Friday, January 14, 2011

They Shot The Wrong Politician: From the Country's Long List Of Losers, We Offer Some Names...


AUSTIN, Texas - Just thinking about the goings-on in Arizona, one would be okay with wondering what Gabrielle Giffords was doing living in the State of Brotherly Hate. She is a Democrat and she is Jewish - both in the unquestioned crosshairs of American hate groups. But, by all accounts that have surfaced since her shooting last weekend, Congresswoman Giffords, shown above, does not fit the profile of politicians anyone would want to kill.

This from U.S. Sen. Kristen Gillibrand of New York, "She's the most non-partisan person I've ever met. She's the vision of hope for this country right now. She embodies everything that President Obama was trying to say, that we have to be better than we are."

In doing her best to bring transparency to her work for the people of her district in the Tucson area, Democrat Giffords was holding one of her string of meetings with constituents outside a Safeway grocery store when crazed shooter Jared L. Loughner, a 22-year-old junior college student fond of white supremacist groups, opened fire and shot her in the head, killing six others attending the open air session and wounding a few more. Loughner was collared and remains in federal custody; Giffords remains under hospital treatment for a head wound. Skinhead Loughner's action is now being diagnosed from coast to coast. Is he crazy, or was he doing the work of right-wing extremists within the Republican Party? It will eventually come out, but, for now, Loughner is being seen as a sicko.

What's clear is that Giffords was not the hate groups' best target. There are numerous others who would have been a better symbolic victim. We won't name names, but anyone who follows national politics would likely be able to form a credible list.

And, as with anything to do with opposing politics, a list could also be drawn for worthy targets anyone with anti-Republican sentiments might consider after buying one of those handy Glock 19 pistols, the darling of Arizona gun owners.

That list could begin with hate-spreader Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor who was postured as Veep by 2008 Republican Party presidential candidate John McCain, a U.S. senator from Arizona. Palin is nothing but divisive, a hate-filled woman quick to speak, but slow to think. It was Palin's so-called "crosshairs" map that listed Giffords among a number of Democrats Palin thought would be targets for electoral defeat. The crosshairs have clear meaning and symbolism, no matter what Palin says now.

Rush Limbaugh needs to re-assess his actions. He, too, breeds hate on his national radio show. Fox News talk show host Glenn Beck is not far behind. Both men could vanish from the planet and the country would be the better. Add Bill O'Reilly, also of FOX, to the list. He's shameless and a societal cypher. If America lost Palin, Limbaugh, Beck and O'Reilly in some sort of weird shooting, well, perhaps the sun would rise brighter from Bangor, Maine to National City, California.

It's not that this sort of barbaric moron is new to the country's political landscape. We recall insane U.S. Sen. Joe McCarthy of the Communist witch hunts of the 1950s that ruined many reputations, the supremacist presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche and KKK addict David Duke and anti-government activist Randy Weaver and racist Alabama Gov. George Wallace, Southern Senators Strom Thurmond and Trent Lott and a few others who fade into history.

Oddly, it seems modern Liberals rarely act in kind. Yes, sure, Abraham Lincoln was a Republican at the time of his assassination, but that Republican Party is not today's Republican Party. Congresswoman Giffords' shooting brought back details of another shooting, this one in Denver in the early 1980s, when I worked for the Associated Press in that same city. Targeted then, before Fox News came into being, was a liberal radio talk show host by the name of Alan Berg, who was Jewish. His killer was eventually captured and, yes, it seems he was a white supremacist who said, ironically, that he was tired of the daily liberal opinions voiced by Berg on his radio show. Imagine that.

No, Gabrielle Giffords was not the one to shoot...

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  1. Good choices. All of them have been pumping up hate. Glad to hear Giffords is doing better.

  2. Let me add one more name: Newt gingrich. He's racist. wants to run for president. yeah, right.

  3. America is too divided. We're losing the battle. Too bad for us.

  4. Sarah Palin is taking a beating in the press. Only FOX keeps her around. She's toast. The woman should stay under that rock in Alaska. Beat it, hag.

  5. We could add Shawn Hannity, that guy was a car washer, and construction worker. Bill O'reilly painted houses, and beat up his father because he wouldn't help pay for college.
    They are just a pack of foxes with big mouses.

  6. We are praying the injured congresswoman, recovers from the injury soon. As for the Fox, I just deleted that Channel from the remote control.

  7. ANONYMOUS:...Every American who shuts down FOX is going to be a better American. FOX is a huge problem for us socially. It is staffed by a collection of bigots doing their best to divide. They are no different than a Black Plague, out to rid us of everything that is good and healthy. We recommend ignoring FOX News, yes... - Editor

  8. Mr. Editor, are you going to write about Juan Montoya being in jail? he's complaining on his blog that candy was $1. Is he serious?

  9. No, The Tribune should keep doing what it's doing. Montoya is a small fish in our dirty pond. Who cares about that guy!

  10. I read the article, I think what Juan is saying, is that some people can afford the commissary's prices.
    I am sure he did, because people can put money on the jailmate's account.
    County Jail in Cameron county, is a hell hole, similiar to the Jails in the movies in the corrrectional system in Lousiana.

  11. By the way, a nun complained something back about the woman section in Jail. This isn't the first time, we have heard about the county farm system.

  12. A Nun complained about the county conditions sometime back. Sorry about the grammar.

  13. ANONYMOUS:...We know little about life inside the Cameron County jail, but the info you give on the women inmates is intriguing. Perhaps Juan Montoya will write about their plight, and not just about the over-priced candy, which, truth be told, isn't. I recall my days in Navy boot camp when you could'nt get candy, not even at $100 for the 11 weeks you were there. As for the cold floor and lack of underwear or warm clothing, well, there's a sure way of never having to face that situation, isn't there? Our feeling is that anyone over the age of 30 ought to know better, ought to know the difference between a nice family bed and a plastic mattress on a county jail floor...- Editor

  14. By the way, Patrick, check out the
    Robert Leftwich wants the city manager to fire Dan Castillo for a letter he wrote to the VMS.
    Looks to me, like the two blog in Harlingen, are getting some competition. I don't want to be mean, but,I hope Mr. Montoya learned a lesson. Being in Jail, is like being dead.

  15. My personal opinion is that prisoners really don't need access to candy at all but we are not a Russian gulag and we should be caring for them in a humane way. If our hope is to rehabilitate them, we need to show them that there is a better way to live and they're not going to learn that by living in sub-human standards. That includes being beaten by the other prisoners or raped by the guards.

    As for all the hate rhetoric, yes, it needs to stop from both sides. We shouldn't ever feel like the only answer is to pick up a gun in order to find justice. Aren't we a democracy in which we can vote out the people who shouldn't be there? And shouldn't we have been more careful to make sure they never got there in the first place? Granted all the hate mongers in the broadcast media were never elected to that position but if enough people would take the time to voice their disapproval (especially to the companies that advertise during those shows), it would make a difference. Anyone who is aware of Cesar Chavez and Martin Luther King should know the power of protest by the people to make a change. M

  16. Wow! Our prisoners are whining? what's next? gets crazier every day. If a person finds himself in prison it is for a reason. Just take it, dude!

  17. Ms. Gabor, is around 93 years old. Sad to hear about the amputation. Those women were so pretty in their hay-day.
    Father time, does weird things to people.

  18. People have to remain active, regardless of age. Movie actors, like models live a very hard life. And after years of abuse, the body simply begins to shut itself up.

  19. i'll take the Steelrs over Baltimore and the Packers over Atlanta. Tight games, tho. hey, somebody bring me a beer.

  20. Ravens will take it all! ray lewis is an animal. Toughest dude in the NFL. final score - Ravens 32 Steelers 21

  21. I take the Ravens, I can't stand that Rothlisberger, speaking about beer. The burgers are almost out of the bar-b-que pit. Y unas cuantas chelas.


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