Special to The Tribune
HARLINGEN, Texas - My ancestors used to tell me I was wasting my time with women other than Italian lovelies. Well, they were right. Italian women not only know how to please a man, but they also know how to please themselves, and that, sometimes, is the so-called sparkler in the sack. You get a woman who knows her bed and you have a real woman. The women I have met in the Valley seem to think that they are mere masa to be rolled, spread and baked. They simply do not know how much more pleasure they could be having. Worse yet, they seem to not care.
My survey of some three dozen women leads me to conclude that making love in the Valley is just another thing to do. Left out of the naked equation is the playfulness you see in Italian women. My question is this: Is it the fault of Valley women, or is it the fault of their men, all, to a man, mount-ride-and-dismount dudes? That is the question of the ages around here. As things stand, it is a miracle that Valley women could ever recognize real love. Do the men want it that way? If they do, they are only limiting their own sexual experiences. I like to spend hours with a naked woman, doing the Around-The-World thing, the toe thing, the Japanese beads thing, the finger thing, the fist thing, the elongated thrusting, the ejaculation stall, the mouthing, the face workout. Most of the aforementioned apparently is news to local women.
Is it the strong connection with the Catholic Church that has them ignoring the essence of what it is to be a woman? Well, let me say this: A woman is to be fucked so that she stays fucked. As soon as Valley women get that, well, that is when they will free themselves of ancient religions bonds. The Holiday Season, cold & fuzzy nights, is the perfect time to experiment with your mate in bed. Ditch the jammies and walk in nude, body hair brushed-out and thrown to the winds, breasts in sexy danglings, lips at the ready. It'll spark fireworks the county fire department cannot prohibit. Hair is sexy, so ruffle it up. And use sexual lingo. It is okay to climb onto the bed and say, no scream, "Fuck me, you high-throated sonofabitch!"
It will liberate you.
I, myself, love to fall off the bed while making love. It makes me laugh and then it makes me hornier. I have been known to ball for long hours, my stroke feeling, first, like a goddamned piston, and then like a soft banana, it's mid-torso recipient speaking to me in neat splishings. I hear a soft moaning and I know the act has been consummated. It is that moan finale that is missing in Valley women. What I get is - yeah! - nothing. Nothing. The woman merely there, ready to get up and go clean-up.
I say go all the fuck out. Get with it as if horse & mare. Beat it, whip it, rip it and stroke it until you can do it no more. And don't worry about a woman's vagina. It'll be as good as new after a washing...
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Good story! i'm a man who gets around, but I still haven't found a woman who makes love like i want. your right, they just lie there in bed. what can I do?
ReplyDeleteRudolph, you sound, like a sex maniac. WEll, not there is anything wrong with that. I find Oriental woman, as the most free will when it comes to the sack. I mean, they go hay wire.
ReplyDeleteForget, hispanic women, forget anglo women, German women get a D- but bring me a woman from the orient, and I will eat raw eggs.
Hey, just curious how this kid found a 35 year old woman, to satisfiy his over sex will.
ReplyDeleteThere isn't anything minor about this boy. I will say this he is no child. And behind anyone he isn't he found someone to satisfy his needs. Sounds like Rudolph Von Boulow.
Sandman & Anonymouses:...Thanks for the kind words. Yeah, we've heard that about Asian women. But they are too short for Rudolf Von Bulow and he says he finds it hard to "fit in," if you get our drift. As for the Edinburg kid and the 35-year-old woman, well, age aside, sex is still possible to the genitals involved... - Interim Editor
ReplyDeleteKermit Perez, quit creating more octopuses, we already have plenty of finks who call themselves gentleman with roving eyes, and they grow extra hands when you are dancing with them.
I am one of those octupussies, Sofia. what's your beef? wanna dance or what?
ReplyDeleteMe personally I like the women of Brownsville. they are easier to satisfy and with me that's important. Mcallen women are too uppity is what I hear. but I don't know personally.
ReplyDeleteBrownsville women are not up to speed on sex. I find them weak in the oral game. but that's just me.
ReplyDeletehey, El necio. i think you got something there. I agree that women in the Valley don't know about oral sex. I served in 'Nam and man those women invented oral sex! I swear, man.
ReplyDeleteYou guys haven't found what you want in women because you haven't been paying attention. All you can talk about is what you haven't received and a big part of that, apparently for you, is equal participation. Could that be because your partner doesn't feel safe enough to tell you what she needs? Could it be because you aren't watching to see what she likes and what is uncomfortable for her? I can promise you one thing, if you hurt her once, she'll never get there with you because it absolutely kills it for her, right there. If you really want a partner and not just something warmer than plastic, take your time, be sensitive to what her body is telling you, even if she can't say it. If all you want is slam-bam, thank you ma'am then don't be surprised that you only get what you paid for and not only does it leave your pocket empty but your heart and soul also. M
ReplyDeleteKermit Perez, you are just a little instigator, trying to rile the men, who by the way lack in social graces.
ReplyDeleteYou guys go bananas over a little flesh, posted by no other, than Alcatraz.
You are well train to respond to your silly desires, but remember the pendulumn swings both ways. You all might not be, what you think you are.
As for Mr. Anon, who has 8 hands, thank you, but I dance with gentleman only.
Alcatraz, terminate Kermit and send someone to bring back Eliot Elcomedor.
By the way Kermit, you should check with Rudolf as to what he is referring to in the last paragraph when he states, "Get with it as if horse & mare"? After all a horse can be either male or female, so what would a mare (female) be doing with a horse (possibly also female)? I'm surprised that the image of a stallion didn't enter his overheated mind. Plus he has Tony Chapa so riled up on his blog that Chapa is trying to solicit women to post against Rudolf on Chapa's poor excuse of a site when he surely can't expect women to come to a place where he will either erase their comments if he doesn't agree, or allow his own little toad (Jake/Ren/Ralphy/Jude) to be as obscene as his twisted little mind will go. At least Rudolf seems to be describing a consenual (although blindly one-sided act) while Chapa's little side-kick has been known to fantasize about homosexual rape (and there is no excuse ever for rape, regardless of gender or even species, in any healthy mind). I really think you need to consider raising the level of what you print or risk displeasing Patrick on his return, at the same time alienating all the members of the opposite sex that Patrick so greatly appreciates even if you don't. M
ReplyDeleteThank you, Mr. M, Kermit Perez wants a revolution. He has carefully manipulated a scheme and got some of the men who blog at the Tribune to site with him.
ReplyDeleteThere is no doubt in my mind Kermit Perez is an egotistic, self centered, individuals who sees women as objects of his out of the ball park mind.
By his own admission, his expensive attire, the vehicle he sports around, lead me to believe, he is a myth on his own convoluted mind. He might just be surprise to find himself out of a pay check when Alcatraz returns.