Tuesday, May 10, 2011

For Brownsville Mayor Pat Ahumada, A Walk Into The Sunrise...Re-election Is At Hand...Don't Blink...


BROWNSVILLE, Texas - The entire town is waiting on it, as if something momentous is now at hand, something new and different to forget the old and the past. Life is funny that way in this drowsy bordertown home to 140,000 legal and illegal folks. Each one carries big dreams and bigger ideas about what could come next, come tomorrow. Suffering, they will all tell you, is not the final verdict.

Saturday will be one of those seminal days in town. That is Election Day here, and up for judging is popular Mayor Pat Ahumada, he of the rough, tough fight against the ugly federal border wall, and he of the DWI charge he's yet to face in court, and he of the bizarre self-deposit of that $26,000 City of Brownsville check originaly made out to a vendor. As they say in college basketball, "This is it, the waiting is over..."

A summary of this town's existence would be to say that political whippings have come often. A summary of Pat Ahumada's years as mayor - he's won election, lost them, and won again - would require spending a few hours at a 14th Street cantina in the company of conjoined regulars used to thinking about how shitty things are in town and then chasing the bad news with a bottle of Bohemia. The mayor has fed that gutter novella for years, with gusto, disdain and a rolling philosophy that says today is for acting and tomorrow is for directing. One bad frame follows a good one. That works for him. Smile, and the world smiles with you. When I drink, everybody drinks. And when I pay, everybody pays.

His Milagro Beanfield War dance across the harsh local geography has been a happy one. Ahumada lives as if no grudge will inject smoke or disgust into his life. That thickening squalid give-up atmosphere in Brownsville is not his doing. Blame the mental masturbators for that. No one man could ever transmute the dross of existence into gold. The community, he'd likely say, plays the game at a very low level. One Blog entry is never the real picture. One thousand Blog entries are never the real picture. You would need a shovel the size of a skyscraper to clear the land and start over. No one wants to do that. Brownsville rots because Brownsville knows how to rot. Buying an expensive Charro outfit for that annual celebration won't do it. Working on the Grito won't do it. That's play, the mayor would say, laughing.

If he loses, and there is a good chance that he will, Ahumada may not go away.

His tireless act on the local scene is now that of a leading man, not a supporting slob. The contrast between Ahumada and those who seek to replace him is startling. One cannot see lawyer Tony Martinez, the favorite in the contest, fighting for new backyard fencing in town, much less the federal government on its project. City Commissioner Edward Camarillo couldn't get a DWI charge even if his healthy body allowed it. And not one of the mayor's challengers could've pulled-off that crazy-check-in-my-bank-account trick the mayor took to the courtroom and won. And won!

Best for Brownsville would be to re-elect Ahumada, to send the old cowboy back to ungovernable City Hall with a resounding victory, a massive landslide. Anything less and all the city will get is just another ride on the same Ol' Merry-Go-Round it's known for all these years...

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  1. pat ahumada is history. He will not win. Tony Martinez will whip him. Bet?

  2. It's too bad you allowed that worm chapa to blackmail you into a truce. he is a back stabber and a liar. I will no longer view this blog until you break the truce. He was at the coffee shop this AM making fun of you and saying he was just setting you up for a big expose.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. ALL:...There is no truce. We are all for discourse on any topic, but we like to see honesty and the bar set a bit high. The thing about Tony Chapa is that he cannot be trusted. There was an agreement once before that included Jerry Deal, but Chapa went back on his word. We have no need for childishness... - Editor

  5. Chapaneco is toxic, dude. IGNORE him. his blog is gone. worthless and not credible.

  6. Nothing good will ever come out of Tony Hemorroid Chapa. Because he does not know the difference between reporting and comadriando. He is a male comadre comadriando with his other male comadre Jake. Son dos huevones who sit at their computers while their wives go off to work. Bola de flojos!

  7. In my opinion The Tribune does not need Chapaneco's blog. The Trib is so much better that it would be slumming to make a truce with that idiot. No one believes anything he posts other than Kenneth Benton, who is burning himself by being there, and that moron Jake. Why would the Tribune join in with those losers? NOT! Waytago, Trib!

  8. rick perry is a little man. The president of the country comes to your town, you greet him with respect. republicans don't give a damn about anyone but themselves. And Bush should be in prison!

  9. Gringich will not win a damn thing. He is a hypocrite who raged Bill Clinton for the monica lewisky crap while he was doing his secretary. Newt cannot be trusted. president? pleeeeeeeese

  10. the Tribune has a good reputation. Why mess with it by joining Chapaneco. he needs you not the other way around.

  11. Joining Chapete's crazed crusade? No, no, no, no! His world is not REAL. Leave that beavcer to his own mess. he is as they say in town the most hated man in Halringen. CAN'T BE TRUSTED IS RIGHT!!!

  12. Pat will win. he's got his people out. I'll take a bet on it.

  13. Paz-Martinez, you have too much class to be degrading yourself to Chapaneco's levle, viejo hoto cabron, lo que debia acer es mantener a la vieja cholona, que esta bien pansona, viejo cara de plantilla.
    I like your blog and jerry's blog. Benton leave chapates blog, King Canute did, why can't you.

  14. The Tribune has decided it does not need Chapete, Sofia. That was the right decision. Chapaneco no tiene huevos. Manda a su vijota a trabajar y el esta bien conchudo en su congal.

  15. Silvestre reyes was head of the Border Patrol out west. He should know about crime down here. John Boehner is a Republican crybaby. Cries at everything. Cries too much. Kick his ass, Silver!

  16. Silvestre reyes was head of the Border Patrol out west.

    He was head of the BP for the Mcallen sector. Man's got balls. Know him personally. That one should run for President.

  17. Pat Ahumada is just a politician, a local poli, no more no less.

  18. Chapisneco no more than a rag line blog operator, puros hotinchones, que los mantinen las pinches viejas feas como la cholona pansona, tiene la pansa como sandia, y Jackie, otro mentally disabled hotingchon.

  19. Tony Chapa is unemployed and he sends his viejota to work every morning. then he has her bring him a Number 3 chalupa plate from taco Bell. Puro Naco ese enano. He is half his wife's size! He tried college but he dropped out and never got a degree. LOSER!

  20. This was just posted on Chapaneco's website. It was written by Chapa's mother. Wow!!!

    YA, BASTARDOS! Parecen una bola de Jotos. Press release, press release, press release. and fuck my wife, fuck my wife, fuck my wife. Isidro, vales sebo, lambiscon. Mugrosos! Apestosos! Jediondos! Mamones ya! A buscar trabajo bola de Flojos. MANTENIDOS! Tony, cuida a tu mujer porque Jake se la va coger. Hay trabajo en McDonalds, hijito. Andale, andale!

  21. Hey, that old codger Jerry deal is making hay of the president's trip to austin. Deal says it will cause traffic problems. Well, DUH!!! It happens everywhere the president goes, Jerry! President Obama is not a prisoner of the White House like your buddy George W. Bush, who only travelled to "friendly" rallies. You act as if presidential traffic messes are new. How old are you again?

  22. Heriberto, I know Harlingen Blogger Jerry Deal is aware of traffic tie-ups to do with presidential trips. Lord knows it's been going on since JFK's days in the early 1960s. My suspicion is that Deal is a Republican and that he plays to his Republican readers. Nothing wrong with that in a 2-party system. I know he's smarter than to say the City of Austin's traffic will be paralyzed by the president's motorcade. Austin is a big city, with a sophisticated population and police department. It will deal with it... - Editor

  23. This was posted by Jake on Chapete's Blog. More Man Love for editor of The Tribune. Is the Boy Gay? Looks like it:

    "Willing to meet you anywhere any time.
    Just you and me.
    Face to face.


  24. It's funny how Tony Chapa likes to call other people an "impersonater" when he gets up every morning of his life, sends his wife off to work, and impersonates a man. Then he sits down and does his best, but very limited impersonation of a literate, intelligent person. To complete his delusion, he considers himself a success, not realizing that he has already exposed himself as the biggest idiot in town.

  25. Blogger M, Tony Chapa cannot be the biggest idiot in town. He's only 4-foot-7-inches tall! He has nothing big, if you know what I'm saying. Ha ha ha ha.

  26. So that's Jake in the sidebar photo? LOL! Maricon? Oh, brother. He should have stayed in the closet! Daisy Dukes? LOL!!!

  27. That Jake photo is priceless! Still laughing. Tony Chapa's Blog has the Midas Touch in reverse. It turns everything to shit! hah ha ha ha

  28. Tony Chapa's mother is pissed. She posted this on Chapaneco's blog:

    Ya, Tony, ya me canse de tu pinche pedo. Traes pura verguenza a este hogar. Largate y llevate a tu vieja soplada! Los dos ya me traen bien pendeja. Eres un hijo malo, Tony. Tu papa fue un buen hombre. Buen lechero, el cabron. Pero tu, tu no vales una chingada! Busca trabajo, Tony. Eres un flojo bien hecho. Me vas amandar al panteon. Y ese maldito Jake. Es joto o que! Parece y camina como Joto! Mira, buscan un velador en Walmart. Ve y entabla tu solicitud, Artonio. Haz algo, menso! Vales sebo al momento.


  29. @anon at 6:47

    It's all relative. Chapa may be a very small person compared to normal human beings but you have to admit that the size of his head is huge considering the one measly brain cell it contains. That's why he and Jake get along so well. Besides their mutual affection for each other and their unrequited love for DP-M, the fact that each has only one lonely brain cell draws them together so that they can go back and forth playing with each other because nobody else wants anything to do with them. Both of their wives work and I'll bet their wives are so glad to get away from them every day that even though they can only be ashamed of what Tony and Jake do together, still it's easier and less disgusting than their wives having anything to do with them. And as for that charming picture of Jake, now I understand why he has to sneak up on people from behind and why he seems to be so enamored of 6th street in Austin. He just knows way too much about that whole scene.

  30. Tangling with Tony Chapa is too easy. He seems brain-dead and cannot defend himself. He calls out his soul mate Jake, El Flojo, and thinks he has the world on his side. Vhapa has nothing. Well, he has that story about his son-in-law murdered by a hitman. He won't talk about it. I know why.

  31. Silly Jake wants to meet face-to-face? It's been so long since he did ANYTHING face-to-face, I'd be surprised if he remembered how it was done. No, he's the kind who sneaks up from behind. Speaking of which, Jake, I think your shorts kinda snuck up your behind while you weren't looking. Wearing them on the inside like that isn't good for the "boys", you know, but then if the "boys" went missing long ago then you don't have to worry about the wear and tear.

  32. That's exactly how I pictured jake. Puro de los otros, dude! Funny stuff.

  33. The Tiger of the NorthMay 10, 2011 at 11:25 PM

    Can you just Play " LA CUMBIA DE LA COBRA " by Fito Olivares... That Rola Gets me into The Mood --- I want it Now Babe , so bad !!!

  34. 1/14th of the town is waiting. Most don't give a shit. Ahumada is a mere caricature of the dumb mayor/candidate.

    It's hard to hate him though, even though he has stolen from us, lied to us and has potential city vendors showcase their skills at his own house first if they desire to work for the city.

    He has redeeming qualities beyond loving dogs. He can be personable if he greets you in a crowd and others can see him being personable. He can hold a fake smile till the last picture is taken. He tries to use your first name in a sentence.

  35. Damn that is one ugly looking faggot on the side bar. Mr. Editor, please, real man like me,feel like throwing up, looking at the fat slob, with the jeans up his ass. uuuggghhhhh!!!!

  36. be careful, chapa wants to set up a meeting but he has said that he is bringing jake along to jump out and pick a fight. chapa is one chicken shit coward. jake is worse. don't fall for it!

  37. When is the election...I hope we get new leadership. Stockholm is socialist


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