A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: It is the unspoken statistic, but it is as real as anything to do with the lingering U.S. war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. According to the military, 1,800 American servicemen have killed themselves since the initial invasion of Baghdad. That is in addition to the more than 4,000 who died in battle. This week, families of the soldiers who committed suicide asked President Barack Obama to change the government policy of not forwarding letters of appreciation to mothers and fathers of these servicemen. By week's end, the White House had reversed the policy and agreed that such letters are needed, as well... - Eduardo Paz-Martinez, Editor of The Tribune

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Laws Of The Land: How Violating Them Or Ignoring Them Is A Big Deal...A Public Servant Leading From Behind...Not Good...


HARLINGEN, Texas - We were tickled and disturbed by the frankness exhibited by City Commissioner Kori Marra in explaining her dealings with the IRS about those unpaid payroll taxes her company accrued for that 5-year period that began in 2005. Here was a public servant blaming her mortgage company, accountants and an employee for the unpaid $20,000 tab. And here she was noting that she is not perfect, that only God is perfect. The laughter came early in our reading of the story in the Valley Morning Star that had Ms. Marra appearing as if some dumb blonde.

You know the kind. You'll say, "Look at the dead bird!" and they look to the sky before replying, "Where?"

It's been a rough week for the District 3 commissioner whose legend grows by the day. But is it the legend of a great public servant, or is it the legend of a woman with a flair for pratfalls and bad P.R.?

The jury is still out, although as the evidence against her mounts in the court of public opinion, the commissioner is very much like the deer caught in the headlights. Which way to move! What to say next! Oh, yeah, I'm not perfect.

Perfect, we should note, is not a requirement for dealing with debt. You just have to get it in your skull that debts must be paid, your personal debts and your business debts. That is the creed and expectation of a public servant. What resident of any voting district wants his or her representative to either fudge or bail on debts. Hey, if she can do it, why not me?

It is that perception that continues to cripple Commissioner Marra.

She has a sky-wide problem with the law-abiding electorate. In times of harsh economy, everybody fails, some more than others. But if you're going to oversee the dealings of your community, and that includes the business community, the writing on the conference room blackboard is clear. If I, as a city official, cannot make sure my business taxes are paid, well, can I expect that stiff at the corner barber shop to pay his? Ms. Marra may not be perfect, as she claims in the quote, but she is not free to excuse herself by way of a settlement payment to the IRS for a lesser amount.

What will the voters in her district do?

In the next election, will they be sympathetic because she is a single mother? Will they blithely brush it all aside, believing everybody blows it from time to time? Or will they insist on a better candidate, someone without the full baggage of rotten controversy? It's crunch time for Commissioner Marra. The ship will either be righted or it will keep sinking. Unpaid taxes, whether personal or business, have sunk many a politician. Eventually, voters want a positive figure to represent them. No one wants to say their elected official is a drunk, a playboy, a clown, a joke, or a loser. That's just the way it is.

Look, a dead bird!...

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Anonymous said...

she just wants it swept under the rug. Hoping that it will be forgotten. It won't.

Anonymous said...

Wowwwwwwwwwwww, my man Patrick, what an excellent write up, man your still the king, when it comes to writing article. What an indictment of a derilict elected official. Can you believe this, some guys are defending her behavior??? They are, "what morons."

Anonymous said...

It's a big deal when the IRS places a lien on your property. I know. Nightmare, man. Those agents are heartless. Good to hear the commissioner was able to settle. But at what cost to the taxpayers? Sad.

Anonymous said...

You mean an embarrassmment to Harlingen. Check Chickenbucketts web site. She is there flaunting a cool beer, isntead of tending to her family and business. What a loser.

Anonymous said...

exellent story. Maybe if the press chokes the hell out of the story then she will get it. these Valley politicians are used to getting a break from the news media. Jerry deal has said nothing more. Marra probably thinks the crisiS is over. NOT!!!

Anonymous said...

No, Marra is wrong, this issue is far from dead, she align herself to the old Boswell guard, I understand a letter to the editor is already on the Mail. About all the crap goig in Hgn.

Anonymous said...

Excellent article indeed, good post, thank you, Mr. Editor.

Anonymous said...

I am begining to think that no goofball politician is safe with The Tribune. Hope Leftwich doesn't blow it. I agree that he should speak out against Marra's silliness.

Ralph said...

jerry deal is too silent on all this. He knocks Marra and then bails out. Doesn't follow thru. he's beginning to act like Chapa and we all know Chapaneco has no credibility.

Anonymous said...

The WHITE PAC will endorse her again. they can't let one of their own sink. HEAT needs to take Marra to the mat. She's ready.

Anonymous said...

All the yelling is about whether Marra should stay in office. She has her backers and her opponents. what we don't hear is anything from her. Does she know this is serious. it's not just another imperfect person. we have many of those but they are not elected officials. They don't have to be accountable. Marra does.

Anonymous said...

we're loking for candidates who will beat her in District 3. we want her to pack her bags and move on. Adios, Kori.

Anonymous said...

newt Gingrich is a sorry excuse for a man. he dumped his old wife for his aide. Hey, he belongs in the Valley! orale.

Anonymous said...

"I am beginning to Think", Anon, no one gets a pass from the Trib. they made these comments before, no one. And we believe the editor, it they screw up, hold their feet to the fire. It is that simple, mot*@%^&*r f$#%&*8s, have had it way to easy, and have gotten away with too many things, as has Marra the Queen B.

Anonymous said...

The blogs from Harlingen are way to easy on elected officials. Everyone knows this, even the midget, Antonia champaneco, who lives in a cow field full of chips, yes, even the dwarfie looking one.

Anonymous said...

where is The Tribune headquartered? And does it accept advertising? Is there a local rep? A big fan and a Harlingen businessman.

Anonymous said...

Newt, was having an affair, with a employee, during the Clinton Monica Lewinski troubles. He left his wife for the younger lady. This guys have no moral values or a moral concious.
Newsweek reported Newt worked out a settlement, while his first wife was having cancer treatments in a hospital, for $15.000.00, I believe it was child support payments. This gentleman belongs in Hell.

Anonymous said...

I believe they are out of McAllen, I think Jerry Deal, has the editor's e-mail. Good luck, this good blog deserves all of our support.

Anonymous said...

well, The Tribune should office in harlingen. It would be an asset in this town. Advertisers want a good outlet for their businesses and the newspaper sucks. An online newspaper would work in this dead town.

Anonymous said...

I remember the editor saying he took no advertising. But who knows now? the Tribune is a fair news source. It does not pick favorites like Chapa or Deal. Deal's not so bad, but he has been in the past. Chapa's blog is worthless, tho

Anonymous said...

Jerry deal's blog has bene really boring lately. And Tony Chapa's blog has been dead for months. Now is the time, Mr. editor. Move to Harlingen!

Anonymous said...

chapa is a joke just likie Marra is a joke. No one reads his press releases and bible verses. he is a secretary as the Tribune wrote last year. That blog is ignored by most people and every politican in town. No credibility. he won't even say if he's an American citizen. Pobre chaparro.

Anonymous said...

Chapaneco could never be Alcatraz. he can't write. You could say he's a disabled writer. His stories are not stories. and he has no idea how to be a reporter. Es mas chismoso que mi comadre!

Anonymous said...

"Es mas chismoso", anon, LOL, you hit the nail on the head. Esta medio pendejon el champaneco. Korry is taller, and she wears high hills, most of the time. But both are brain dead. LOL

Anonymous said...

There is no doubt, this has to be the best blog, around, good clean articles, well written, or as Detective Friday use to say, just the facts.
Alcatraz, is a well known writer/journalist, when it comes to writing good readable articles.
Champaneco, is no more than a helper at a cheap cantina.
He could be the Tribs. editor's, shoe shine boy. Okay, just kidding.

Anonymous said...

What happen to Deal, just one article on Marra, I think he hurt her feelings. Pobrecita,

Anonymous said...

Nothing going on the Harlingen blogs, what's happening, Jerry's too quiet and el chapparro and his sad stories no one reads,.

Anonymous said...

There is a rumor flying around about some good information, the big Dawg is carrying around. We must wait, but it's pretty heavy stuff.

Anonymous said...

Does the Big Dawg have a copy of Tony Chapa's birth certificate? Wow! Yeah, let it out!

Anonymous said...

OH, wait a second. He's got a photo of Chapa buying his clothes in the children's dept. at Sears!

Anonymous said...

Champaneco, is the dawgs little slave, if the dawgs slaps, champenco, you will find him at the water plant number 2 flowing with all the afluent.