Saturday, April 23, 2011

110 In The Shade: Brownsville's Angry Blogger Jerry McHale Endures...One Hard-Luck Story After Another...


BROWNSVILLE, Texas - In Jerry McHale's newsroom, there's always a half-stoned, dressed-to-kill doll at his feet near the computer, the comely sweetheart doing her best to stay quiet while he works another story about corruption, hideous residents doing nothing or yet another upcoming election featuring candidates better suited for a movie about the Mexican tamale industry or that country's 1910 Revolution. He has the best of characters and the worst of characters. And, absolutely, there's a dame in the picture.

She's in his mind, supple and naked and ready, as he types away, running the mental thesaurus on full-blast and grabbing at the best words as his brain speeds through his colossal vocabulary vault. McHale, shown in photo at right, is writing, but he may as well be fucking. That is how he writes, as if making love. The passion is discernible. His journalistic ejaculation will match what he delivers later that same night to his sensual wife. Every story carries the chemicals for life, or destruction of life. His fans, this entire community of 140,000 do-nothings, have come to expect vicious whippings from the man who stands as this bordertown's best writer. Hands down. When he gets a Journalism Hard-On, there is only one reporter in town, regardless of the compliments he pays others from time to time. McHale is like Muhammad Ali in his prime. Even Nixon was told to go to hell by the champ. Such is McHale's clout in this falling town.

Another time and he would have been Ghengis Khan's brother, Don. Or he would have been the man who shot Liberty Valance. Or, as the Italians might say, he coulda been a contendah. Or he may have been the fucka who chased down Lee Harvey Oswald that fateful day in Dallas. Or he perhaps could have been a sparring partner for Argentine heavyweight bruiser Oscar "Ringo" Bonavena. McHale is the sort of personality who can smell a scrap a block away. He's the bystander who urges two brawling broads to, not stop, but keep kicking. He's pro-wino, but not as it relates to his own bottle of whisky. A few decades ago, when a dusty bordello known as El Zumbido, drew men like flies to Matamoros, McHale was there to do more than take the midnight pulse of the dog-tired whores. You can still go to a piece of harsh geography on the road to the Matamoros beach where El Zumbido stood, stand there atop the rutted ground and say his name. From somewhere below, along some lonely fire ant trail burrowing to the center of the earth, would come the voice of his beloved prostitute Gloria, who would cough as he liked her to cough when fully-engorged in her mouth and then say, "Eres tu, Maclovio?"

Today's local reporters, and we include a mess of bloggers whose work pales against the editor of, cannot hold a candle to McHale. They try, of course, but they are traipsing down a path he created long-ago, chasing his place in local news, itching to be seen as he is seen, suffocating in his indomitable legend. Everything of note that has happened in this dusty burg has been studied and analyzed by McHale, often expectorated in Blog stories that come armed with the most graphic of porno and the cutting lingo of the bars, streets and darkened, active motel rooms.

That uppity mayor back in '80? He went to his grave wishing to wrap his hands around McHale's California neck. The southern newspaper editor who came to Brownsville from Alabama? She still hates his ass for that article he wrote in The Brownsville Times describing her as having a head too-small for the rest of her body. That county judge who got too big for his britches? He is said to fire his pistol at the ever-arriving big, fat, yellow moon he associates with McHale.

It's a life, is what he will say.

A little booze, some poon and a truckload of laughs.

What the Hell? Let the blogging pretenders type away. They're just rewriting his past, cruising story angles he carved a long time ago, breathing the fumes of newspapering he breathes even when ill. There is the legend of the porno-laden El Rocinante, his former blog - the longest-running artillery assault that came to be felt by anybody who wanted to be anybody in this poverty-stricken hellhole.

Not that he hasn't worked both sides of the fence. McHale is skillful at protecting his friends. Not a word came from him when his blogging ally Juan Montoya went blotto and was arrested on reckless driving and DWI charges late last year. McHale said nothing of consequence, alluding to Juan's stay in jail as Montoya's visit to the lovely retreat-sounding "county farm."

He covers for friends like local notables Ben Neece, a municipal judge, and Tony Zavaleta, a local expert on all-things-border and a current candidate for the city commission. The list goes on, and it stands as black marks outlined against every other bit of societal criticism he has lodged against his adopted community - the one that gave him, we understand, a zoo of loose women, several wives and a passel of kids. As a story, McHale's life could be seen as the life of a smalltown Norman Mailer. Where Mailer ran for mayor of New York, McHale sought the same job in Brownsville. Both lost, but what the Hell?

Studs Terkel would have seen a bit of himself in the now-balding McHale. Like Studs, McHale loves to color his stories with the daily struggle of the local citizenry, religious and otherwise. Too bad if the characterization, he might say, is a bit cartoonish. I see what I see, and I know what I know. You're an adulterer and dirtbag, and, yeah, I'm writing it?

So when a novice pol such as mayoral candidate Evaristo "Viro" Cardenas comes along, we are sure McHale's first impulse is to see if the youngun can take a punch. Same for political neophyte Roman Perez, who we think would shrink like a child on the spot at being asked to tip a few cold ones and juggle Gay jokes with McHale and his pals at La Palma Lounge downtown. Writers who have written a tapeworm of stories eventually get captured by the idea that they've seen and heard it all. It's partially true.

McHale, however, like the viejas at the cantinas on 14th Street, likes to hear the same one-note songs over and over and over. It is his favored, trusted soundtrack - that noisy and mindless accordioned Tejano tune able to send bar patrons to the outs of naked, back-ripping romance and the biggest of goddamned dreams. Hechale, vampiro!

McHale is getting old. His best journalism likely is behind him.

What he ought to do is get the Hell away from the local nobodies and write for posterity...

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  1. man, this is a great story about a guy I don't know but have heard about. The Tribune has done it again. We don't get writing like this around here. wow!!!

  2. I know mcHale and this story captures him to a T. it's too bad he chooses to go porno when he could be doing better reporting. But I guess that would be work and not as much fun.

  3. McHale looks like one of our winter texans in Harlingen with that big belly. IHOP, dude? or too many flour tortillas? LOL!!!

  4. ¿Viejo?, viejos los cerros y todavia reverdecen.

    Reader #4

  5. anon, you are not kidding, Jerry Mchale looks like a Harlingen red neck.
    I gave up reading el Rosinante, pure porno.

  6. Didn't McHale get hit by a car, while riding his bike.
    Good to hear he is loyal to his friends. That is very good.

  7. Mr. Editor: I thought this Jerry M. was a teacher at Pace. I didn't know he was a journalist. Wow, learn something new every day.

  8. The Taco Bell ChihuhuhuhuaauuuuaaaaApril 22, 2011 at 11:12 PM

    Dr. Jerry Mc Hale Scully and Sexy - Horny Black Chicks will always Rule !!!

  9. Dr. Jerry M. Sexy, What!!!! He looks cholon, like Big Mama Cholona, possibility Mama Chapisneca related to big cholon.

  10. Black Girl sexy, the one on the photo, looking good mama. Is she McHale's secretary?? She can't be, looks to good, to sexy, for el viejo sandillon de McHale.

  11. Side Bar comment: Mr. Editor I think it would be a great idea to merge the cities.
    San Beni, like Halinchon, are like broken spokes, neither city has much going for them.
    Excellent idea.

  12. Mr. Editor: I think the BLR is losing to other blogs, like el rrunrrun and the Trib.
    I will admit, Dr.Jerry M. is tough on the Brownsville Politicians, espcially Julie come lately Garcia from TSC.
    And State Senator, Fast Eddie Lucio.

  13. Have you not wondered why all of the newcomer blogs always end up comparing themselves to to Daddy, (BLR/El Rocinante)?

    No? well, because they recognize who the original blogger of Brownsville is. This man had the foresight of Nostradamus, he was a blogger when blogs did not even exist back in the eighties.

    It is to be expected that the sons of El Rocinante to compare themselves to Daddy, and guess what? Whether they admit it to themselves or not, they always end up lacking.

    Reader #2.5

  14. ANON:...We concur with your assessment, but forever wonder why Mssr. McHale does not employ his full knowledge and skills as a true reporter. Brownsville desperately needs an objective, no-sacred-cows media outlet. Yet, our ally McHale stops woefully short of availing his talent to his needy community. But, then, we've said as much to him. What is it that they say in Texas: You can lead a man to water, but he'll horse around. Jerry will be Jerry til the cows and laughing Vatos come home. Perhaps his contribution has been to merely show the way, and not lead... - Editor

  15. Why hasn't Jerry Mchale told the true story of why El Rocinante was taken down? He hasn't answered that question. was he sued? threatened? Who got him to kill it? just saying.

  16. computer-face Chapaneco is endorsing again. pobre pendejo. the dwarf always endorses and the people he endorses always lose! LOL!!!

  17. I feel sorry for any candidate el chapaperro endorses. Agree with Cable man, they lose.

  18. Mr. Brownsville, when people want porno, they go to porno sites. El Rosi was in between, polotical and nasty.

  19. Mr. Editor, I think the Trib has been hard on Brownsville Tx. But I can't recall any writings about a sinle candidate, like the BLR and el Rrunn Rrunn target.

  20. Dr. Jerry McHale looks a little on the fatso side. All that cheap beer and horrible botanas at the cheap cantinas. At go Brownsville, keep feeding them.

  21. What does Champaneco knows about Brownsville politics??? Viejo loco, wants to be recognized as credible...hub...credible for what.

  22. Tony Chapa is irrelevant in his town and in the Valley. He knows it now. LOL!!!

  23. Dan C. I hope so, because chapaperro thinks he is important, or thinks he is making a difference, he is not, Tonie Chapaperro is relevant in his small mind.

  24. I believe the local blogs have to be more forcefull with the state and local politicians. After they get elected, soon after they become wealthy, why is that??
    Lets go Jerry McHale, lead the way, you to Juan Montoya, Jerry Deal, and yes ofcourse the Editor of the Trib. DP-M.

  25. Wait, chapiesperro is endorsing politicos, why, getting an endorsing from Chapiesperro is like getting the kiss of death. STAY AWAY FROM HIM....

  26. Tony Chapa endorsing anyone is like a flea endorsing a human's right to live. Who would need it? LOL! Pinche dwarfy. Get a REAL job, chapete!

  27. chapaneco's brain works in mysterious ways. a freakin' cockroach acts smarter than he does. But hemorroids make a guy act funny, right chapete?

  28. I heard he doesn't go out anymore, he is afraid of the police. La Cholona drives him around town, viejo hotinchon, nomas anda con las faldas de las viejas. MIEDOSO.

  29. So TONY CHAPA has abandoned city commissioner Robert Leftwich? i'd say that's GREAT news for Robert! Ha ha ha ha

  30. (Anon, chapete get a real job), chapisperro was saying he is stuck to his computer 24/7, many of the contributors at mhns have abondoned him.
    I guess big MAMA CHOLONA is taking a part time job, to support dwarf.

  31. Mr. Perro, I think every commissioner in Harlingen, have dropped him like a bag of rotten potatos.
    chapisperro, may end up supporting, Chris Boswell.

  32. there is rumor that chapete's wife caught him not with another woman but with another computer.!! LOL!!!!

  33. This is a fact. one of Tony Chapa's "friends" on Facebook is Parra Furniture! LOL!!! Si no es pendejo debe de ser, ese dwarfy.

  34. Parra Furniture? Noooooooooo! it can't be. Chapaneco has a million friends on Facebook. didn't he say that. What is another of his friends Tortilleria La Guera Panda in La Feria? LOL!!!

  35. McHale is irrelevant in today's Brownsville. too many other blogs and voices. he's yesteryear. like they say, "Se le fue el tren." That's why he now only throws punches from outside the ring.

  36. Dr. Jerry McHale is like Tonie Chapis, at one time, people read their blogs and took them serious, now they just laugh and click the enter key, into another blog.

  37. Agree with el chiclosso, Jerry McHale is history, Brownsville is moving very slowly, BLR,is moving extra slow. Same old, same old news and stuff, Chapaneco style

  38. The BLR is trashing pretty hard Estela Chavez, apperantly she was enticed by Tony Tormenta M. to run for city commissioner.
    Es Naca, according to the BLR.

  39. Border Lord, McHale does both, shows a little ass here and there. Calls people, he doesn't agree with names.
    So Jerry McHale, gives us an example of how a politicians should be like, according to your standards.
    I look forward to your posting on the BLR.

  40. side bar comment: Mr. Editor, I remember when George W. Bush ran for Governor in Texas, he made advertisements in Spanished, how things change. Good post.

  41. Mchale doesn't have the energy to do great reporting. the guy is in his 60s.


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