Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ah, Texas: It'll Break Your Heart In A Dozen Languages...But Tex-Mex Slang Is Too Damned Cute...


KYLE, Texas - Driving here the other day, I spotted a bumper sticker that sets sail the sentiment about who we are in the Lone Star State. "'No Chingues, Buey," it read in black lettering over a yellow background. It went to motoring, of course. Stay away from me, in other words. Sort of fighting, but not really. More like, yeah, I don't need the grief.

Because of its strong connections with Mexico, Texas either enjoys or endures its inclusion of Spanish and Tex-Mex slang in daily parlance, spoken and written. Three tacos, rice & beans, well, everybody knows what that means. But there are other colloquialisms that befuddle some and entertain others. Here are some:

Le caigo caigo gordo     (I don´t get along with that person)

Padre, chido, de pelos, chévere, padrissimo     (Cool)

Que padre, que buena onda     (How cool)

Que buena vibra     (What good vibe)

Andale     (All right, or hurry-up)

Hacer el oso     (Ridiculous mistake)

¡Aguas!     (Look out!)

¡Ay!     (Expression of pain)

Eres una gallina     (You´re a chicken)

Eres un hablador      (You´re bluffing)

Suena como una farsa     (Looks are decieving)

Yachole     (Don´t bother me; shut up)

Fregar, molestar     (To bother)

Chingues     (stronger than bother)

Jodas     (strongest; rude)

Tirar chingasos     (to throw punches)

Está fotografiando     (Mooning)

Que cajada     (What crap)

Tengo que ir a "wishing room"     (Trip to the John)

Tengo que regar las plantas     (Taking a leak, men)

Tengo que ir a empolverme     (powdering my nose, female)

Chismosa     (Gossip, female)

Amante     (Lover)

Fodongo, fachoso     (Dirty, messy person)

Tragon     (Someone who eats a lot)

El rollo     (Someone who talks a lot)

Chechon     (Crybaby)

Tonta, babosa, mensa     (Stupid)

Pendeja, sonsa, perdida     (Stupid, female)

Zorro     (Sleazy guy)

Foesa, pluota, creída     (Snob, female)

Agarramela   (hold it, refers to penis)

Pendejo     (literally pubic hair)

Apestosa     (smelly, female)

Mugroso     (dirty, male)

Quieres cochar?     (querying sex)

Mamamela     (suck me, blow me)

Tienes jale?     (Do you have a job?)

Le gustas a mi vieja     (my wife likes you)

Esta bien cogida     (She is quite sexed)

No tiene pelos     (she waxes pubic area)

Son cabrones todos!     (They're all out for themselves)

Aqui yo mando!     (Here, I reign)

Largense todos!     (Beat it, everybody)

Rayando El Sol     (You've got me all fucked up)

Tu abuela, puto!     (Your grandmother, buddy!)

LOL!!!     ("Loco on Loco" in Spanish, Gay sex)

We could go on and on and on, but you get our drift. Perhaps we'll make this slang lesson a staple and bring you additional entries down the road. I'd be interested in getting some from you, our readers. I know there are some pretty wild ones out there.

Orale, vatos!...

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  1. Oh,man. There are hundreds of these. Dame un toque (give me a hit of the joint) is one. good article. Fun to read.

  2. The other day, I too was driving in Kyle when I noticed a bumper sticker that read, "Jak se mas". My brain unconsciously tried to translate it into Spanish and I couldn't come up with anything till I read it out loud and realized it was Czech for, "How are you?". M

  3. Wow, learn something new every day.

  4. I agree with Mr. Fuller, the fox news channel, ought to call itself, "the hate news channel."

  5. EXellent story! i am always surprised by The Tribune. It is a great Blog. Keep it up.

  6. How about "Dale gas!" It means step on the gas and get the damned car moving. Some lady on TV says it here in the Valley all the time.

  7. Patrick, you forgot the main one: Otro round, chula. (another round gorgeous)

  8. Rick Perry, talks quiet a bit of smack. Es flonke, pure republican.
    He can't dictate to the cities what to enforce and what not to enforce. Pobre sonsonete.

  9. ANONYMOUS:...Laughing. "Otro round, Chula" has to be at the very top of the list - Top 3 for sure. Good one. And (ANON 2.) Rick Perry is no Great Mind. He graduated 2.1 GPA from Texas A&M, the minimum! Thanks... - Editor

  10. Who translated these? Some of the translations are plainly wrong and others are sanitized for your protection. I can safely say that some of these sayings are not local to our tex-mex or frontera population.

    By Christian, "que onda, wey"

    PS: the raza claims that there is a difference between buey and wey. Wey being more friendly-like than buey, which is used to describe a a man whose wife is unfaithful.

  11. Anon, by Christian, I thought buey, was an ox???
    Another way to describe an unfaithful woman is by saying: "Le estan poniendo los cuernos." Or esa baby brinca la cerca.

  12. How about those Ravens, that Ray Lewis is an over paid cheerleader, I was watching his playing today, and he can't block the runs, and they were eating his lunch with crossing patterns in the middle. Joe Flacco, better go back to college, he reminds me of Romo, they freeze during the play offs.
    They gave the game away, I was hoping the coach would bench Flacco, during the 4th quarter.

  13. CHRISTIAN & ANONYMOUSES:...Well, thanks for that. But you should know that most of this is whimsical. What, is any of this taken seriously by anyone other than Pachucos!? (2.) Baltimore's Joe Flacco looked pathetic at QB. He played college ball at tiny Delaware State, so maybe that explains his woeful play... - Editor

  14. Pachucos are extinct, like dinosaurs. today's pachuco is a thin, 67-year-old man looking like an old woman. They're around, but I hear they bitch about not being able to find khaki pants and cheap spray starch. i'm laughing. Sorry.

  15. I saw a Pachuco at the VA clinic in Harlingen. said he served in Nam and was a paratrooper. That had to be a funny sight. A Parachuting Pachuco? Priceless.

  16. How about this one - Ay, tu la traes. Is that gay or what?

  17. Anon, how about this one: You are right, that is what hispanic girls use to tell each other, when one was acting arrogant.
    Patrick, Have to handed to Anon, that is a phrase used back in the mid fifties. Wow,

  18. Zeta equals Jail time baby, jail time, nothing less that the state farm.

  19. I think my neighbor is a Zeta, but how do you really know? Help!

  20. Well Tom Brady went home crying like a baby, so much for all the analyst projections about the Patriots going to New England.

  21. To bad, the Cowboys stayed home, while other teams are still playing. That Romo man, he better shape up next year, or time for him to go.


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