Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ring My Bell: Harlingen City Commissioner Beats Back The Critics Empire...She Often Blows It, But She Still Has Time To Do Good For Her Town...


HARLINGEN, Texas - If truth ever jumps into her story, well, City Commissioner Kori Marra may point to the fact that many of her critics never have been fair. And she would be right; they haven't. Those who oppose her oppose her at every turn. They vigorously label her "Old Guard" even as they know she's been in town many, many years less than most of this struggling city's residents. In many respects, and really only because she has aligned herself with the local powers-that-be, she engenders hate with every word she utters and every action she takes at City Hall.

But, is Marra, shown in photo at right, a true-blue Harlingenite? The quick answer is no; she's rooted in West Texas. And she is of the Anglo persuasion, so that also has led many to brand her on the side of the dreaded Old Guard, described as a collection of Old Codgers interested only keeping things as they are and always have been, meaning anyone with aspirations for positions of influence in city government needed their blessing.

Marra has brought much of the criticism she has received in the past two years on herself. Not long after winning election, she made a scene out of lax security at City Hall and declared she would next be carrying a gun. She absented herself several meetings in a row without explanation. She played the naysayer on pretty much all City Hall moves seen by others as Marra being obstinate for obstinate's sake. She reportedly fell ill and flew to California for treatment and nothing came from her mouth about that, placing her constituents in the position of wondering about her health. She voted against the hiring of the new city manager and took the position that the resignation of Police Chief Danny Castillo, a man who drew as much critical heat as she did, was unwarranted.

Then she ran into problems with the taxman, the IRS saying she - or someone with her real estate office - had fudged on payroll taxes, that bill rising to the $20,000 range and Marra's company paying a settlement for less than the amount. Word surfaced that she lagged on paying city property and school taxes.

Collectively, all of this would sink any self-respecting politician.

But Marra hangs tough.

Lately, she has begun to fight back and openly taken her positions to the press, responding to blogger criticism promptly and offering a rare full explanation of her actions as commissioner. It's a start.

We would be hasty to write her off, however. The Tribune is on record as supporting all female public servants in the Rio Grande Valley, mainly because we fully believe that the Macho culture has fenced off progress and/or ethical public service for more years that we care to count. Marra can still do good for her district and her community. We have stayed away from the tit-for-tat debates on all-things-Marra playing in other blogs. The fair thing to do is to merely report foibles, questionable official action and utterings. In their entirety, we do not believe the Harlingen news media has been fair with Commissioner Marra.

That should not be taken as a round endorsement of her service. We wince at every one of her public missteps, and we cannot help but wonder why she takes such career-killing positions, but we are of the opinion that there is still time for her to do good in town.

For that to happen, however, it is also our feeling that the ballsy commissioner needs to step away from her current alliances and set a course that will see marked improvement in her image and in her district. It will require a little class, but we feel she can do it. All it would take would be a press conference in which she would be a bit contrite about past actions and then a bit more positive about what she will do, what she will do individually for the collective.

Do that, Ms. Marra, and the dark sky will open and a new light will shine down on you...

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  1. She took on the Big Dawggg!!! Mr. Editor, not even the dwarf Toni Champarron, had the gumption, to face the dawg, when he called him out.
    She is swinging, left and right. I bet she has been drinking all day, it is Friday you know.

  2. Mr. Editor, she doesn't know the meaning of contrite, the word at the evening brak was someone else wrote the article.

  3. "evening break" mispelled the word.

  4. Good advice for her, but she won't take it. too much pressure from the old Guard. white people stick together. But you make so much sense.

  5. Yepp,you are correct, Anony, white people stick together, but this crazy woman, destroys herself, just give her rope and she will hang herself. Opps, otro round, corazon.

  6. The KKK is alive and well in Harlingen.

  7. she never gave herself a chance to be Kori Marra. She went to the Old Guard too soon and now she's paying the price. simple as that.

  8. Mr. Editor, you have good point, we need women in all forms of goverment.
    Rational women, allow me to eleborate, Sylvia Handy, and the school board member at PSJA, and elected JP in Ed Couch and Melissa Zamora isn't doing well in Brownsville, as for Korri, well she brought this upon herself.
    Some of this woman are so power hungry, they hurt themselves.

  9. Anon, Korri hangs out with the old guard, she was behaving like a 17 year old cheerleader during Boswell re-election. Votes no in any issue, just to get herself in the media. A failed politician, in my judgement.

  10. BOF and some other dummies are defending Korri, but her actions speak for themselves. The dawg is reporting, Korri gets rent from the Consiglios who get edc. funds. Korri has no shame, old guard practices.

  11. Korri, has a complaint filed against her for ethics violations. She is upset, because the dawg, accused her of being on a sinking ship. Pobrecita, que lastima.

  12. Toni Chamapenco is upset because no one is blogging at his blog, except him and Jakie.
    They even got upset at a blogger by the name of Kingi Canute, who ask questions.
    The Trib and myleadernews have nailed the coffin to Toni's blog.

  13. Toni C. wrote on his blog, he gets 36 comments a day, hahahaha, hahahaha, still trying to sell fajita tacos at a cheap taqueria.
    Even Marra won't give him the time of day. And she is at the bottom of the barrel, not even Marra, did you hear, champanequisimo.

  14. Good, well written article, you guys are giants when it comes to this type of stories.

  15. Korri is an implant, she isn't local, her father was an elected law enforcement officer.
    You know it is amazing how white people move down south, and in no time, they have businesses. And the irony is how hispanics buy from this people.
    Time to boycott them, maybe they will go away. OR go back up North, where they don't even like themselves.

  16. Mr. Editor, the female Commissioner has support, but I hear this comming election is going into the streets. District 3 has quiet few of Hispanics, who didn't know where to vote. Hopefully, the new pac, will educate the electorate.

  17. Champaneco, can't take it, they are disputing Myleadernews and the Trib. number of articles. They have no bloggers anymore. Se les acabo la tetera, enanitos.

  18. Mr. Editor, El viejo Pillon Toni Champaneco, is disputing some of your numbers in comments.
    He made some rediculous comments to a blogger, who blogs under the name Kingi Canute. After Kingi asked him, why his blog was so down in comments. KINGI, TONI'S BLOG IS DEAD, HE IS JUST TOO STUPID TO REALIZE IT. He thinks it is coming back,hajajahaha!!!

  19. Amen, to your post on top of the ledger. Chapa, and Jakey his lovie, is crying like rats. His blog is completely ignore by the blogging community. Sonsos,abran los ojos.

  20. Mr. Editor, they envious because people recognize your writing abilities.
    Toni, a class at the 3rd grade level in grammar would help in your case. Ooops, no pun intended, get jake a pepsi, from the table. Mesero, I meant Toni.

  21. I will say this much about Korri Marra, she sure has defenders.

  22. ANONS:...We won't glorify Chapa's juvenile silliness. He must know that challenging the intelligence of our readers only makes him smaller. I'd say he is the most hated man in town. And he's done it to himself, with no one's help. We were amazed that he let Jake keep blogging on his site after Jake said he wanted Tony naked in the backseat of his car, and then when Jake said he wanted Tony's wife in the same situation. Most men would get pretty pissed with that, is what we'd say... - Editor

  23. Those two idiots, are just idiots, the rag line blog is brain dead, just like Toni the operator. Jake, well for all we know, that guy is not all up there.
    Street walkers and homosexuality is all like to speak about, igual que viejo sonso.

  24. So long as Chapa has Jake he is a loser. But Chapa is stubborn like those mexicans from the villages. Hey, is he a U.S. Citizen?

  25. Some say he is a citizen of Mexico. he won't answer when he is asked about it. What a fool!

  26. Toni doesn't vote, he doesn't go out anymore, he sends some dummy who blogs under J.J.O, to take notes so that Toni can write his 6 sentences he calls paragraphs.
    Puro relaje, as they say in the barrio.

  27. Korry, Korry, please resign, please, please, you are not effective anymore. You are an embarrassments to your district.

  28. The Tribune plays fair. It seems to hold no grudges and interested in publishing without prejudice. Chapa is the opposite, a racist who may not even be a US citizen. I expect good stuff from the Trib and crap from the other Blogs.

  29. Ralph, you;re right. Chapa is a racist clown who takes sides just to make himself look important. He doesn't give a damn about Harlingen. Jerry Deal has his moments when he does back the Old Guard. Only The Trib is doing the job. seriously.

  30. Agree, the blog here at the Tribune is fair and balance.

  31. Poor Korri, she is getting what she deserves at Deals blog. Next to Toni Chaparron, Korri is the most disliked woman in Harlingen. And she won't speak to the illegal Champaneco.

  32. I hear numerous people wrote letters to the local paper expressing their views on Marra, hopefully they will be published.

  33. The VMS, is old guard, they have problems publishing letters about Harlingen. The word is that the old guard controls what they publish.

  34. Never heard of the Brown Pride gang. What do they stand for other than being criminals? How about a gang for cleaning up trash along the highway or our alleys here in Harlingen. these kids had no upbringing.

  35. Gangs have no pride. that's why they join gangs cause they feel inferior. they sure as hell do not represent me!

  36. That woman gangbanger looks wasted! Ugleeeeeeeeee

  37. Anon, The woman was probably high on pills.
    Anon. "Harlingen cleaning up the streets", the commission needs to purchase a truck to sweep Harrison and tyler, and all the main thorough fares. They only have one, And they ought to get the people who can't pay the fines clean the alleys.
    I hear they are adding some lighting to the west side. Good Commish Jerry Prep, very good.

  38. Women in adult gangs, man that sounds weird. I guess drug money lures anyone now a days.

  39. Chanpaneco, hasn't change any stories, for the last two days. And has about 8 comments. His 24-7 days at the moniker are over.
    He can't even write a story. Even Kingi Canute has gone silent, and he blogs frequently at MHNs, the writing was on the wall. Even some moron name jjo, isn't blogging there anymore. Champaneco, time to close shop.

  40. THAT is a rough looking broad. She's in gangs cause no guy wanted her. Don't they have initiation that has them doing all the guys in the gang? Pobre loca.

  41. Well if women are selling drugs put them in jail. Heck, they are no different than men. They are drug pushers. A la carcel, cabronas.

  42. Benton ran for mayor and lost. I'd like to hear about his vision for Harlingen. same for Joe Rubio. the Old Guard is bad news, but what do hese gys offer?


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