Saturday, December 25, 2010

And So This Is Christmas: On A Most-Important Day, A Mere Mortal Stops To Have His Say...

Staff Writer

PORT ISABEL, Texas - A friend of mine had this one question last night: What does a tough guy do during the holidays? I thought about it for a few seconds, shook my head a bit and then set my drink down on the bar before replying, "I can be a hard-ass just like the other guy most of the year, but even tough guys like me stand down at Christmastime."

So we are here, at the moment we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The year's almost done, and it's been a wild one, as it's been since the planet counted its 1 billionth citizen not that long ago. We are growing in many different ways. Population strains the Earth. Man's ability to house, employ and feed himself gets more and more difficult. These are strange and wicked times. Some fear worse times are coming, others fear personal pain and still others fear fear. It's true: we can all wallow in problems. Everybody has them, neighbors and nations included.

Yet, it is these two days - Christmas Eve and Christmas Day - that offer the opportunity for renewal, for dressing the spirit of life in the best clothing, for daring to believe that it is in us to make our life and everybody else's a bit better.

Time will allow us another chance to blow it, as well. The Year 2011 likely will bring its drama, its bizarreness, its disappointments. Human beings have a nasty habit of ruining a good thing. Again, we will see heroes and villains. Craziness is now part of the journey we make around the sun. And, of course, much of what lingers from 2010 will still be something to wonder at, our need for resolution as strong - and weak - as ever. Some things will rest in your hands and others in the hands of others. No one lives alone anymore. No man is an island continues as the working social phrase of the day. No man makes all the mistakes, and no man has all the answers.

The promise of that day all those years ago, the one we celebrate on December 25th, still lives as the single most-important promise of Man. Man has it in him to do good or do bad. Perhaps this coming year is the year we do more good than bad.

Without that as a plan, why celebrate anything?

I'll take my drink, bid my friends adieu for the night and hope to see the new morn arrive in as beautiful a dawning as ever seen on this God-loved planet. I'll inhale a deep breadth and stare out into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, looking for a celestial glimmer that will tell me, "I am still here, my son..."

- 30 -


  1. Good post Klement, very good, I was up this morning reading the local paper and sitting outside on the patio, enjoying the birds, the light wind breeze, drinking hot coffee and cold tomato juice. I am reminded of an old Jackie Gleason phrase: How good it is.
    Thank God, yes, indeed, how it is and feels.

  2. as always, a little class from the Tribune. Thanks. we enjoy the articles!

  3. Wait, Mama Chapa on the side bar, is that Toni Chapa's mom??? And she is going to work as a waitress and write articles about food.
    Kermit Perez, you have lost bro.
    Just curious, "is she legal or illegal??" From Nicaragua, man you are getting the bottom of the barrel.
    We already have an illegal running a blog, that no one reads, now a waitress writing on food. I am lost for words.

  4. So Kermit, when is Nick Ryan going to write an article on Bull$%$^t, the side bar write up, says that is his specialty.
    Pobre Nick, he looks like a bracero who is looking for a job, or looking for food.
    If you decide to set up a fund for him, posted on your web site, I will donate $25.00, he looks like he hasn't eaten in a few days.
    Are you sure he isn't from Nicaragua, or Honduras, or maybe el Salvador.

  5. ANONYMOUS:...We are not aware that Mama Chapa is Toni Chapa's mom. Could be, and perhaps we'll ask Mama, not that it would matter. We will judge Mama Chapa's stories on the writing and if she can't write, then we'll dismiss her. She's from Guatemala and quite short... - Interim Editor

  6. She is short, with no legal papers, I bet she doesn't drive, oh boy! for awhile, I thought you were talkinga bout Toni Chapaneco, who would do well, working as a bus boy at mi rancho rest.

  7. For the 2001, school year and beyond --- T.E.A. and the State of Taxes, will be cutting The R.G.V. School districts Budget 25 - 30 millions Dollars. All Across - the - Board - FREEZE; No more new teacher Hiring for the next 2 - 3 years, [ Elective courses will be illiminated, - teacher put ' in the POOL' and moved to other positions- as needed ], Paraprofessional and special programs will be considered and NO MORE FREE SUMMER SCHOOLING, for Failed students - If They Failed, Well, just too bad, No Pay - raises or incentives for Teachers , Etc... !!!

  8. Mama Chapa! welcome to America. now get Toni and go back to mexico. Tamalera!!!

  9. hey, does Mama Chapa clean houses? I'll slip her 10 bucks. Mama Chapa you came to work or go on welfare? Take Toni back to Mexico. we don't need short ignorant fools.

  10. Mama chapa looks hot. i think she'll be a star on the Tribune. You should have her make apearances, like at Las Cazuelas in Harlingen. MAMA CAHAP could become the valley's Aunt Jemima. Just saying.

  11. Mama Chapa rocks! That short shit T/C is one pathetic fool. He thinks I'm his friend. Idiot is what he is. I'm with The Tribune now, Tony Chapete.


  12. Jake, you are such a turncoat. Does your sugardaddy Tony know you've left him in the lurch? Did you two have a lover's quarrel or what? I suppose now you're going to run back to Tony on your little shaking Chihuahua legs and tell him you didn't post the above message and don't even know how to spell pathetic. That could be your new name, the Pathetic Pervert. You know that you are not going to be allowed to post the nasty obscenities that you submit to other sites, so I don't expect you to hang around long or have much to say. M

  13. Tony Chapaneco is a coward, he doesn't go to the meetings at city hall anymore because he is afraid Rubio, might give him a spanking.
    And the other idiot, jake, is talking trash, la novia de Antonia Chapa . And then there is Juan Ortega, who has the face of a pear, and wants to meet the barron, the barron is 6'2" former south player. If Juan Ortega has an ugly face now, I wonder how it would look after a boxing match.

  14. Some blogger who bloggs under the name of Kingy Kanute, has post a challenge to the coward of the county.
    He is willing to buy boxing gloves and let el chapaneco, box Joe Rubio, and resolve the matter like real man.
    Tony won't accept, Rubio called him out and he stucked his tail between his legs, like a real dog and left the meeting without speaking to anyone.
    Some guy/girl by the name of jakey is posting trash, I swear, I thin that guy/girl has a loose screw, all he ever talks about is homosexuality. Myharlingennews web-site has become the sewer of the bloggs.

  15. Jakey antonias girlfriend is on his knees, begging Antonia to forgive him.
    I am beginning to believe these two are out of the closet completely.

  16. Chapaneco is a COWARD, HE WANTS JAKEY HIS LOVE, TO DO HIS FIGHTING. Some blogger has volunteered to buy boxing gloves so that Rubio and chapaneco can reslove the matter in an alley. Es miedoso, es gallina, se cre muy hombrecito behind the keyboard. Pero tiene miedo el viejo cul#$%^ro. Asi pensaba.

  17. Merry christmas to The Tribune!!

  18. wow! The Tribune's new look looks great. Is that for the new year, 2011. Looks real good, better than Chapa's boring blog.

  19. This blog kicks ass. love the chnage in design. excellent. chapa must hate himself. pendejo.

  20. ANONYMOUSES:...We have been busy enjoying the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. But we thank those of you who sent us kind words regarding or new look. Here, you will find good stories and no childish behavior. Onward, my friends... - Interim Editor

  21. A very Merry Christmas to the Tribune and the staff. Great blog, well written articles, run by real professionals. At this rate you will be the number one blog, Jerry Deals will be number 2. The rest, well they don't exist.

  22. Mr. Editor: Hey, the stars and red back ground adds quiet a bit of life to the Tribune. Change is good, at this rate, you will the best blog in town.
    Good work, good lay out, good people running the Tribune.
    Merry Christmas and a great 2011.

  23. I just came on board, needless to say, this blog is pretty darn good, well developed articles, it reminds of a magazine, where different articles are written
    not bad, not bad at all.

  24. I have a feeling Debra Parker, lost her son, if he is missing in Matamoros since November of this year. What in the world would someone be doing in Mexico, with all the problems happenning in Matamoros and Reynosa. For me people who go to Mexico during this time, have a death wish.
    Good luck Debra, I hope you find him.

  25. Mama Chapa will probably be cleaning tables and sweeping floors at a local rest. Poor old lady, looks weather beaten.
    Ni modo, unless she decides to run a blog.
    Maybe she can hire an old man from Harlingen to help her clean the bathrooms, esta chaparro, y no sabe escribir, usa pantalones del salvation army, y no maneja. Y se cree la gran cosa, pero no vale sebo.


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