Editor of The Tribune
AUSTIN, Texas - We've been putting this off for a few weeks, but the time has come to shut The Tribune down for a few weeks. A break is always good for the brain and the soul.
We shall return at a still-to-be-determined date.
See you then...
- 30 -
Enjoy the time off, you guys needed and deserve it.
ReplyDeleteAll:...Again, we fend off the reckless fiction offered by Harlingen toy blogger Tony Chapa. The Tribune is ON BREAK and will return. Efforts by the hateful dwarf to change the world with his little fingers again fail... - Editor
ReplyDeleteTony Chapa should take a break. No, he should shut down. Cannot be trusted. Posts lies. the Tribune is up. I got here, didn't I, Chapete?
ReplyDeleteThat Tony Chapa is not dependable. Can't trust the stories he posts. really useless material. he posts like a monkey would post. press release press release press release. Idiota!
ReplyDeleteEnvy can cripple some people, especially like the Dwarf. ignore his stupid ass. Tony Chapa can never offer what The Tribune offers. Ignore el enano!
ReplyDeleteSoldiers lost to suicide are forever lost to their parents. It is only right that their parents receive our sympathy. Not everyone is able to withstand war and the pain and ugliness that goes with it. We ask and expect so much of our service people in uniform and they get so little back from us. It would be a better world if no one ever had to go to war again but that's not reality.
ReplyDeleteFour comments from Toni chapete another from queen transvite, Jaike, and his clone Isidro, who by the way is Jaike, par de jotos, chapas is his maid. Jaike is the butch. And chapas is his queen.
ReplyDeleteMr. Editor, enjoy your time off, I am heading for colorado in Mid August. Then going to North Dekota.
ReplyDeleteBe here Sunday. I'm a Trib fan.
ReplyDeleteThanks for work that you do to inform the public and provide a lighter side of of this crazy world we live in.
ReplyDeleteIt's refreshing
www.chickenbuckets.blogspot.com will keep up the fight while you are gone!
ReplyDeleteThe best blog in town or Valley, good write ups, good interesting articles, not some jerk-off, name jaike, juan pansa de sapo, or Tontito la flor.
ReplyDeleteMr Editor, may I remind you, you write the best articles in all three blogs or four blogs, please continue.
Paz-Martinez, forget Chapa!!! Just ignore his postings.
ReplyDeleteAs far as the guy who killed that Araiza lady in Harlingen? How long did Harlingen PD have that Sexual Assault warrant on him? Could they have possibly prevented that murder had they arrested him? Did they even bother to look for this guy? Looks like he is an alcohol or drug user? I would think that the officers in the narcotics unit or a good street cop would have known this guy? I just found it odd that the guy is arrested for the murder and then they add a charge of the Sexual Assault? I think that this is something that needs to be looked into because if that warrant was outstanding before the murder, then sounds like HPD failed to serve and protect the public?
Me too, I am on vacations... So No more Truthful comments to wake - up all these little ignorant minds from the Rancho Grande Valley --- for Now !!!
ReplyDeleteHey - why It's taking too long for you guys to start working again /... We all deserve a long break, but come on 2 weeks, nombre !!!
ReplyDeleteYa No ??--- Chale Batos !!!