Wednesday, June 15, 2011

In Today's Republican Politics, No Homage To Bush...George Not In Party's Forefront...

"Nixon was a professional politician, and I despised everything he stood for - but if he were running for president this year against the evil Bush-Cheney gang, I would happily vote for him..." - Hunter S. Thompson

Editor of The Tribune

FORT WORTH, Texas - Some national pundits writing about Monday's debate pitting Republicans interested in challenging President Barack Obama are wondering whatever became of former President George W. Bush. The War President's name did not come up during the rah-rah gathering in New Hampshire, an important primary state.

Presumed favorite Mitt Romney hopscotched himself away from anything to do with his party's recent past, focusing, as did his six other nattily-attired pretenders, on the doings of the current president. Romney and Gingrich and Paul and Santorum and Bachman and Cain and Pawlenty stood tall, as if seven high school kids posturing temselves for class president. If anything, only two of the lot has a reason for taking that stage. The others, especially the untrustworthy Newt Gingrich, should have been at home watching.

But Bush's name being ignored says much about this party.

Republicans forever wish to clean the slate of their messes. There was no mention of the cost of that Iraqi war lapped on Americans by George W. Bush, he of the questionable National Guard service. There was no mention of the huge federal treasury surplus left behind by Democrat Bill Clinton when Bush moved into the White House. There was no mention of the monster deficit Bush created. There was no mention of anything to do with the impish Bush.

It is a rare insight into the mind of the collective GOP. They are quick to blame and complain, but never to accept the same. Disgusting is too good a word to describe today's Republicans. It is a party of insular Americans out to strap on their boots and start stomping all that they dislike - from those of other religions, to those not their kind. That is the ugly side of America, a country now as divided as it was ahead of the Civil war in the 1860s. I reeled at seeing Black-American Herman Cain on that debate stage with those marshmallow Republicans. He has as much credibility with them as Billy the Kid had with his many women. They'll take him as a symbol of inclusion, but he has no shot at gaining any influential office within the party.

That Cain does not recognize that makes him either an idiot or some sort of full-bore believer in the Great American assimilation fairy tale. At least Jesse Jackson was on the side that welcomed him. Cain must think that his business success as a pizza mogul will grant him some sort of standing with the GOP. It hasn't happened for any Black yet. That's clear as all Hell is to Gingrich. Yet, Cain is going on. His is an exercise in something or another to do with ego, a campaign bent on feeling good and thinking things have changed in America. At that level, little has changed. Cain must not read the newspapers. He'll fold that small tent in a few weeks. Glib Alan Keyes, a Black-American with an intelligence Cain will never match, learned that lesson in 2008.

But it is Bush's lack of commercial legacy that haunts this new gang of wannabes. His currency, earned and devalued during eight horrible years endured by this country, is worthless.

No, Bush will not be at the Republican Party's nominating convention.

They'll flash his face on the Jumbotron and say a few words before moving on with the monumental task of unseating a president who has done more in two years than Bush would ever have done in 100 years. The story is there. Look it up.

It might have been a bit different had Jeb Bush decided to do the unimaginable and gone after this cycle's GOP nomination. Jeb would have thrown his brother's name out like confetti.

And that would have been good for the Democratic Party. Ah, Bush, what a card. Guy should have been Commissioner of Major League Baseball and nothing more. As for these hollow-suit Republicans, well, personnel managers will tell you that it's always a bitch hiring someone to replace a fuck-up...

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  1. Those friggin Republicans are never going to claim Bush. He destroyed this country and he should be in jail. With Cheney and Rumsfeld. Idiots all of them!

  2. C'mon Paz - you can do better than this.

    Bush is yesterday's news. Even Bill Maher lamented his leaving because the rest of the GOP is so predictably boring.

  3. Bush was the worst president ever. Ever! good thing he's gone. He was ready to invade anybody. Fool!

  4. To Anon: The editor is correct in this article. Bush is being ignored big time. He's staying home and not campaigning for anyone. Bush was in it only for himself. The GOP is boring, however.

  5. The Secret Societies Rule the World... The Belingberg Group
    " Appoints " evbery single American President to Office, so don't believe about Democracy and your Vote - it's just another brainwashing strategy for the Poor and ignorant --- The Super Rich ELITE will always rule,

    If You want to know about the rest of the Secret Societies - Like " The Skulls and Bones " and " The GROVE " Its members and their satanic rituals, just log in to Google :

  6. r.Editor: The new harlingen blog, has been hard on Juan Ortega and Anthonys Chapa's blog.
    I was a frequent blogger at Tony's blog, but left, I couldn't stand Jake's nasty comments.
    And now, Juan Ortega has taken over. I have no idea what his level of education is, but his comments are horrible. I have seen him at Harlingen commission meetings. The last time he sat scratching his ears. He looked like a hornalero.
    Thank you for your good articles.
    Poor Chapa, he is now accepting comments from people at the bottom of the barrel, pobres indios.

  7. The debate of the Re.candidates was no more then Obama bashing. Just for your information, Bachman is known as the queen of farm subsidies, over $250.000 dollars.
    Candidates say one thing and do another. After they get elected, they forget promises made during the campaign.

  8. Rick perry is a racist. That sanctuary cities crap is crap. Just some crap for the far right gang. lOSER.

  9. KING CANUTE:...It is a sad, sad story that we're seeing in Chapa and his friend, the enigmatic Juan J. Ortega. There was a time when that blog was doing good things, reporting news. Now, it's just a venue for targeting people and wasting them. I am forever surprised when seemingly smart people blog with Chapa. He has no regard for the truth, for what's right, or for others. Kenneth Benton should follow your lead. Mr. Ortega likely needs a sprinkling of daily attention, like Chapa. Perhaps it is all they have. That's the sad part... - Editor

  10. Something happen to the teacing industry, or maybe it is the sign of the times.
    When I was in high school, you could hear a pin drop fall in Govertmet class.
    Students were taught to respect teachers, male or teachers. And if a female teacher was pretty, you would make comments only to your friends. Maybe the age considered to be that of a minor ought to be looked at by the school districts. Texas leads the nation in teen preanancies. Which means some of this so called minors are active. This however, does not mean teachers ought to have free for all with young boys. The way teenagers act in public now a days, they are no saints.
    I hate to see someone lose a carrer over a mistake.
    This legislative session changes were made relating to juviniles committing crimes, the age was reduced to 14. Now any 14 year old who commits a crime that merits the death penalty. Under the new law, he can be put death by the state.
    I guess it's the sign of the times, alright.

  11. Rick Perry is a politician, who is playing to the base.
    A new poll that deals with tough immigration laws revealed that 63% of Texans, support an Arizona type law. Ni modo!!!

  12. Rick Perry is playing to the Republican base.
    A new poll reveals 63% of Texas support an Arizona type law, ni modo.


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