Thursday, December 23, 2010

Letter From Austin: In Which One Reader Takes Two Infidels To Task...The Tribune Concurs, Yes...

Special to The Tribune

AUSTIN, Texas - Lately, I find myself under attack by one (or maybe I should say 1/2) blogger by the name of Tony Chapa. Since he doesn't allow free speech on his site (remember that pesky little kid when you were growing up that always stuck his fingers in his ears and chanted, "Na na na boo boo, I can't hear you") and it seems somewhat rude to interrupt other websites or stories trying to get a word in edgewise with him, I am asking that The Tribune print my response to tiny Tony, especially because I know he creeps over here to see what people are saying about him.

His most recent claim is that I have been spamming him with nasty messages that hurt his delicate feelings. He states that he knows it's me because of the server used and the IP address, even though the writer uses a different name. Although I am not surprised at all that people would send him nasty messages and call him names, I cannot take credit for any of them. I post only under my initial "M". That being said, I have no control over what anyone else in my household says to him because, after all, it is a free country, but I'm not sure he could explain or understand that term. I do find it extremely amusing that all the things Tony is whining about are tactics that he and his little toad Jake have used many times over. They go back and forth, playing with each other, with Jake using at least four different aliases, sometimes even posting as one little slime ball, but by the time he pecks out his three sentences (all with one finger) he forgets which character he came on as and signs off under another name. It really doesn't matter how many names he uses. Put all his characters together and you still don't have enough brain cells to fill the skull of a normal toad. To top it off, Jake gets all huffy, accusing Patrick Alcatraz of using different characters like that is a crime for a fiction writer to do.

Then there is this whole obsession that Tony has with Duardo Paz-Martinez and Jakey's little torch that he carries for Patrick Alcatraz. I guess I can understand how Tony might envy Duardo's ability to write professionally, especially when you see Tony's own deep personal issues with the alphabet (Yes, Tony, there really are more than 15 of those pesky little letters, and we won't even get into vowels and consonants here). What I can't understand is why Tony, who can maybe hit the 5'1'' mark as he tiptoes out of the corner convenience store keeps referring to Duardo as the "dwarf". I have met Duardo and he is at least a head taller than I, and I am 5'4". In fact, I feel fairly confident in stating that I could easily spit over the top of Tony's head without hitting anything. Of course, I could probably wouldn't hit anything if he was standing in profile and I leaned down to spit in his ear. It would sail out the other side with no impediments blocking the way.

The problem Jake has with Patrick stems from a little man-crush Jake developed. He really thought that Patrick would be overwhelmed with admiration of the slimy characters he portrays and then sent him a little "Just kidding - no hard feelings" e-mail, and when Patrick wouldn't acknowledge that Jake was anything more than the lowest form of species, Jake got all hurt and vengeful. Jake likes to go on other sites and fantasize about raping other men and even though Tony is aware of this and has even banned him in the past from his own website, Jake (and all his characters) is the only one commenting on a regular basis on Tony's site. The fact that Tony is so desperate for commenters that he will allow this disgusting pervert free rein to pollute his site with his verbal ordure speaks volumes to the hypocrisy of Tony putting in a daily Bible quotation. Jake is indeed, one sick puppy and Tony is helping him spread his filth by giving him a platform.

At any rate, this is my response to Tony Chapa and his impotent little sidekick and I want to thank The Tribune for allowing me to vent...

- 30 -

[Editor's Note: Blogger M has been a regular reader of The Tribune for most of the year. And because she has been on the receiving end of much silliness from the people she mentions in her post above, well, we felt obliged to give her the floor, as they say. In any case, we agree with everything she writes...]


  1. Yep, I agree, I see him at the commission meetings, and he is dorky looking with worn out boot and green pants no one uses anymore. He hangs around with an elderly man, that I understands drives him around.
    Esta de dar lastima e senor ese.

  2. M, tony and jackey playing with each other, sounds kinky, oh well, maybe they are out of the closet.

  3. Merry Christmas to all the bloggers at the Tribune, and myleadernews, to all the guest writers, Alcatraz, Eliot, where ever you are , "yes you to Kermit."
    May everyone enjoy health, wealth and Christ Blessings.
    I am going to drive to the Island on my brand new Infinity sport car. Hello Kermit, I am right behind you. God Bless everyone. I to enjoy the good things in life. Sofia

  4. M has hit the nail on the head. these two guys are the worst of what The Valley offers, M. Just know that we agree with you. Merry Christmas everybody!

  5. Anon, is right, Mr. "M" or Ms. "M" you have written a very good post. I agree, and may you have a happy holiday, with many gifts. Merry Christmas, EVERYONE, Patrick, you are getting to fond of Gotham city. You belong in the State of Texas, don't you forget it. We need good writers down here.
    So have fun, enjoy time with the family, and Merry Christmas.
    Mary Lou

  6. ANONYMOUSES & MARY LOU:...There appears to be no question that these two men wish to be characterized as mere curs. Can there be a good reason as to why they behave like retards? Was it upbringing, or are these two merely the victims of bad breeding? Perhaps we shall one day find out... - Interim Editor

  7. Add me to the log list of Chapa haters. he is a disgrace to the Hispanic community. es puro apestoso, el chaparro. fuera! get lost, Tony!

  8. This is the spirit of RON MEXICO... wishing you all from the Ejido RANCHO GRANDE VALLEY, Tx. A safe and Fajita - Filled with Cheap beer Merry Christmas Holiday !!!..............Hagh... !! I 'll be Back in 2011 -- just wait and See !!!

  9. The Harlingen city manager is under attack, bloggers at myleadernews are saying, he might not be the best man for the job.
    Is it possible Korry M. was right.
    He was endorsed by Tony Chapa, the biggest loser in Harlingen.
    Now a blogger by the name of Red Barron and the Big Dawg, are asking questions about the lack of urgency from the city manager office.
    These two characters are exposing some of the ongoings at the big puzzle palace, known as city hall. Stay tuned folks, this thing is just beginning to gain velocity. I hear a letter to the editor is being developed, by a coffee drinker, who hangs out, at Las Casuelas restaurant.

  10. Note to Jake: If you are going to call someone names at least check the spelling. It's hard to take your insults seriously when they aren't even a real word. Maybe Santa will feel sorry for you and drop a dictionary on your head and then all you have to do is convince Tony to hold your hand so you won't be scared to go to the GED classes. While you're there, ask the teacher to help you look up the word pervert. If you need any more suggestions for your new word list, let me know. M

  11. Out of 6 comments three were from (Butch, jakey) and two were from his girlfriend Anotnia Chapaneco. They write commenst to each other like teenagers. Par de stupidos.
    Not one single comments on his stories.
    I swear this guy writes at a 3rd grade level.

  12. Antonia Chapaneco, has abandoned the myharlingennews, now he is bloggin on Jerry Deals blog. Antonia's blog was flush into the sewer system, I hear it took Jakey, one of his girlfriends with it. Rennee and Judey, were seen holding hands with Antonia yelling for help, on another web site.

  13. Tony, not quite sure how you mean this:

    "Jake is retired, Loser M" or maybe, " Jake is retired loser, M". Do you remember the discussion on commas (not camas) and how important they can be? We'll just focus on this one mistake for the time being so as not to overtax you. If Jake is retired, then congratulations by all means. He was degrading your site to the point it was looking like the Brownsville Literary Review in allowing filth.

    It surprised me that you would call on women to protest what was written on the Tribune while allowing the pervert Jake to say whatever he wanted on your site. And then you would put in your pious bible readings and lectures from the Rev. Rangel. Doesn't the Rev tell you he doesn't want his lectures on the same site where Jake talks about genitalia and underwear fit only for a porn star? Where is your respect for women when you print that? Don't you realize what a hypocrite you sound like? And then you go on to call people all sorts of names followed by some quotes about loving your brother.

    Regardless of what you think of me or anyone else, Tony, you have lost your way. Consider who you are, as a man, as a human being, as a self-proclaimed Christian. I think you started out trying to do good but your pride got hurt when critisicism was leveled at you and got angry and vindictive and you sunk to a level so low that you can't find your way back to being a civilized adult. It's time to take a good look at yourself Tony, and try to become a better person in the new year. Good luck.

  14. ANONYMOUSES:...We would rather not become the personal garbage dump named Tony Chapa, but we are an equal-representation Blog. And, yes, we feel Tony Chapa should now shut down his Blog. It is useless and ignored to the point of laughter. The Tribune now counts many more comments than Chapa's comatose blog, without even trying. We call on him to stop being the Hispanic poster child for Disgrace. And we call on all Bloggers to ignore his Blog & not comment on his site. The Year 2011 is here, and we all should strive to improve, not go backwards... - Interim Editor

  15. @ December 23, 2010 8:26 PM


    Jake is that you again? You are the only one that has that phrase in your 8th grader drop-out vocabulary. Were you not banned from this site?

    Anizeto Verduzco

  16. Ren=Jude=Jake

    Yes, siree, they are all pen names of the same person. Easily recognized since he has a limited vocabulary.


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