Monday, March 7, 2011

2-PAC in Harlingen: Dance of The Old & The New...Who Will Answer...A Town Uninterested In Promises, Disdaining The Past...


HARLINGEN, Texas - The fight is the same one waged here for the past three decades, pitting those who like things as they are and those who want something better. And, recently, it has been the birth of two political action committees garnering the more-excitable press coverage. One comes with a name reeking of heavyweight fight and the other taking the cliche approach to saying something, but saying nothing.

The former is HEAT, acronym for Harlingen Empowered Advocacy Team; the latter is HCLC, or the Harlingen Citizens Leadership Council. That's nice-sounding gobbledygook for the press. HEAT is really a no-holds-barred group of angry residents wishing nothing but a complete takeover of city government and control of the town's future. The HCLC squad fields a litany of old codgers often referred to as the Old Guard whose desire it is that everybody who wants change stick it up the wazoo. Both sides may distance themselves from our assessment, but perhaps not privately. We stand by our analysis.

In any case, that's the battle that has emerged in this city of almost 70,000 denizens, most of them suffering the pains of unemployment, low wages and a general business malaise that they say has lingered beyond the point of human belief. Those residents openly and loudly blame the Old Guard for the city's fall from grace.

Enter HEAT, led by former Harlingen Police Department Lt. Joe Rubio and former mayoral candidate Kenneth Benton, shown in photo above wearing a blue suit. Rubio, now a private detective, also has failed at getting the mayorship, but has quickly earned a reputation in town as a sort of government bureaucratic sleuth. He's the one to ask about quirky things at the local airport and about city entities he believes have under-performed either because of incompetence or horrible leadership coming from City Hall.

HCLC is led by a covey of well-known, well-heeled businessmen and former city leaders. In that air-conditioned tent is local car dealer and political powerbroker Frank Boggus, sugar mogul Tudor Uhlhorn and a few other lesser notables. According to HEAT, HCLC may also count Mayor Chris Boswell and City Commisioner Kori Marra as members of its old school cabal.

On its face, the political mano-a-mano portends good things for Harlingen. The Good vs. The Bad always plays well in the press and in the neighborhoods. It is the impending brawling between these two groups that will contribute The Ugly. Good luck, Harlingen.

But, really, what dance is this?

Harlingen always has been divided along these same lines, and Harlingen always has managed to maintain the status quo that has those backing HCLC in power. We are forced to ask: What will HEAT do that others have not done, and exactly how does it expect to waylay moneybags HCLC?

Rubio is known to take things to the mat, to be aggressive in voice and action. That may or many not help. Benton, 58, claims to have "a talent for writing," so perhaps both can point and explain the way to victory. Mayor Boswell is not up for election until 2013, but HEAT is likely looking at the District 3 seat currently held by up & down City Commissioner Marra. Lately, references have been made about her district counting a large number of Hispanic voters, although Ms. Marra has said she had their support last go-around.

Would HEAT play the race card? Rubio is Hispanic and Benton is African-American. HCLC counts several Hispanic-surnamed members, although their critics giddily refer to them as being "coconuts;" that is, that they are non-whites acting as if they are whites. No one disputes the idea that HCLC is led by Anglos. Whether that eventually plays out remains to be seen. Harlingen is at a certain economical crossroads, and there are those who say that the time for standing on the sidelines has come and gone.

When he battled Benton for the mayorship in 2007, Mayor Boswell said this on commentator Ron Whitlock's Newsline show: "Harlingen has all the ingredients to be the premier city in South Texas."

Sadly, it isn't. It has slowly, but surely gone from bad to worse.

And that's what HEAT may be counting on. Whatever happens, it is true that a good brawl in the down & dirty political mud can only be good for the community. Well, we say that because, really, how long can a city keep being the punching bag of its smaller, more successful surrounding towns?

Not much longer, says this observer...

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  1. EXCELLENT JOURNALISM MR. EDITOR, WELL INDEED. Like in Boxing, lets see who throws the first knock out punch.
    Or as the buffalo springfield group sang in song: Something is happening here, what it is aint exactly clear."

  2. HCLC wants to go back to the good old days. When, everybody was their slaves. Welcome to Harlingen the last bastion of the Klu Klux Klan.

  3. The story goes like this; that when Ken Benton ran for Mayor and debated Kris Boswell, outside the office where the debate took place, someone put a broken watermelon outside Benton's car.
    I wonder who it was??? So much for the good old boyz credibility and treating everybody the same.

  4. HEAT will do well, the interest of the city is what matters. Grassroots, people who have absolutely nothing to gain from city coffers. Ordinary citizens, who want good open goverment.

  5. Once upon a time, there was an individual who married into a family that owned land around Harlingen. And so he ran for city Commissioner and won, and soon after all kinds of land were peddled to the city. Untill the chatter on the blogs, force his hand out. And people voted him out of office. And so selling family land stopped. And now the city is trying to sell land it can't use. Guess what, they can't sell the 20 acres, anybody interested, the rumor is the city paid around $847.000 dollars.

  6. The old guard is targeting, Jerry Prep. Harlingen city Commissioner or so the coffee shop talks go. Jerry is trying hard to clean the West side and add more lighting. The sons of the confederacy, HCLC have Jerry on their radar. The word is they are vetting a candidate or two.

  7. Mr. Editor, that woman on the mug shot, looks like she wants to cry. Jail time little gansta.

  8. Joe Rubio and Ken Benton aren't gonna take it this time around. Old Codgers going down!

  9. Typical Boswell supporters, puro old guard, no if's or buts.

  10. The election is getting hot, names were tossed around Saturday at El Rancho for city Commissioners. One thing is for sure, Korry Marra has to go, she has to.

  11. It's safe to say that Marra is on the list of city officials who need to go. But does she realize it? Of course not.

  12. The tribune writes stuff no other local blog wants to write. I check it every morning cause I know I'll read something different. thanks.

  13. When will Tony Chapa kill his blog? It's dead, nothing on it, just bible verses and press releases. he's like a third-grader compared to this blog and Jerry deal's. Short is out, dude! go back to Mexico, chapparro!

  14. My day would be made if we stopped talking about that Chapa shrimp. he's a loser doing nothing good. Forget about him! No one believes any of the racist stuff he writes. Stay away from that outhouse!

  15. Anon, toni Chapmapaneco, brought it upon himself. He is the most hated dude in town. 10 comments in two days. He is like a roach, that just won't go away.
    Anyway, I think Korry sees the writing on the wall. She has to be voted out. She has to, as does Boswell. We know some Oreos support him. But we have to work harder.

  16. Time to begin the fight for that position, not one month before the election. Korri must be defeated at all cost. Korri Marra, you won't win anymore.

  17. Austin is a nice place to live, people actually promote healthy life styles. Unlike the LRGV, where people eat like if food was going out of style. Good Example: Eddie Lucio Jr.
    He looks preagnant when wearing a t-shirt, also Austin is kind of pricey.

  18. I like living around the Buda Area, Austin is kind of congested. But it sure beats living in the Valley, nothing but crooked politicians, Harlingen isn't the only one, look at Brownsville, San Benito, Donna, Pharr San Juan, todo el pinche Valle.

  19. I think the editor lives up near Auston somewhere. doesn't he?

  20. Benton had good ideas, but the city never warmed up to him. At least I mean the Old Guard.

  21. They don't like Benton, they don't like anyone that will impact the old guard evil ways. I have never seen Benton at a commission meeting.


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