Harlingen EDC, they are just trying to collect sooner than later. It sounds like EDC, has put it's own spin. With these guys you can't trust them period. A former Harlingen City Attorney is representing economic development Corp. (No woner they are in problems)

  24. Man, I don't care what anybody says, just knowing that you have to go to court to face allegations is traumatic. If she was indicted that means there was caused to have a trial.
    Good luck Marra, let me assure you Rockers Carrizalez is not a good place, just ask Juan Montoya.

  25. Somebody tell Marra that Juan Montoya said candy is $1 inside the county jail.

  26. Korri will find out, how bad it feels being photographed and finger printed in a screwed police station. Inside Ruckers/Carrizalez is 62 degrees and the stuff at the commissary is expensive.
    Sweeping commodes is not my cup of tea. (Being there done that.)

  27. That sweet little thing, better work out a plea deal. Being behind bars and high walls, is more of a nightmare. It is not funny, believe me, people forget about you quickly.

  28. Hey, whats this we hear about Tyler Patton, so he drinks at Baloos. Maybe if he would do his job better, and quit kissing the asses of Anglos like himself. There wouldn't be any comments about the VMS. Pinches Gringos

  29. The Valley Morning Star does not represent all of Harlingen. It is definitely a rag for Anglos.

  30. From Jerry Deal -- I am so glad there are so many people concerned about my health and my sleeping habits. Obviously, they are not reading Myleadernews, which was the first to post the allegations against Kori Marra. I guess that as a fair journalist because I also let her declare her innocence on that publication that made my an old guarder.
    If the truth be known I probably sleep less than most, but I do not sit at my computer like another publication operator states. I have real jobs with the Los Fresnos News, Rio Hondo News and the North American Baseball League
    Plus, the unknown person who signs as anonymous is just an annoying person on all blogs


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