Tuesday, May 3, 2011

For Bush & Perry, It Was A Day Of Back-Handed Praise...Osama Was Dead And They Had Nothing To Do With It...So They Pouted...


DALLAS, Texas - In the wealthy Preston Hollow neighborhood where George W. Bush lives, some semblance of gratitude came in the form of flower bouquets left at his property's gate, left to wither in the cold, early Monday rain. Reports had it as many as 12 people arrived to thank Bush for his service to the country. Bush was president on Sept. 11, 2001, when terrorists attacked the World Trade Center's twin towers in New York and the Pentagon in the nation's capital.

Yesterday, Bush was reservedly gracious in complimenting President Barack Obama and the American military for their starring roles in the killing of terrorist mastermind Osama Bin Laden late Sunday afternoon at his home in northern Pakistan.

Republican Bush didn't tread on comments he'd made in 2007, when he said Bin Laden was not important to him, labeling the outlaw as living on the fringe and being "out of my mind." Bush left office with the man he'd said he wanted "dead or alive" running free, living the good life in the shadows of what serves as Pakistan's West Point, the country's military training center. Pakistan, our supposed ally.

Worse came from Republican Texas Gov. Rick Perry.

He praised the military operation in a press release, but did not mention President Obama.

It speaks badly of these two so-called leaders. A bit of grace under pressure is the mark of an educated man. Neither man displayed much of it. Bush is Texan in name only, having been born in Connecticut. Perry has never shown himself to be a full American. He plays to the racist, separatist fringe of the state's population.

Obama, meanwhile, is the essence of true leadership. Pettiness has not been part of his administration. His vice-president is not the moron Dick Cheney was, and remains. And they say Perry, a 2.1 GPA graduate of Texas A&M University, has presidential aspirations. Really?

For the delusional, every road leads to Oz.

Cornpone Perry has peaked. He has no shot at being president. True justice in his case would be if Alaskan Moron Sarah Palin picked him as her vice-presidential running mate. That would not only be funny, it would be expected and punishment for both. Perry is the quintessential Peter Principle poster boy - a guy who rose to his level of incompetence.

The country is rejoicing in Bin Laden's death.

People like Bush and Perry should stay the Hell out of the way...

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  1. Cable Guy (I'm REAL)May 3, 2011 at 8:54 AM

    I saw Perry's statement on TV. what a hollow idiot that guy is. Compliment the president, man! He did it for you too!!! Republicans are petty. You're right.

  2. Bush and Perry are losers. they don't give a damn about anything other than their wallets. Bush became a millionaire in the white house and perry is said to also have banked a wad. good story.

  3. Two issues:

    First, it was illegal to kill a foreign national until the Bush executive order allowing for circumstances to exist where it was legal. Something for which he was roundly criticized. However, President Obama uses that same authority and he is praised.

    Secondly, President Obama has essentially left in place the national security and defense ( maybe war is more appropriate after all) department models that Bush put into place. Even his biggest detractors would have to acknowledge that.

    I happen to like and appreciate the efforts and philosophies of both men. I fully salute anyone who would want that job. I have my own political beliefs up until the point they are elected. I don't always agree with their decisions (invasion of Iraq, Obama care) but I always appreciate why they make those decisions.

    I happen to like them both

  4. Bush was the worst president ever. But it is a tough job even without the politics. Bush just destroyed the country's treasure. he walked into the job with a surplus left by Clinton and then spent like a drunken sailor for 8 years. That war has cost $1 trillion is what I heard on the news. And he went home to dallas and bought a $5 million home. He was broke before he became governor of Texas!

  5. ANON:...You make some good points about Bush and the executive orders. President Obama has said that the difference between assassinating a leader is explained here by the fact that Bin Laden was not representing any one country. Osama was a world outlaw, flying no flag and representing no country. His hate for America led him to fund and mastermind the attacks of 9.11. Killing him was no different than it would be to kill any foreigner plotting and executing crimes against Americans. Looked at as an individual, which is what Bin laden was, going after him was okay. He was of Saudi Arabian descent, but lived in Pakistan. The Saudis must be steaming in private. They, as you may recall, declined to help the U.S. investigate Bin laden after the attacks on NY and the Pentagon. Bin Laden lived outside the law. Even the World Court condemned him as a cruel and heartless terrorist. America rests on being the most civilized country on the planet. But it also cannot shirk its responsibility of protecting Americans. Bin Laden got what he deserved. The world seems to be okay with his killing. Bush's defense policies would be roundly endorsed by any succeeding president under the circumstances. Bin Laden being dead changes it, however. Until the next world villain surfaces anyway... - Editor

  6. That's odd because I never have heard Bush being anything but gracious in any statement concerning Obama. Did he comment in a different manner after this mission? If so, I missed it.

  7. Well, now that Osama is gone, hopefully people will heal. Although, my expierence has been, that there will be another 400 waiting to take his place, as for the wars, they will continue.

  8. 'Obama, meanwhile, is the essence of true leadership. Pettiness has not been part of his administration. His vice-president (Joe Biden) is not the moron Dick Cheney was...'.

    I really don't agree with the sentiment of your piece today but as a general rule don't argue politics BUT to say Joe Biden is not a moron? He's a YouTube star with all the idiotic things he has said and don't foget the plaguerism. Really liked your pieces up until this one but this one seems like it is best suited to that other blog we don't talk about.

  9. The US needs to get out of Iraq, Afganistan, and leave Libia. Leave those countries alone, and begin minding our own business.
    As for Rick Perry, he is just a buffon.

  10. Rick Perry, George W. Bush, remind me of Donal Trump, nothing but b/s.

  11. dick Cheny, like George Bush, like Rick Perry, never went to combat, they were cowrds. And now they want to act, like heroes, give me a break.

  12. Does anyone know what happen to Jerry Deal's Myleadernews, man that blog has gone silent.
    Is Jerry still alive??
    He might be following the steps of the other failed blog.

  13. The talk at the coffee shop this morning, was that kingi kanute use to be a license police officer, and is not to happy with t/c constant degrading articles about the police.
    Hopefully, he will quit posting comments.

  14. GET REAL:...The article today is admittedly one-sided. Nothing wrong with that. All of us are entitled to our opinions from time to time. Joe Biden may be a youtube.com sensation, but he is no Dick Cheney, who is still beyond the pale. Do I have to run through the litany of messes Cheney created? You know the story, I'm sure. Biden was caught using the words of the English politician Nile Kinnock (sp.?) when he ran for president. Cheney, however,mocked the U.S. Constitution, shot a man while hunting in Texas and generally served as White House bully for 8 years. As for you not liking the article, well, I am glad that you posted your feeelings on it. It's discourse, and I accept that at its base. There will be times when we side by our friends, but not when they blow it - as you have no doubt been reading here about our Democrat politicians in Cameron County. Criticism is always valid, and not just when you see your side attacked. Our story merely made mention of Bush and Perry in the aftermath of the Bin Laden killing. Lord knows, journalists have much, much more on these two. Thanks for submitting your thoughts... - Editor

  15. Hector (REAL too)May 3, 2011 at 1:10 PM

    What I notice about The Trib is that it goes after everybdy. If you don't want your republicans bashed, don't read the Tribune. I'm a democrat, but I don't whine about what the Trib writes about them and it hasn't been kind. So i agree with the Editor. Today's story needed to be written.

  16. It looks like Jake is back with Chapaneco. Loser joins loser. Is tony Chapa's wife still in Jake's Ford. How can Chapete let this guy blog on his dead Blog. Maybe because it's dead. LOL!!!.

  17. Again, I like your blogs but to actually defend Joe Biden is mind boggling. I guess if you put him up against Cheney it might be a close call. I guess we could go tit-for-tat on gaffes between these two and never get any sleep.

  18. ANON:...Okay, I don't know who you are, but here goes on Joe Biden. As vice-president, he is more Al Gore than Dan Quayle. Republicans tend to pick novices. Quayle had his potato spelling disaster and Cheney thought he was president. Joe Biden has problems with verbal gaffes, yes. But to say he's a Bum like Cheney and Quayle is to ignore our history. Harry Truman succeeded Democrat Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt after FDR died in office and, although he was considered a lightweight, he did okay with ending WW II. Nixon's Veep Spiro Agnew was indicted. Reagan's Veep did okay, although he fathered our worst president ever - George W. Bush. Someone famous once said the job isn't worth a jar of spit. It's not an elected post. Really, a vice-president serves as foil for the President, there to be sicced on the press and the political opposition, but also there to stay out of the Big Picture scheme of things - which is where Dick Cheney got it wrong. I personally think both parties are very much like each other. But the Democrats have it in the category of protecting the Little Guy. Republicans protect the wealthy. About that there is no question. As for which Republicans I admire, it's Dwight D. Eisenhower and one Abraham Lincoln... - Editor

  19. Dan Quayle? Other than 'potato' I can't remember one thing he did right or wrong. He was the epitome of a 'back bencher' that a veep should be. When you see Biden you see 'stand up Chuck', 'must have Indian accent to go into 7-11', and don't foget the best, 'Roosevelt not going on TV at the time of the stock market crash'--when he wasn't president then and there was no TV! Why bother defending this loose lipped bum. It must be because he siad Obama was 'clean and articulate'. That's it fo me...maybe tomorrow it will be better! Take care.

  20. Tony Chapa never taught his son how to speak or write Enghlish because he himself doesn't know it well. LOL!!!

  21. El De Los FresnosMay 3, 2011 at 4:44 PM

    Hey, GET REAL, here are some Dan Quayle quotes. stupid he was, dude!

    -"I am not part of the problem. I am a Republican."

    - "I love California, I practically grew up in Phoenix."

    - "A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls."

    - "When I have been asked during these last weeks who caused the riots and the killing in L.A., my answer has been direct and simple: Who is to blame for the riots? The rioters are to blame. Who is to blame for the killings? The killers are to blame."

    - "Illegitimacy is something we should talk about in terms of not having it."

    - "We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur."

    - "For NASA, space is still a high priority."

    - "Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children."

    Quayle was and is a Republican. Check the Internet. There are loads more hilarious quotes from this cat.

  22. the news media in the valley is minor league stuff. I know it, and they know it. someone said they pay reoprters like $250 a week. Who knows, but it can't be much.

  23. Young Chapa is not at fault. H ehas Tony's genes.

  24. THE Republicans had their shot at bin Laden and failed to get him. They just can't stand seeing this president act decisively. He's the president of the United States! He acted for all of us. I don't get it but its par for Republicans to avoid having to credit the other side even in times of national victries. they should al get the hel out of the country! Bastards!

  25. If you get a chance, link up to Deus Ex Malcontent blog. Kid's got talent.

    One in particular today.


    I come here for the same reason

  26. Fred Rusterberg, Jr.May 3, 2011 at 10:20 PM



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