Monday, March 21, 2011

For The Hometeam, It's Battling The Light Bill That Worries City Officials...Harlingen Supports, But Can't Finance...Batter Up!...

Special to The Tribune

HARLINGEN, Texas - It's the bottom of the ninth inning and the Rio Grande Valley Whitewings are trailing by three runs. Bases loaded, the team's slugger at the plate. A big, fat yellow moon hangs over the left field stanchions. Three-two count as the opposing pitcher goes into his wind-up.


The lights go out and the field goes dark. Trouble with the over-heated bulbs up on the outfield poles? No. Someone pulled the master power lever? Nope. Punks firing pellet guns at he lights? Not that, either. So, then what?

No one paid the light bill.

It's been a well-hidden headache for Harlingen, but city officials haven't turned out the lights on the Wingsters. They could do it. Team officials have been slow in paying their bill, is what we're told.

"It's money from past electric bills, the rent's not too much compared to running the lights," said our well-placed source. "I think the cost runs about 40k a season."

Baseball is just around the corner. Fans are leaving basketball behind as the sounds of balls hitting a new glove and bats slapping grounders hits town. Again, there is the eternal hope for the Wings that this is the year they win it all. Serious practices are on the horizon, with young men strapping on their jock straps, running those funny socks up their pants and readying those crotch tuggings while taking batting practice. Sprints in the outfield grass, chew in their mouths, perspiration running down their backs. Every player is Mickey Mantle. Every manager is Casey Stengel.

It's a new season and everybody's undefeated. And who knows, maybe the league will bring some other pseudo-celebrity to hit a few. Last season, it was the steroid guy Jose Canseco swatting some at Harlingen Field for the Laredo squad. This year it could be doped-up Mark McGwire or Barry Bonds or maybe even Sammy Sosa. Whatever.

Just so the lights stay on. The city can't bankroll these guys. It can't blow-off delinquent light bills. It can't say it'll swallow the debt for the sake of supporting the minor-league Wings.

No, a town's fans expect their baseball club to field a good team, play hard, and pay its bills. That's winning baseball.

Now, exactly how much does the team owe in utility bills? That's the question its Honcho needs to answer before the Opening Day pitch is launched toward homeplate...

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[Editor's Note: We have asked Harlingen City Manager Carlos Yerena for an accounting of the RGV WhiteWings contract agreement, but have not received a reply. The team's dealings with the city are public record...]


  1. Man, i love baseball. About ready for the season. Hope nothing gets in the way. pay the light bill, folks!

  2. hey, there's more to the death in Mata of that DA guy. bet on it. Villalobos isn't saying cause he doesn't want to. Poor dude. hope it wasn't painful.

  3. So Chapaneco attacked the Trib and got 9 comments. The Trib got 45. Hmmmm. what does that tell the Dwarf? Everything. LOL!!!

  4. Interesting story. Baseball is big in the valley. Hope the team can make enough money to keep playing. thanks.

  5. So Chapaneco got his arse kicked after he posted that lousy story against the Trib. Menso. he should know better by now. No one is blogging over at his blog. And everytime he does something stupid he loses again. Sonso. hey, dwarfy, go away!

  6. Viejo burro, mohao, no sabe escribir. Him and his side kick, J.J.O. otro pendejo, Y jakie la novia.
    Speaking about Baseball, which is more important than Chapenceo, if the city spent $70.000.000 in Bass Pro, why don't they fix that stadium to like a real baseball field. That damn place is ugly. The team is lousy, and I hope they hire someone else beside Eddie Dennis.

  7. Mr Brownsville: That tells the dwarfie looking queer tonie chapis, that nobody likes his mother-f*&^*^%ng behind at the Tribune and to quit bad mothing the Trib's blog.

  8. Mr. Editor: It could be that the cash strapped town doesn't have any money to pay the light bill.
    I heard from city employees, Yerena doesn't hire a police chief because the city is saving money. An interim chief, makes a lot less than a appointed police chief, es the saying goes at the breakfast shop, en Harlingen son bien pinches.

  9. I wonder how Jerry Deal is going to spin this story. I think Jerry is the public Relations man in Harlingen.
    They average around 800 people, the Wingsters don't play very well.
    Sorry Jerry, but it is the truth, I have been to several games and end up living in the 7th inning.

  10. The WhiteWings, well what can I say, don't know too much about baseball, my boyfriend does. Sometimes the games are okay, most of the time, kind of boring. The entrance fee is not bad, but the stuff you buy inside is.
    Anyway, I hope the city pays the light bill, and we can go see grown man play a kid's game.

  11. I think Jerry Deal just does PR on the games. Or is he also reporting on the team's business dealings? If he is then reporting the truth is fair game. we expect that from Deal. chapaneco is soemthing else. that guy wouldn't box himself out of a paperbag if his life depended on it. Backseat Tony is no newsman.

  12. ALL:...We're huge baseball fans here, so our story about the RGV WhiteWings and the city's dealings should not be interpreted as being against the game. City Manager Yerena has been asked to supply relevant info about the team's working contract for use of the ballfield. The city is run with taxpayers funds and the information we requested is public record. Hopefully, Mr. Yerena will provide it. That failing, we're sure our Journalism colleague Jerry Deal will get the info from his team sources. Mr. Deal handles P.R. for the team and the league. It should be available to him. In any case, yeah, playball!... - Editor

  13. hey, if they're not paying the light bill, or paying it late, then the games should be free to the public. cause taxpayers cover the city's expenses, no? fair is fair, bubba. where are the commissioners? why are tey letting this slide. money is money in bad times, dudes.

  14. Agree, the city commission has to step up and get the bills paid and the Wingstersrus, to pay the piper as well.
    Yerena, works like 90 weight oil, he is way to slow.

  15. Harlingen low riderMarch 21, 2011 at 3:00 PM

    toni is not newsman, he is a mohao, that shoots his mouth, but is not man enough to face anyone in public. He smells like dog sh*#t. Es cool arrow, gallina, que no vale sebo, viejo stupido, no eres hombre. Eres flor de mayo.

  16. I didn't know the Whitewings got such a great deal from he city. We have kicked Commissioner Marra's butt for nt paying he rtaxes, but we've let this baseball team slide by? Nooooooooo. Pay the light bill or go play in Brownsville. Bola de codos!

  17. Mr. Editor. thank God the stock Market is up. And Gasoline went down 2 pennies, just filled my ford 150 King Ranch Edition, $75.00 medium grade. Well it still had about 1/4 of a tank left. Te roban de todos modos.
    I think the city and the wings are going to reslolve this matter, rather quickly.

  18. Chapaneco is crowing against The Tribuen again. What a stupid man he must be. The Trib is Number One, pendejo! Get it through you thick dwarf skull. Eres un estupido y un cobarde. and get back in that backseat with your boyfriend jake. ha ha ha ha ha to yur ass, chaparro mendigo.

  19. Hey, some gentleman out there needs to pay Korry's taxes and save her fat ass. She is letting things settle down before she shoots her mouth of again.
    Common you guys and gals, I wonder how this poor woman feels, all her dirty laundry out in public. Letters to the editor, like the one last friday by some guy name Garcia.
    Give her butt a break, esta de dar lastima la hembra. Pero como le gusta el borlote.

  20. good article. You won't see this in any other Blog. Chapaneco can only dream. he is being ignored big time. Pobre viejo apestoso. HE STINKS up the town. Go back to Mexico, Chapa. Your Blog will look better in Matamoros. andale, andale!

  21. that dwarf Chapa is back at it. He can't just take his ass-kicking and lay low. Maybe he has a thing for Alcatraz, like he has for Jake. He has become the town shithead. he must know that, but hey the stupid never know they're stupid. Can you get an interview with his wife about that backseat stuff with Jake. i'd die of laughter reading it!

  22. Yeah, interview Chapa's wife and ask her about Jake's style. LOL!!!

  23. That naco who beat up the old lady will get his in jail. Vato pendejo! He's lucky I'm not anywhere his ass. She was 62, estupido! What you can't rob a man? Hope they crack your crack wide open in jail, bro.

  24. I know Jake made some comments on the blr, sometime back about Chapis naked in the back seat of his car, al a mejor chapis es joton you never know now a days. Para eso me gustabas biejo alcahuete.

  25. I have always been a strong supporter of women's candidates. Estela Chaves-Vasques, where do I make a donation, para ti corazon, te compro a Brownsville. Pura Chicana, love that tan. Wowowowo, walk all over me, mi amor.

  26. If Chapaneco keeps bugging you write that story about what Jake dies to his wife in the backseat of his Ford. Chapete is asking for it! I'd die laughing while reading it. It's hard to get rid of dogshit from your boots, I know. But he keeps asking to be whipped. Jediondo!

  27. Hey, Jerry deal has givena wishy-washy answer to why the Whitewings don't pay their bill for electricity at the ballpark. He says he is with the league but doesn't know what he's doing for it so he doesn't have info on this issue. Deal has a habit of walking the fence. get the info, Jerry! Or what are you busy looking for Jose Canseco to come here and strikeout? I'm not laughing, dude.

  28. Some guy who blogs under the name of Kingy Kanute is calling Tony out. Apperantly he is saying more people are blogging here than else where.
    Short stop, you are right some blogger by the name of Davies, ask jerry about the league and the city.

  29. Anotnio Garza, Carrizalez is not a friendly place, ask Juan Montoya. It is cold and the population is very unfriendly. You will see and learn quickly.
    Stealing from a 62 year old woman is like taking candy from a kid.

  30. Pinche Chapaneco, can't stand it, that the Tribune is beating up on Jerry's blog and mhns put together.
    He has two stories about the Harlingen police, that's all he writes half paragraphs about. Now is trying to question the Tribs Credebilty.
    Mira Mamon de una ves por todas, le estan dando a tu pinche blog en la pura Ma%^&*e.cabron.

  31. Chapaneco has lost the battle. he is now last place on the Blog list, behind even the chickenbuckets guy. The Tribune shlould blow its own horn. It is the best. no question about it. y si, chapete, aqui estoy, puto!

  32. Chapete or Chapis or Chapaneco, or Chapa whatever the name of ese hoton. He won't concede, he is not a man. You lost, bro, admit it, you got your ass kicked.

  33. The city is supposedly at the table with the baseball team to see if they can pay at least half of the bill owed for light? The city doesn't have the balls to just kick them out like everyone else who got screwed! Only because Boswell wants to have something to do at night instead of giving away money for projects that will fold with time!


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