A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: It is the unspoken statistic, but it is as real as anything to do with the lingering U.S. war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. According to the military, 1,800 American servicemen have killed themselves since the initial invasion of Baghdad. That is in addition to the more than 4,000 who died in battle. This week, families of the soldiers who committed suicide asked President Barack Obama to change the government policy of not forwarding letters of appreciation to mothers and fathers of these servicemen. By week's end, the White House had reversed the policy and agreed that such letters are needed, as well... - Eduardo Paz-Martinez, Editor of The Tribune

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Early In The Year, It's Old Man Winter Calling All Coats And Sweaters...Wind Chill At 17; It'll Be A Frigid 22 Tonight...


SAN MARCOS, Texas - Day broke in the 20s here, wind chill hanging down in the 15-degree range. It's blowing out there. A cold, wild wind has come. It sure makes for great stops for coffee in any of dozen franchise and mom & pop stores. The forecast for the rest of the week has area temps hovering in the 40s, with Monday bringing a shot of a New Mexico summer, when the high is expected to be in the mid-60s.

Welcome to a Hill Country winter. So much for that hair trim.

Dallas was frozen when we left on Sunday; the Texas Panhandle doing its best to fend off a killer snow blizzard. Winter has always been a special time of the year for me. Sweaters and scarf are out, that great corduroy sports coat my daughter gave me for Christmas a few years ago still the champ. I bop about oblivious to the bullshit swirling about the country. What, me worry? Got a bitch to throw at me? Take a number.

Elsewhere, the nation's population either freezes to paralysis or awaits a semblance of the frigid northern winds. Given a choice, I'd rather throw a goddamn alpaca on my back and survive the drop in temperatures than suffer through heat and humidity that saps the Hell out of life.

It'll pass, of course. One season always leads to the other. But there will be time for Hawaiian shirts and flips and shorts and golf. Today, I'm up for a cup of hot, black coffee and a croissant. Serve it up, sweetheart. I'm on a mission for the North Pole.

And after the coffee, perhaps a warm Belgian waffle topped with strawberries. Yeah, that'll do. That'll get me into the night, when, I'm told by the local weatherman, it'll be, at best, 22 degrees...

- 30 -


Anonymous said...

Was waiting on today's story. Not that cold in the Valley. Not even near. Feels good looking at the pictures, tho. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I remember winter. AUSTIN IN THE EARLY 2000S was a chillly time for me. good little report.

Anonymous said...

Alcatraz, I hope you took your long johns, and a good top coat, bacuase it gets cold in Denton, Texas. I was there going to college, and it got pretty darn cold. Good post, I m planning on taking a trip to Oklahoma, something in March.

Anonymous said...

Tom Delay is out on bail. They should have jailed the crook. he's a criminal now. he's convicted. what a loser.

Anonymous said...

Have you abandoned Harlingen? they need you over there, patrick. Only you can help us clean it up. Don't stay away too long. our police chief just resigned and there are still few jobs. Jump in.

Patrick Alcatraz said...

ANONYMOUS:...No, we have not left the RGVofTexas behind. We plan to return one of these days, just not yet. We have come to learn that, in the Valley, one crazy story always leads to another, so we expect to find ourselves back in the miasma when we do return... - Editor

Anonymous said...

Anon, give the editor a chance, even Jerry Deals leaves the Valley to re-energize the body.
Harlingen, is going no-where. The chief is gone as of the Feb. but controversy will persist.
I guess what goes around comes around. He got rid of his Assistant and now, he is gone, he will probably apply with ice, or tabc. That is where many of police officers go after serving in local police depts.
Mr. Editor, enjoy, your time off, but don't forget we expect you back in the Valley.

Anonymous said...

Tom Delay,will have plenty of felons to dance with, when he hits the slammer in Huntsville Tx. Maybe he spray the prison for roaches, that's what he use to do before he got into politics.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Jared Lee L. is laughing in the picture. The bald headed dude, must think he did a great deed.
What a loser, this is the kind of people Sara Palin attracks. Remember Joe the plumber, hadn't pay taxes and was behind on child support, and he became the darling of conservatives. I equate these people to radical Muslins.

Anonymous said...

what winter? where is it? Not here. Send it down to us.

Anonymous said...

Rush limbaugh is a nobody. he should shut the F up! Idiot. what a ridiculous thing to say. tyhis killer was reacting to the bulls#!t from the Right Wing! Even I get that.

Anonymous said...

Rush Limbaugh is nothing more than a loud mouth SOB, who speaks to nothing but hillbillies. I can't see how anyone takes him serious.
A druggie, who hides behind the microphone and speaks nothing but bullS$%^&t.

Anonymous said...

I liked that picture of the old abondoned house in the prarie, looks like somewhere in Montana. When I lived there, their were a lot of old homes like that one. Only in Montana their are hills and it gets really cold, bbbrrrrr!!! Yesserriiee, it gets super cold.

Anonymous said...

Maclovio Rodriguez, will be dancing with Tom Delay in the state farm. The idiot is complaining, the trial cost him $10.000.000 dollars. He should have thought about that when he was causing problems to other people, rut in jail, Tom.

Anonymous said...

How about, "18 yellow roses", an old song by Bobby Darin. Every dad should dedicate that song to their daughter.

Anonymous said...

Rick Perry and Rush Limbaugh are nothing but a pair of clowns, not funny ones either.