A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: It is the unspoken statistic, but it is as real as anything to do with the lingering U.S. war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. According to the military, 1,800 American servicemen have killed themselves since the initial invasion of Baghdad. That is in addition to the more than 4,000 who died in battle. This week, families of the soldiers who committed suicide asked President Barack Obama to change the government policy of not forwarding letters of appreciation to mothers and fathers of these servicemen. By week's end, the White House had reversed the policy and agreed that such letters are needed, as well... - Eduardo Paz-Martinez, Editor of The Tribune

Sunday, March 14, 2010

THE BIG FEAR: Law Enforcement Waits On Certain Mexican Attack...

Herald-Tribune Crime Writer

BROWNSVILLE, TX - Antsy law enforcement officials unwilling to face the Fear Card are nonetheless gearing-up for a terrorist attack from Mexican drug thugs, a source told this reporter late last night. "City cops here and in other towns of the Rio Grande Valley are scared as all-Hell," we were told during a conversation at a local hotel bar full of good-looking chicks. "They're scared like sonsabitches that something like the 14th Street bar strip here will be hit, with grenades and automatic rifle fire, or maybe the new, always crowded Entertainment District in McAllen."

It is the emboldened drug pushers currently warrring in the Mexican bordertowns along the Rio Grande that has SWAT teams on Red Alert, with communications between the South Texas towns now a top priority. But questions have surfaced surrounding the ability of the Texas outfits to fend-off the crazy, drug-fueled Mexicans, said our source.

"Imagine a collection of SUVs carrying these drug dealers armed to the teeth and circling our downtown district, just mowing our citizenry the f**k down," said the well-hipped female officer. "We're not ready, is all I have to say. We're not ready, and no one is worried about it. It will be our frickin' 9.11, a day no one will want to claim."

Police chiefs from Brownsville to Rio Grande City upriver have poo-poohed any assault from Mexico, saying the Mexican drug pushers would be stupid to mount an attack on the Valley. "They know we'd retaliate with full force," said one chief who asked that his name not be used in this story. "We have as many grenades as they do, as many rifles as they do, as many officers as they do. It wouldn't be pretty, and it would be bloody, but guess who would win - us!" Mayor Pat Ahumada is said to have his military uniform clean and ready. As the city's Commander-in-Chief, Ahumada would lead the local force, with County Judge Carlos Cascos at his side.

A contingency plan has RGV law enforcement agencies massing at the levees in a sort of Maginot Line, with officers set down only yards apart, their rifle barrels aimed at Mexico. One source said he expects some 25,000 Valley residents would be killed before the attack would be pushed back with aerial bombing and, flame-throwers and tank assaults.

"It could start with one grenade lobbed into a crowded bar," said our source as she sipped a Tom Collins while the house band played a song by Sting. "It could blow up into some sort of Chicanoe Armageddon..."

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LUCKY 7-7 said...

We will wait, and see the rest of the contestants, but our patience is running short. THIS EVENT HAS TO BE IN THE EVENT OF THE YEAR.

Patrick Alcatraz said...

Patience is a virtue. Hang tough. It'll come...- Editor

the River rat said...

Is your editor poking fun at the readiness of the local police?? or at their comments?? or both, after a few Coronitas at one of the cheap cantinas Brownsville is notorious for having, does anyone really care???