AUSTIN, Texas - Perhaps President Barack Obama is just too gracious when dealing with the opposition. No, not Al-Qaeda. I mean the Republican Party and its collection of selfish Americans who cannot see that the country belongs to all, not just to them.
Obama, a Democrat, will be in New York City tomorrow to visit Ground Zero, hallowed ground where once the city's Twin Towers stood as iconic symbols to the greatness of this nation, and a place where more than 3,000 innocent Americans died in the devastating early-morning airliner attack on Sept. 11, 2001. How gracious is Obama?
He invited former Republican President George W. Bush to join him. Bush demurred, saying through a spokesman that he wished to stay out of the spotlight. The response is a rare example of any GOP member crediting Obama with accomplishing anything since taking office two years ago. Bush knows this is not his moment. He was invited, but he is right in not accepting. He knows he did enough damage to the red, white and blue. His fellow Republicans have not taken Obama's moment well, either. Most went conveniently silent following Sunday's killing of Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden, and the few comments they issued were ridiculously steeped toward thanking the military and not the commander-in-chief. The military goes into this sort of action only when ordered by the president.
Texas' ever-seceding Gov. Rick Perry's statement to the press praised the U.S. Navy Seals who stormed Bin Laden's compound in Northern Pakistan, but did not mention the president.
So-called 2012 GOP presidential frontrunner Sarah Palin, speaking to a gathering in Colorado on Monday, thanked "President Bush." It is that smallness always at the ready for Republican that brands them as being separatists, as being uninterested in helping the president right the national economic ship. It must be noted that when Bush, Jr. took office after the 2000 elections, he walked into the Oval Office carrying a U.S. Treasury surplus left behind by outgoing President Bill Clinton. The surplus is now a whopping deficit thanks to Bush's "Wild West" plan for invading Iraq and ousting Saddam Hussein, a dictator, yes, but not the man responsible for the attacks of 2001.
It would be the classy thing to do to be gracious, but the GOP simply won't bring itself to do it. Examples of how the GOP goes contrarian on President Obama could fill a library. It's been no-no-no-no-no from these guys since Obama took office. Votes in Congress, with few exceptions, have followed the strict party line, even as Wall Street threatened to collapse and America's social tapestry loomed as ragged as its been since the Great Depression of the late-1930s.
Bin Laden is gone and they say Obama's popularity ratings have gone up a bit. That never really matters to most Americans, many still fighting their own wars with debt and unemployment.
What matters is that this was a special moment in America - one that should have rallied every citizen from coast to coast. This was a time to celebrate justice, to remember the many who died that fateful day, to again believe this country is of and for the whole.
Too bad the Republicans, ever the graceless losers, couldn't buck up this one time for America...
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So many good times in this article. Agree. We should be united but it's been a long time since we were. Obama deserves some credit! Geez.
ReplyDeleteThat should be so many points in this article. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteIt was clear to see that. obama acts like a president with courage and grace, Bush was a cowboy.
ReplyDeletesarah palin is a nobody. She ain't going anywhere, Bubba! take that to the bank. national loser is what she is. B
ReplyDeletethat death row guy in the sidebar looks like he did it. God to se he's been put to sleep. Thug. coward! Killing a woman? Fry, loser!
ReplyDeleteI'll take my shots tomorrow just because. Cinco De Mayo will be just another day around here. We drink to everything in Brownsville.
ReplyDeleteI'm just wondering....is there actually..ANYONE inchange of communuications for the White House?
ReplyDeleteHow can you go from the single biggest triumph your boss has had in his Presidency, to making him look like a fool over photos of the dead guy?
Are these the same people who witheld a birth certificate for two years?
How did that tactic work out for you?
Obama was born to an American mother. end of story. Info from the military is always suspect. remember jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman? Of course you don't.
ReplyDeleteRepublicans love you when you accept their way of life and all that crap. But they are for the rich people. Don't ever forget that. Good article.
ReplyDeleteJerry deal is posting some really boring stuff today. Chapaneco his usual press releases. One is too old and the other doesn't know any better. Pobres locos.
ReplyDeleteJerry Deal has gone to sleep when it comes to reporting real stories. He is just posting press releases he has rewritten. I guess he is too busy promoting bush league baseball - of course for that he gets paid. Too bad he has to run his commercials for the Whitewings and pretend it is news. Someone should complain about his ethics. Where are Joe Rubio and Yolanda Soffit when you need them?
ReplyDeleteWill The Tribune cover the Whitewings? It would be better than just taking Deal's stories which are always going to be positive. We need a writer who will tell it like it is. Chapa knows as much about baseball as a clown just in town from the ejido. think about it.
ReplyDeleteJust putting his son on the team makes me question Eddie Denis and the Whitewings. there are so many Valley players and it would be good to see our boys on the field. Let's see how many valley boys make it to the squad.
ReplyDeleteBetter yet why not a Valley guy as manager? Eddie Dennis is not even from here! Oh, brother.
ReplyDeleteThose two guys signed by McAlen are career minor leaguers. and now they are playing in his league? Wow!! they're both about 30 years old and still thinking they'll make it to the majors. Poor guys. Just retire, dudes!
ReplyDeleteOuch! That editor's note is like an arrow into the heart of the whitewingsters. But fans need to be told who they're booing or rooting for, right?
ReplyDeleteThe Gran Old Party is what it is, sour grapes.
ReplyDeleteThe Wingers start the season sometime this month. Jerry Deal is completely ignoring his blog. Jerry is old and needs something to do.
ReplyDeleteThe Republican party will never recognize anything Obama does, nothing but damn racist rednecks.
ReplyDeleteDanny C. Obama was born to a white woman. I think that is the only reason they tolerate him, somewhat. Rememeber, some of these people don't even like themselves. Period.....
ReplyDeleteCANSECO again! Didn't he try to fake out a boxing promoter recently. And he blew it on The Apprentice when he bailed on the show. That guy is no pro. Not anymore, Jerry!