Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Brownsvillization of Harlingen, Texas...Along The Harsh Mexican Border...No Grace In Town...

Editor of The Tribune

HARLINGEN, Texas - That day, Robert Leftwich was perhaps being too kind, too political. The question from us had been clear: Was he endorsing the actions of a juvenile-bent blogger he'd befriended and whose support he'd garnered without even asking?

"I have repeatedly asked him to tone it down," was Leftwich's diplomatic reply .

He's a city commissioner here, an elected official with ideas about how to move the struggling city forward, past the resident rancor that plays across the news media here as if some El Salvadoran incubator for rebels actually fighting in the streets. That's Mr. Leftwich and his family in the photo atop this story.

We come here uninvited but interested in defining all that silly noise moving across town. To a somewhat minor extent, the local newspaper - The Valley Morning Star - plays into the equation, largely by way of hilariously naive letters-to-the-editor in which the writers often chose the words of damnation against this or that elected official or burning issue in town. The local blogosphere is the problem these days, however.

Civility holds no ground there.

And it manifests itself clearly in that while the blogs raise hell against things coming and not coming from City Hall, and against elected officials such as Mr. Leftwich, and, worse yet, against each other, little room is left for civilized discourse. You won't see any elected official making comments to these low-rent bloggers. Why should they? Why leap headfirst into the garbage heap, seems to be the unspoken answer.

Times are tough here. Unemployment is sky-high, jobs are nowhere to be found, businesses are shutting their doors and a general malaise has now covered the community of some 70,000 resident as if a used Army blanket. It is a sad time for little Harlingen, and the blogs are not helping things.

In an ideal news media setting, the Blogs would fill-in where the newspaper fails the citizenry. They would go after hard news stories exposing both good and bad. They would be seen as positive, useful venues of information. Too bad that's not what Harlingen residents get.

What breaks with every new day is yet another string of accusations and posturings that go to informing Harlingen of whose blog is king of the soiled chicken coop. Lost in the primping are solutions to things that actually affect the community. It would be something if elected officials and city bureaucrats would pick up the phone and call a local blogger; that, or email a comment or reply to news that would go somewhere. That isn't - and hasn't - happened, except for a very rare occasion.

No, these are days for pulling inward here.

Elected officials know they hold higher ground by simply staying away, by ignoring these guys.

Still, it is about evolving, and perhaps the silly noise now playing here as news blogging will move into something better one of these days. They all have nowhere to go but up.

The strange part of this is that, as a Journalist, it always struck me that a good, timely, meaningful story brought way-more satisfaction to me as a reporter than those times when I only wanted to see and know that I'd beaten the competition.

Journalism is not anywhere near the taqueria business.

Yet, here, blog news comes with all the bells and whistles and alarms of a new taco concoction. And that's the bad side of all this. There is a difference between a professional service and that offerred by an amateur. There is.

Dumping on someone just to make you believe you're the best only reinforces your own weaknesses. In the fast-paced world of news, there is no Number One; there is only the dependable, the reliable, and those that are trying their damndest to get there. And so, we understand why this city's leaders shun these bloggers. What have they got to gain by playing their selfish game?

We won't say that we know Commissioner Leftwich well, but we've always found him forthcoming when we have asked him questions. His desire to speak is not the problem; he likely just knows that there is no point in talking with partisan fools. Sadly, that is a good move.

We say sadly because it is the city that is paying the price that comes with not having an honest news media...

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  1. Finally the voice of reason. Everything is like you said. Halringen is defenseles and these blogs are just getting in the way. they're useless. No good info.

  2. Bro, you have said what many of us have been thinking. I say we have no news media, just a bunch of guys raising their voices like idiots. somedays I just go get the San Antonio newspaper.

  3. Mr editor: I agree with you up to a point. Even if the locals bloggs go after one another on issues, the same happens at the breakfast tables.
    Many individuals don't use the bloggs but listen to the comments.
    Already, some people are saying that they will vote against anyone a local on line blog endorses.
    Much of the anger toward elected officials is discussed at local eateries, where the topic changes from daily events changes towards politics in seconds.
    I will say this, the local bloggs are getting second information that comes out of locals who eat at Panchitos, El rancho, el taquito, and several other places, where politics and other disscussed are dissected forcefully.

  4. To the Editor: There has to be a counter point, even if it sounds reduntant or pointless.
    You can't have one blogg spewing lies, anger and hatred without a response.
    In Harlingen an online blogg was having it's way, untill another on line blogg came on line.
    Isn't their a saying, that if you say a lie long enough, people will believe it.
    Forcing your point of view by insulting people, is not the answer, deleting comments from people who offer counter points is not the answer, calling elected officials names is not the answer, heck, I don't know what it is.
    But allowing only one blogg, to influence public opinion, by rumors and innuendo is not the answer either.

  5. Wwowowow, Easy Mr. Editor: Let me be clear with my comment; elected officials will not criticize bloggs, because the attacks will become relentless from blogg operators.
    Hell, I would be afraid to say something against blogg operators who write comments unchecked, and knowing well, nasty comments or articles are heading my way.
    Heck, do you blame sittiing commissioners. Guz, Joey, Jerry, Robert,and Mayor Bozz, stay silent when comments start flying there way. With execption of Korry, who responds occassionally.
    Common DP-M, there is nothing wrong questioning elected officials actions on project, heck the media does it half ass occassionally, even you can agree with my point.

  6. THINKING POLITICS:...I'm not saying the blogs should not criticize. They should, but what's missing is the desire by the elected officials to join the commentary and make it meaningful. What's the point of raising Hell if it's a one-note tune? Absolutely, the blogs should question. But some of these guys blogging in Harlingen couldn't frame a good political question if their lives depended on it. Communication is not a one-way street. It should never be about the Blog, should it? We all could say "We're number one," and then what? That's for kids and amateurs... - Editors

  7. Paz-Martinez, who did the victim consult with the guy form Mexico killed her. No treaty there, my friend.

  8. ANON:...Your point is covered in the filing. Yes, the guy is guilty, and likely will be executed. What the sidebar makes note of is the treaty this country signed with other countries. If you're ever in Mexico accused of a crime, would you want to call your Mexican-assigned attorney or the U.S. Consulate with that one and only call you get to make? The Vienna Convention Treaty affords you the right to speak to your consulate. That's the point I made, not that this guy is innocent... - Editor

  9. Mr. Editor: first of all criminals know absolutely nothing about treaties. He probably didn't tell the assigned lawyer he was a native from Mexico.
    His lawyer should looked into that issue, immidiately.
    But let us remember we are dealing with criminals, that are not forthcoming and would turn on their sisters in a second.
    I had a relative who was arrested and put in Jail, and it wasn't untill we went to Matamoros to see if he was there.
    The only advised we got, was to pay $800.00 if he wanted to get out of jail.
    They knew he was a US citizen because they had his wallet.

  10. There is absolutely no difference between Brownsville and Harlingen, well Brownsville does quiet a bit of Lady Commissioners.
    Harlingen, has one, that owes taxes, and now it is reported that she rents an office used for promoting Bass Pro Shop, likes the social life somewhat, maybe she could hang out with Styling and Profiling man.
    Brownsville Melissa Zamora is doing for work for an airline from Mexico. Just like our beloved Korry Marra, well at least they think alike.
    Brownsville is comatosed, so is Harlingen, no jobs, restaraunts closing, empty buildings all over town. Same as Brownsville, yep, Mr. Editor, the Brownvillazation of Harlingen is correct. Good post.

  11. To the editor: Polotics is one nasty game, my uncle use to say, if you have skeletons in your closet, they are coming out.

  12. Emma Trevino Peres, is now writing for the VMS, good, so is Laura B. Martinez, wasn't she from Los Fresnos Tx.?
    Emma has a good article on Northern Cameron elected state officials. Eddie Lucio Jr. man this annoying character has to go. He has to folks.

  13. A note to the editor: What a good forcefull editorial, thank you. One thing we must be mindfull. There will never be good writers that write good interesting unbiased articles.
    The LRGV is the armpit of just about everything, including good reporting.

  14. Tonie Chapete is blaming Big Dawg for some on line blog, where bloggers are posting stuff about some lady name, Sholona, sounds like an afro-american woman.
    I don't think the dawg has time for that stuff, whoever it is, is making Chapete uneasy and paranoid. He is sending religious messages to people on his mail list, can you believe this guy.

  15. Poor sucker, that chapete has no comments today from his 5 bloggers. He has lost it, if I ever get to the paranoia he is in, please leave in an Island away from civilization

  16. I hope that whoever runs for Mayor in 2013 refuses endorsements from every blog in Google.
    I noticed the man that ran in Brownsville is up in age.
    Harlingen needs new ideas, younger people, Benton is too old, we need someone energetic, someone who will move the city forward.


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