A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: It is the unspoken statistic, but it is as real as anything to do with the lingering U.S. war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. According to the military, 1,800 American servicemen have killed themselves since the initial invasion of Baghdad. That is in addition to the more than 4,000 who died in battle. This week, families of the soldiers who committed suicide asked President Barack Obama to change the government policy of not forwarding letters of appreciation to mothers and fathers of these servicemen. By week's end, the White House had reversed the policy and agreed that such letters are needed, as well... - Eduardo Paz-Martinez, Editor of The Tribune

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Mayor Speaks: Harlingen State of The City Address...To Benefit Rotarians...Town Aghast...It's Cash, Baby...

Special to The Tribune

HARLINGEN, Texas - In a part of the state where it is possible to eat three days straight without busting a $20 bill, this city's mayor will ask citizens to spend as much while listening to his State of The City speech, with the cash going to the local Rotary Club's coffers. The idea is not playing well.

Chris Boswell, shown in photo above, isn't saying why he opted to allow the benevolent Rotarians a shot at making money off a city function, but there it is. Some are asking why the mayor didn't go ahead and allow an entire panoply of local civic organizations to also join-in on the foodfest, outfits such as Loaves & Fishes, the Salvation Army, the Sur 13 Gang and anybody else wishing to cash in on Boswell's annual responsibility.

In his blog,, local resident Jerry Deal quickly took the mayor to task, noting that the speech and the food sale do not quite jibe with the community's expectations. Deal has promised to boycott the event, which unfolds tomorrow at the Casa De Amistad here.

It is a novel stab at energizing the local economy, and perhaps the mayor's move will lead to other equally creative ventures. We can envision the mayor charging residents $5 to see him throw out the first pitch at Opening Day of the next Rio Grande Valley Whitewings baseball season. Or maybe he will ask fans to chip-in $10 a head to watch him toss the coin at midfield in the Harlingen Cardinals'games next football season.

One wag believes Boswell should post himself outside the front entrance of City Hall and avail himself to photographs with tourists and Winter Texans for a fee that would go to the city's General Fund. Others say Boswell could spearhead the creation of a "Boswell 5K" run around La Placita, with runners paying a $15 entry fee.

For those wishing the mayor would chase bigger paydays, Boswell would stage a "Clunker Bashing" at the same Placita, where hammer-wielders would pay a $50-a-whack fee to destroy battered Buicks. And for $100, Harlingen residents would be able to dunk Boswell into a wide-berth water tank during halftime of the Cardinals' Homecoming Game.

Ideas apparently come easily and quickly to Boswell, so who knows - maybe he has more up his political sleeve. What? A Night of Tacos with the Mayor? Well, that'd work. It looks as if Boswell eats well, and taco joints are plentiful in town. But how much would he seek from the citizenry for that? Two tacos for $1, like Jack-in-the-Box?

Ah, Harlingen. It's always something or another with this not-quite-on-the-border bordertown. Its economy is in the pits, its workforce on the low give-up and its politics the obscene laughingstock of the entire Rio Grande Valley. Boswell should know that the last thing the city needs is something more hilarious. This one borders on the absurd.

As for the Rotarians, well, its rough these days on the fundraising front.

But $20 a plate? In the RGVofTexas?

These guys are blowing the imagery...

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Anonymous said...

Love it! Tacos with the mayor is funny. the guy looks like he's had a few.

Anonymous said...

Boswell will never win another election in this town again. he has not served all residents just the rich and the whites. menso

Anonymous said...

Good article. Harlingen is a bottom-feeder in the Valley. No one goes there. Needs new blood.

Anonymous said...

Perry is in it for himself. He's in California during this mess? Typical for that loser. Reagan was a racist! Eff him.

Anonymous said...

I don't live there, but when I think of the Valley it's about Brownsville and McAllen. Love the action in Brownsville and the food in McAllen. Nice write-up. Hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Patrick, you are a pit-bull, when it comes to wrtie ups, good post, funny introduction, good work, I just left las casuelas, and the talk was getting a little bit louder than usual. Can you believe, there is a tent city in Harlingen. Read the article on today's VMS front page.
Harlingen, Harlingen, Harlingen, what a screwed up town.

Anonymous said...

Harlingen is just the kind city desired by the Gran Old Party, two types of people, upper crust and the working minimum wage an hour folks.
They should use Harlingen as their model for America. Cabrones!!!

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with Egypt??? The People are so full of hate.
What am I talking about, America is no different, the hateful Egyptians remind me of the Tea Party.

Anonymous said...

The mantra for the Republican party, this year again. Say nay to everything. It doesn't take brains to be a Senator or be on the House of Representatives, Vote no, and say idiotic things and you will be on National News and local news.

Anonymous said...

Let's see if the mayor talks about the bad things in town. hey, Bos, what about Tent City? No reply. silence. Like always.

Anonymous said...

Chris Boswell, reminds me of Rick Perry, their is a similiarity between those two and a cat-fish.
They are all mouth. They know it, we know it and the citizens of Harlingen and the state of Texas know it now. Pura boca, partner.

Anonymous said...

A little booing is in order during the mayor's speech. Boswell deserves it and it will make us all feel better. Boo him in public. He has done nothing for the citizenry.

Anonymous said...

Excellent story. shame the mayor! He has done squat. Mayor? He's no mayor. Boswell is a do-nothing!

Anonymous said...

Tent City is a disgrace. But no one is doing anything about it. It'll be there tomorrow. sad.

Anonymous said...

We have hit the bottom with Tent City. It is shameful and it is a bad on us. Boswell, say something!

Anonymous said...

This speech by Boswell will meaning nothing. Nothing changes in this town. we're cursed. It's Tony Chapasville, a place for losers.

Anonymous said...

It is sad, I drove by Tent city this morning. Homeless people were walking towards a coffe shop to ask for coffee, or water or food. The area was used as a trash transfer station sometime back, but was moved because of all the fires they were having.
A new low for the capitol city. Fire investigators ask the trash people to close shop.

Anonymous said...

$20 a plate? Se salen estos locos. I can eat for a week on $20. And I have. Must be a white thing with the mayor.

Anonymous said...

It is cold sandwiches and tea, it is a fund raiser. $20 smakers for anyone who wishes to hear the mayor speak about all the good things going on the city of love. You have some from the old guard, defending him. Some of us expected that.

Anonymous said...

The Rotarians were criticized harshly last year for the same crap. But, they don't care, mostly old guard, who still believe that belonging to the Elks, the Lions club or being a Rotarian is exclusive.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Editor, how about posting some icycycles around your blog logo. I mean it is cold here in the LRGV, I am sure it is cold up in the Hill country, just a thought. Good blog, good post.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Tony chapa keeps posting stupid press release after press release. It is boring crap only he would read. He has not written on eword about anything serious to do in harlingen. That Blog has DIED!! Everybody stay away or you'll catch his disease!!!

Anonymous said...

Chapa means zero. The less we say about that dwarf the better. Harlingen wrote him off weeks ago. No one reads his Blog. He's a complete dud.

Anonymous said...

Tony who? Huh? What dwarf? Where? Down there!

Anonymous said...

Tony Champaneco, hired someone to write stories, but he gets about 8 responses 4 are his on some aritcles. It has been awhile since I have visisted myharlingennews.
Everyone knows, his blog is shot. He posted an article from the another brownsville blog. Jerry Deal and Trib. are eating his lunch. But guys, he just doesn't get it, he is finished.

Anonymous said...

On Champaneco web-site, on the article about the Mayors speech. 3 comments. El chaparin is determine to stay and promote his blog. Even if he is the only one who reads it.