Monday, December 20, 2010

When In The Valley, It's Hamburger Meat, Baby...Give A Chick A Pound And You Got Yourself A Quick Date...

Special to The Tribune

BROWNSVILLE, Texas - As expected, a survey shows that hamburger meat again rules the Valley's culinary roost. Beef, sweetheart. Beef pushed through some grinder and, quick as you can say Howdy!'s ready for the grill or skillet. Valleyites may be down on fajita tacos (down as in 'with it'), but a round of hamburger meat tacos still goes the distance. Tacos de Carne Molida, is how you'll find them on most area restaurant and taqueria menus. It is the staple of all staples.

"It used to be said here that all you had to offer a local woman to get her in the sack was a pound of hamburger meat," said one man busy at scarfing down a plate of tacos. "I tried it and dang if it didn't work. Goofiest part of it is going to the grocery to buy it, cause how many guys want to do that? But women, women here, know the value of hamburger meat."

Indeed, they do.

Facts and figures are not readily available as to how much tonnage of hamburger meat is sold and consumed in the RGVofTexas. Some say look at the empty meat bins at the stores. Others say look at the fattened bellies in town. Perhaps the best barometer comes from taking both images into consideration.

 Nutritionists have it that a woman who knows her hamburger meat can space-out three days of meals with a single pound. "She can make the tacos, yes," said one. "And then she can fix guisado, before maybe making a dozen or so tamales with what's left. Usually, it is a single mother who can do this, or maybe even the wife of a low-level bureaucrat."

The more creative women can work up a family-sized meat loaf with a single pound, especially if they add a half-pound of soybean or some other filler.

Plus, there's always the trusted cheeseburger...

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[EDITOR'SNOTE: Writer Toni Chapa is being held by federal authorities on a charge of entering the country illegally. She wrote this story while on break from kitchen duty at the detention facility. The Tribune does not endorse the breaking of any law. Chapa is a native of Guatemala. This is her initial story for The Tribune...]


  1. Story of the Year! Interesting and true. I love this kind of stories. hamburger is big in my house. can't live without it.

  2. chapa wrote this? Oh, not that Tony Chapa. Okay. I almost fell on the floor. now I'm laughing.

  3. I bet she is going to enjoy, cooking for the losers in Ruckers, or where ever she is held.
    Anon, Tony Chapaneco, can't pur a five word sentence together, he is a burrito as they use to say in school.

  4. Hey, come on , why are they charging Dulce Iliana Nava, for doing the oldest trick in the world.
    To begin with, if the 16 year old hired her, he should have been charged with prostitution.
    The poor, lady simply felt obligated to assist the young man, from going to adulthood.
    Some of these boys and girls who are considered minors, are nastier than older people. They need to change these laws.
    I say, anyone under the ages of 13, might be considered a child.
    14,15,and 16 year olds, are nasty little chums.

  5. ANONYMOUSES:...Hamburger! Boy, the word even sounds funky. Sick! That means good, by the way. Like if someone says they're paying for the next round of booze, you say, "Sick!" As for that woman busted by the cops for shaggindg a minor, well, she looks like $150 - tops!... - Interim Editor

  6. I say, let the poor gal go free. Look the economy is all messed us up.
    And if the boy, had money to pay for a moment of joy. It is the holidays, Mr. Police officers, chill out. You guys were probably eyeing her yourselfs.

  7. Kermit, I have one question, what type of food is your favorite dish??
    If you are driving a Beammer and wearing expensive clothing. I know you don't eat carne picada.
    Don't be bashful, wondering minds want to know.

  8. Mr. Editor, does Kermit smoke Cuban cigars, I mean he wears $700.00 Jordache Jeans, drives around on a beamer, pays over $100.00 for shaving toileries. I guess, "he would smoke imported cigars." Just curious, nothing personal, Mr. Perez!!

  9. is Tony, Toni chapa saying she's a hamburger? well, no kidding!

  10. ANONYMOUSES:...In the Valley, I enjoy a good cut of T-bone steak. The only place worth a damn in that respect is El Patio in McAllen's Entertainment District. Nuke it, I say to the waiter. Then, in the company of some love-starved lady, I sit back and wait on it, "it" being the steak and the lady. Try it sometime. It'll shake up your innards... - Interim Editor

  11. tony chapa is bragging again. What a loser. He has no commenst other than his own. and he compares himself to The Tribune! esta loco ese enano.

  12. Chapete says he has 15 stories, but he writes none of them. The Tribune called him a secretary and not an editor. That is so true. I see more comments in The Tribune! Chapa has been castrated by jerry Deal and the Tribune. Y lo sabe el pinche chaparro.

  13. hey, editor that Von bulow guy looks nasty. where did you find that guy. I'm waiting on his story. and i agree that Tony Chapa is a waste of time. i am ignoring his Blog.

  14. Tony Chapete, is trying to generate comments, viejo pendejo. He believes his own lies, liar liar, your pants on fire.
    Jerry Deals and Alcatraz blog, are taking your readers, you fool.

  15. Shame on Toni Chapa, with all her write ups about carne picada,I am getting hungry, I think I will go buy me a good old fashion, Whataburger, or as the illegals say, un burga con papitas.


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